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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 21, 2013, 04:57am
C'mon man!!
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 966
Bench is next to table.

This situation happened last year and I may face the same thing and have been thinking about it a lot.

Home team's bench set up proved to be challengin to our game. The 28 ft line or farthest spot from the endline for the coaching box is right smack in the middle of their bench. The bench actually was the front row of the bleachers which ran all the way to the scorer's table. (Not so for the visiting team as there is an aisle between their bench and the scorer's table. Home HC would stand up outside of the box but infront of his seat right next to the scorer's table, and would sometimes be leaning on the table. Visiting coach started to complain about it with 2 minutes left in the 4th corner. I tried to get the coach to either sit down or get back in the box, but he wanted to argue that because his bench was that close to the table he could be there as well. (I really didin't want to serve tome T this close to the end of the game without having had any issues before.

Coach did sit down and that was that but I have a high likelihood of being in that gym again this year. What are your thought on the layout and how to handle the coach in this situation. Thanks in advance.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 21, 2013, 07:25am
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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He needs to stay in the area of the bench that is inside the coach's box if he wants to stand up. Part of his bench being next to the table is no excuse.

It needs to be addressed by the crew to the coach before the game, not with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 21, 2013, 07:31am
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You're not going to want to be the lone-ranger on this, so raise it at an association meeting.

I would generally suggest, though, that the bench just be moved down and that they don't sit right next to the scorer's table. try to notice it during warmups -- and just get an assistant coach to move the head coach's stuff a few feet toward eh end-line.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 12:56am
C'mon man!!
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 966
Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
He needs to stay in the area of the bench that is inside the coach's box if he wants to stand up. Part of his bench being next to the table is no excuse.

It needs to be addressed by the crew to the coach before the game, not with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter.
Like I said, it hadn't been an issue until the fourth quarter and I will definately own up to the fact that I was still green and didn't even think to address or worry about it at the time. Agree about if your up your in the box, if you are down, you are on the bench.

Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
You're not going to want to be the lone-ranger on this, so raise it at an association meeting.

I would generally suggest, though, that the bench just be moved down and that they don't sit right next to the scorer's table. try to notice it during warmups -- and just get an assistant coach to move the head coach's stuff a few feet toward eh end-line.
Agree with bringing it up at an association meeting, especially as I know there is at least one other school that tries to pull the same thing. Looking through the rules under bench location it does say that it is determined by game management and from what I can tell there is no authority for me to move a bench's location except for safety reasons. Am I allowed to move a bench otherwise by rule?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 01:09am
C'mon man!!
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Posts: 966
Ideally, the bench should end at the 28 foot coaching box line to prevent this very situation, correct?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 01:55am
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Our association is insisting that the coaching box be marked on the floor prior to the start of the game.

If it isn't the coach can't stand.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 02:34am
C'mon man!!
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Posts: 966
The box was marked in this situation. The bench extended much further than the box towards the table though.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 04:19am
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
The box was marked in this situation. The bench extended much further than the box towards the table though.
The length of the bench is irrelevant. The Coach still only gets 14 feet.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 07:31am
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
Like I said, it hadn't been an issue until the fourth quarter and I will definately own up to the fact that I was still green and didn't even think to address or worry about it at the time. Agree about if your up your in the box, if you are down, you are on the bench.

Agree with bringing it up at an association meeting, especially as I know there is at least one other school that tries to pull the same thing. Looking through the rules under bench location it does say that it is determined by game management and from what I can tell there is no authority for me to move a bench's location except for safety reasons. Am I allowed to move a bench otherwise by rule?
No, you're not allowed to move the bench. You are allowed to tell the coach he only gets to stand within that box. He's welcome to sit on the bench, or stand within the box. If his seat is within both, he can rise and sit at his pleasure. If not, he must decide. You've got solid rule backing, although bob is right, you don't want to be the only guy enforcing this.

You've also learned that bench decorum is often best addressed before it becomes an issue.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 10:00am
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
The box was marked in this situation. The bench extended much further than the box towards the table though.
Originally Posted by constable View Post
The length of the bench is irrelevant. The Coach still only gets 14 feet.
Exactly. Sounds like he still had ample space along the bench to utilize the coach's box.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 10:02am
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
No, you're not allowed to move the bench. You are allowed to tell the coach he only gets to stand within that box. He's welcome to sit on the bench, or stand within the box. If his seat is within both, he can rise and sit at his pleasure. If not, he must decide. You've got solid rule backing, although bob is right, you don't want to be the only guy enforcing this.

You've also learned that bench decorum is often best addressed before it becomes an issue.
I don't agree with this philosophy in this situation. This guy is leaning on the scorer's table and basically standing at division line. I'm going to be the Lone Ranger is this case b/c it is not equitable to the visiting coach.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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