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Old Fri Jan 10, 2003, 03:44pm
MN 3 Sport Ref MN 3 Sport Ref is offline
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Posts: 292
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
MN3, read Rule4-19-1--"A personal foul also includes contact by or on an airborne shooter when the ball is dead".
Also see Casebook play 4.19.6SitD--"The airborne shooter could be charged with an intentional or flagrant personal foul or with a technical foul".

These are all fouls that can happen before the play is over on your sitch.The horn doesn't end the quarter on a play when a shooter has let the shot go,but hasn't come down yet.
Again I agree w/ all you have said above but I still do not believe the airborne shooter status does apply as he is not fouling another player (PC before returning to the floor) or being fouled by another player in which the free throws WOULD be administered to end the 3rd quarter.
Read5.6 CommentB on p37 of the case book. It seems to support the throws being shot to start the 4th quarter (in my original sitch) as well
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