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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 26, 2010, 04:46pm
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Double Foul - 1) Common 2) Intentional...Results ?

Tuesday, Nov 23rd - Pre-Season NIT:

VCU vs. Tennessee @ MSG.

VCU has the ball out of bounds (along their front-court) along the sideline and is attempting to inbound the ball. As the ball is thrown into the backcourt a VCU player and a Tenn player arms are tangled up. The Tenn player's elbow raises up and hits the VCU player in the face - who then goes down.

Official correctly calls a 'double-foul' However, after reviewing the play on the monitor, they then issue an intentional foul on the Tenn player.

Here is what occurred: a) no foul shots and b) play resumed @ point of interruption with VCU taking the ball out of bounds again.

Since this is a NCAA code, maybe it is different, but I would have thought that with an 'intentional' foul that it would always warrant 2-free throws and the ball? Then again, since it was a double foul, maybe its just the 2-free throws and then return to 'point of interruption'?

I am throwing this out here for rulings on both codes: 1) NCAA and 2) NFHS?

Thanks and hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 26, 2010, 06:22pm
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by bd41flpk View Post
Tuesday, Nov 23rd - Pre-Season NIT:

VCU vs. Tennessee @ MSG.

VCU has the ball out of bounds (along their front-court) along the sideline and is attempting to inbound the ball. As the ball is thrown into the backcourt a VCU player and a Tenn player arms are tangled up. The Tenn player's elbow raises up and hits the VCU player in the face - who then goes down.

Official correctly calls a 'double-foul' However, after reviewing the play on the monitor, they then issue an intentional foul on the Tenn player.

Here is what occurred: a) no foul shots and b) play resumed @ point of interruption with VCU taking the ball out of bounds again.

Since this is a NCAA code, maybe it is different, but I would have thought that with an 'intentional' foul that it would always warrant 2-free throws and the ball? Then again, since it was a double foul, maybe its just the 2-free throws and then return to 'point of interruption'?

I am throwing this out here for rulings on both codes: 1) NCAA and 2) NFHS?

Thanks and hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
The penalty for a double foul always calls for no free throws and the ball put in play at the point of interruption. Since the play you described above meets the definition of a double personal foul, then no free throws and POI is least that's how I read it.
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Last edited by APG; Fri Nov 26, 2010 at 06:49pm. Reason: grammar
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 26, 2010, 06:47pm
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Interesting, in that bumping this to an intentional foul is meaningless in this case.
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