This isn't even hard. MN 3 is correct. The T starts the 4th quarter, don't use the AP for the throw-in.
The 3rd quarter ended when the ball became dead because the try has ended.
5-6-1 states "the quarter or extra period ends when the try or tap ends."
JR is correct that the act of shooting has not yet ended, since the player has not yet returned to the floor, but he is mistaken to believe that the act of shooting effects the end of the quarter. It has nothing to do with it.
4-40-4 very clearly tells us how a try ends, and in this case it has ended, so the 3rd quarter is over.
Now if you want a discussion consider: Can a non-intentionl, non-flagrant, non-technical foul be charged after the quarter has ended if the foul is by or on an airborne shooter?