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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 25, 2010, 01:19pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 518
NCAA Dead Ball Contact Foul

Is the following play handled correctly? I am mostly interested in the ruling for NCAA Men but I also added NCAA Women and NFHS just to see how different they are and if they are correct? I want to make sure that my terminology and classification of fouls are correct too.


  1. B1 fouls A1 while shooting.
  2. A1 shoves B1 (not flagrantly).
  3. B1 says "Kiss my ***"
  4. Coach B yells "That call was horrible and you need glasses"

Ruling (NCAA Men)

  1. A1 shoots 2 FT.....Personal Foul charged to B1
  2. Any player or eligible sub for Team B shoots 2 FT.....Class A Contact Dead Ball Technical charged to A1
  3. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Class A Technical Foul charged to B1
  4. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Class A Technical Foul charged to Team A's Head Coach
Resuming Play: Team B's throw-in at the division line on either side of the court.
Ruling (NCAA Women)
  1. A1 shoots 2 FT.....Personal Foul charged to B1 **After the Technical FT are shot
  2. No FT.....Direct Technical charged to A1
  3. No FT.....Direct Technical charged to B1
  4. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Direct Technical charged to Team A's Coach
Resuming Play: POI - A1 shooting 2 FT with everyone on the lane. * #2 and #3 is a Double Technical (which offsets)
Ruling (NFHS)
  1. A1 shoots 2 FT.....Personal Foul charged to B1
  2. No FT.....Direct Technical charged to A1
  3. No FT.....Direct Technical charged to B1
  4. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Direct Technical charged to Team A's Coach
Resuming Play: Team A's throw-in at the division line opposite the table * #2 and #3 is a Double Technical (which offsets)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 25, 2010, 01:53pm
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 156
Originally Posted by All_Heart View Post
Is the following play handled correctly? I am mostly interested in the ruling for NCAA Men but I also added NCAA Women and NFHS just to see how different they are and if they are correct? I want to make sure that my terminology and classification of fouls are correct too.


  1. B1 fouls A1 while shooting.
  2. A1 shoves B1 (not flagrantly).
  3. B1 says "Kiss my ***"
  4. Coach B yells "That call was horrible and you need glasses"
And since you've got the NCAA / NFHS stuff I figured I give you the FIBA rulings as well...

  1. B1 fouls A1 while shooting. A1 is awarded 2 Free Throws (assuming a 2-point FG attempt that missed).
  2. A1 shoves B1 (not flagrantly). A1 is assessed a Unsportsmanlike Foul. B1 is awarded 2 FT + Team B possession at the division line.
  3. B1 says "Kiss my ***" B1 is assessed a Technical Foul. Team A awarded 2FT + possession at the division line.
  4. Coach B yells "That call was horrible and you need glasses" Coach B is assessed a Technical Foul. Team A awarded 2FT + possession at the division line.

FIBA tells us to offset penalties of equal weight & in the order of occurance therefore the A1 Unsportmanlike and the B1 Technical are recorded but the penalties cancel each other. The resulting administration of FT would be:

- A1 shoots theirs for the 1st foul with the lanes cleared (assume 2 FT for a missed 2 point try)
- Any Team A player shoots 2 FT for the Coach B Technical.
- Team A then gets possession of the ball at the division line for the ensuing throw-in to resume play.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 25, 2010, 07:12pm
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 518
That's cool now we have FIBA

Now I need some of the Men's College experts to come out of the wood works and verify that the below ruling is right. Because the difference from NFHS, Women's College and FIBA is that the 2 player technicals are not offsetting. We end up shooting 8 free throws instead of 4! And we have to go to one side to shoot 2 FT, then go to the other side shoot 2 FT, then go back to the other side and shoot 4 FT!
And even though Team B did 3 things illegal, Team B will get the throw-in to resume play!

Ruling (NCAA Men)
  1. A1 shoots 2 FT.....Personal Foul charged to B1
  2. Any player or eligible sub for Team B shoots 2 FT.....Class A Contact Dead Ball Technical charged to A1
  3. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Class A Technical Foul charged to B1
  4. Any player or eligible sub for Team A shoots 2 FT.....Class A Technical Foul charged to Team B's Head Coach
Resuming Play: Team B's throw-in at the division line on either side of the court.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 25, 2010, 10:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,010
For NCAA Men, I believe that the 2 FTs for the intentional technical for dead ball contact would be administered last, and I believe that the 4 FTs for two Ts against Team B would be attempted first as they are POI.

So my order is:
1. Any player for Team A attempts 2 FTs for B1's unsporting T.
2. Any player for Team A attempts 2 FTs for Coach B's unsporting T.
3. A1 attempts 2 FTs for the personal foul by B1.
4. Any player for Team B attempts 2 FTs for the intentional technical foul by A1.
5. Ball awarded to Team B at the division line.
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