Originally Posted by All_Heart
Is the following play handled correctly? I am mostly interested in the ruling for NCAA Men but I also added NCAA Women and NFHS just to see how different they are and if they are correct? I want to make sure that my terminology and classification of fouls are correct too.
- B1 fouls A1 while shooting.
- A1 shoves B1 (not flagrantly).
- B1 says "Kiss my ***"
- Coach B yells "That call was horrible and you need glasses"
And since you've got the NCAA / NFHS stuff I figured I give you the FIBA rulings as well...
FIBA- B1 fouls A1 while shooting. A1 is awarded 2 Free Throws (assuming a 2-point FG attempt that missed).
- A1 shoves B1 (not flagrantly). A1 is assessed a Unsportsmanlike Foul. B1 is awarded 2 FT + Team B possession at the division line.
- B1 says "Kiss my ***" B1 is assessed a Technical Foul. Team A awarded 2FT + possession at the division line.
- Coach B yells "That call was horrible and you need glasses" Coach B is assessed a Technical Foul. Team A awarded 2FT + possession at the division line.
FIBA tells us to offset penalties of equal weight & in the order of occurance therefore the A1 Unsportmanlike and the B1 Technical are recorded but the penalties cancel each other. The resulting administration of FT would be:
- A1 shoots theirs for the 1st foul with the lanes cleared (assume 2 FT for a missed 2 point try)
- Any Team A player shoots 2 FT for the Coach B Technical.
- Team A then gets possession of the ball at the division line for the ensuing throw-in to resume play.