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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 15, 2006, 12:46am
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Gold Beach, OR
Posts: 3
NCAA rule question; forfeit game

Game Situation: Home Team 35 Visiting Team 0; 2:30 left in the game. Visiting Team with the ball, running clock out to get game over.
The Incendent:
B79 grabs ankle of A5 and does not let go. A5 tries to break loose the grip. Referee only sees A5 kicking, and throws flag for Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and ejects A5. A5 loses his temper, takes off his helmet, throws it to the ground. It bounces and hit Referee in the shin. A5 rushes and gets in Referee's face. Within two seconds, A5's teammates are inbetween Referee and A5, pushing him away. Two of A5's coaches enter the field, and escort A5 off the field. Referee ends game, and awards victory to Visiting team due to forfeit.

Now the question:
Does the offical have the right to call a game a forfeit in this situation under NCAA 2005 rules? If you know the answer, could you point me in the right direction of the Rule Book.

I have read the rules and can not find anything in NCAA rules that allows this. The best I can find is that the offical may suspend the game do to "extraordinary circumstances?"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 15, 2006, 08:44am
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Posts: 762
Just to be technical, the kicking by A5 is not considerend unsportsmanlike conduct. The kicking falls under the catergory of personal fouls. Throwing the helmet would be an unsportsmanlike. Now back to the question. The referee cannot forfeit any game under any circumstance. The most a referee can do is suspend the game and then the game managment handles the rest. This can be found in rule 3-3-3. In your play, I really don't even see where it would be neccesary to suspend the game, unless of course you had a major riot on your hands, but for simply the acts of A5, he'd just be ejected and the game would continue.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 15, 2006, 12:29pm
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Location: Gold Beach, OR
Posts: 3
So if I understand the rules you directed me to correctly the situation should be as follows:

Game is in a suspended state with home team leading 35-0, and 2:30 left in the fourth quarter. Then it is our league office ruling if the game should be continued from this point, declared final at 35-0, or if a forfeit should be declared?

And no, we didn't have a major riot on our hands, our other players on the field stepped between the Referee and A5 until the coaching staff and our largest player escorted A5 off the field. After the initial 2 seconds A5 was in the Ref's face, there was always at least one, if not more people physically restraining A5 for taking any other physical action.

BTW, thank you for the direction to the right rule.

Last edited by grimli; Mon May 15, 2006 at 12:33pm.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 15, 2006, 01:51pm
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 762
Originally Posted by grimli
So if I understand the rules you directed me to correctly the situation should be as follows:

Game is in a suspended state with home team leading 35-0, and 2:30 left in the fourth quarter. Then it is our league office ruling if the game should be continued from this point, declared final at 35-0, or if a forfeit should be declared?

That is correct. The league office now has to decide what to do. I'm not sure why the Referee suspended the game as I was not there, but perhaps he didn't feel safe being out there. I would think the best option would be to declare the game over with the final score remaining 35-0. I would also reccomend that whatever option is chosen by the league to make sure the public understands that this was a league choice and not the Referee's choice. I'd explain that the game was suspended etc, and the league has decided to...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 15, 2006, 02:20pm
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Location: Newport, KY
Posts: 176
NF Ruling

Under NF code (9-9) the R does have the rule support for any penalty he feels is equitable, up to awarding a score for unfair acts, repeated violations, or acts which make a travesty of the game. For repeated fouls which halve the distance to the goal, R can forfeit the game.

I don't believe this applies in this situation. Kicking would be the same as fighting, and would draw PF and DQ for A5. Throwing the helmet only compounds the yardage penalty. Since players and coaches tried to intervene to prevent further problems, I would not forfeit the game, unless a major fight broke out.

In KY, there is a running clock mercy rule which would allow for stopping the clock to clean up this mess, assess penalties, then wind it on the ready when play resumes.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 16, 2006, 10:57pm
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Gold Beach, OR
Posts: 3
We are in Oregon, and we use a similar mercy rule, with a running clock after 40 pts difference in score.

Now I've got to convince the league to not force a forfeit on us. The game film supports that it was the individual not the team that caused the problem.

I know the league is going to want overwhelming evidence because they are afraid of offending the officals. This is due to that, one team's behavior was so poor, that their local offical assocation WILL NOT officiate their games. The officals for that area now travel an hour to officate the games. This blackout is still in affect even though the original team that caused it as since folded, and a new team, with new management, different players has been reformed. So that is what I am going to be battling when the league has it's hearing on the situation.

So, my next question to the officals out there is this: How can we as a league, should that we respect the officals and their judgement, and still get the correct outcome of the game. I am afraid that unless I can provide a solution to the league that will not alienate the officals, they are going to rule the game a forfeit. While it is not the end of the world, this is my team's third year of existence. The first two years we went a combined 1-15. If we are granted this win, that puts us a 3-4, and playing our last game for a .500 record, a major goal for the market size of this team, and a major step in the building of our organization.

Some of my thoughts are as following:
A5 - Suspended one game for the ejection as league policy.
A5 - Then Suspended for one year for the Unsportsmanlike Conduct directed at the Referee.
A5 - To complete Anger Management course before reinstatement to the league
A5 - To volunteer as a youth offical before reinstatement to the league.

Any thoughts, ideas, comments?
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