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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 07:06pm
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Technical Foul--Overtime

After our game last night, my partner tells me a story about a game he was at last week. He said he wasn't working the game, just watching.

Team B hits a shot at the buzzer to tie the game at the end of regulation. Team A's coach doesn't agree with the officials' decision to count the basket, and eventually earns a technical foul.

Here's where my question lies. He told me the officials administered the penalty to begin overtime, instead of the jump ball.

Was this the correct way to handle it? Or should they have put Team B on the line with two chances to end the game?

The only relevant case play I could find deals with a tech at halftime, not at the end of the game. It said the third quarter would begin with the administration of the technical foul penalty (10.4.1 B)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 07:50pm
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Correct. Once the ball became dead with the shot entering the basket, the score was tied and the 4th period had come to an end with an OT pending. Anything that happened after the ball became dead will be part of OT.

The only time action that occurs after the horn/dead ball will be part of the 4th quarter will be if it is necessary to determine if there will be an OT (score not already tied but could be with the FTs).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 08:06pm
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
Team B hits a shot at the buzzer to tie the game at the end of regulation. Team A's coach doesn't agree with the officials' decision to count the basket, and eventually earns a technical foul.

Here's where my question lies. He told me the officials administered the penalty to begin overtime, instead of the jump ball.

Was this the correct way to handle it?
Handled correctly. See case book play 5.6COMMENT B
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 08:06pm
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Correct. Once the ball became dead with the shot entering the basket, the score was tied and the 4th period had come to an end with an OT pending. Anything that happened after the ball became dead will be part of OT.

The only time action that occurs after the horn/dead ball will be part of the 4th quarter will be if it is necessary to determine if there will be an OT (score not already tied but could be with the FTs).
Ya I was remembering something to that effect. Couldn't remember if I read it on here or not. Is there an old case play that might apply?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 08:19pm
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
. Is there an old case play that might apply?
See above.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 08:29pm
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Thanks JR. I wonder, though, why the discrepancy? In one scenario (score not tied, but outcome pending on the free throws), we attempt free throws before going to overtime. In the other (score tied at the end of regulation), we start overtime with free throws.

Does anyone know the reasoning behind this?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 15, 2010, 09:00pm
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
Thanks JR. I wonder, though, why the discrepancy? In one scenario (score not tied, but outcome pending on the free throws), we attempt free throws before going to overtime. In the other (score tied at the end of regulation), we start overtime with free throws.

Does anyone know the reasoning behind this?
Because as soon as the last period ends with a tie score, overtime starts. When the last period ends without a tie score, overtime does not start.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 11:55am
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Technical-Overtime-Jump Ball

Was watching a varsity game Friday night, 2-5-2010. Score was 49-48 with .4 left. Team A was at the foul line for 2. Both shots were made putting Team A up by 1, 50-49. After the second free throw, Team A's bench celebrates prematurely and several players on the bench come running onto the floor. Game is still not over. The official nearest the play clearly sees the bench players and does nothing except ignore it. Team B inbounds the ball and their desperation shot misses. The coach of Team B comes onto the floor and tells the other ref that Team A's bench should get a technical. Now keep in mind, the buzzer has sounded and neither ref has signaled anything other than the game was over. It appears that Team has won. After the coach of Team B talks to the ref he waves his partner over who is on the baseline waiting for him. She believes the game is over and was waiting for him so they can go to the locker room. She goes over, they have a discussion and she issues a technical foul. Team B makes 1 of 2 free throws and games goes into overtime. The overtime started with a jump ball. Is this correct? Or should Team B had the ball to start the extra period with the possession arrow pointed towards Team A?
While the bench of Team A clearly were on the floor, the officials handled it wrong. A technical should've been called immediately. Team B should've shot 2 free throws and had the ball at half court with .4 left. The bench players came onto the floor before the ball was inbounded so no time should have elapsed (had the technical been called promptly)
The official closest to the play called nothing. She actually took her whistle off and was standing in the doorway on the baseline waiting for her partner to join her. In her mind, the game was over. The official at the other end of the floor let the coach talk him into getting his partner to call a technical. Again, Team A's bench was silly to do what they did. However, the handling of the situation was done very poorly. If the official closest to the play didn't call it, why would the other official who likely didn't see it then talk her into making the call.
Team B went on to win in double overtime.
Thoughts anyone?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 12:06pm
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Originally Posted by steppe22 View Post
Was watching a varsity game Friday night, 2-5-2010. Score was 49-48 with .4 left. Team A was at the foul line for 2. Both shots were made putting Team A up by 1, 50-49. After the second free throw, Team A's bench celebrates prematurely and several players on the bench come running onto the floor. Game is still not over. The official nearest the play clearly sees the bench players and does nothing except ignore it. Team B inbounds the ball and their desperation shot misses. The coach of Team B comes onto the floor and tells the other ref that Team A's bench should get a technical. Now keep in mind, the buzzer has sounded and neither ref has signaled anything other than the game was over. It appears that Team has won. After the coach of Team B talks to the ref he waves his partner over who is on the baseline waiting for him. She believes the game is over and was waiting for him so they can go to the locker room. She goes over, they have a discussion and she issues a technical foul. Team B makes 1 of 2 free throws and games goes into overtime. The overtime started with a jump ball. Is this correct? Or should Team B had the ball to start the extra period with the possession arrow pointed towards Team A?
While the bench of Team A clearly were on the floor, the officials handled it wrong. A technical should've been called immediately. Team B should've shot 2 free throws and had the ball at half court with .4 left. The bench players came onto the floor before the ball was inbounded so no time should have elapsed (had the technical been called promptly)
The official closest to the play called nothing. She actually took her whistle off and was standing in the doorway on the baseline waiting for her partner to join her. In her mind, the game was over. The official at the other end of the floor let the coach talk him into getting his partner to call a technical. Again, Team A's bench was silly to do what they did. However, the handling of the situation was done very poorly. If the official closest to the play didn't call it, why would the other official who likely didn't see it then talk her into making the call.
Team B went on to win in double overtime.
Thoughts anyone?
I would say this was handled very poorly! First off, it's not correctable. Second, if the technical wasn't called when the violation occurred, you can't go back and enforce it after the game has ended....
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 12:20pm
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Originally Posted by sallender View Post
I would say this was handled very poorly! First off, it's not correctable. Second, if the technical wasn't called when the violation occurred, you can't go back and enforce it after the game has ended....
Other than that, they got it right. Jump ball to start the OT.

How far did they come onto the court? Here are the mistakes I see here.

1. The nearer official should have probably called this when she saw it, giving B two shots and the ball at half court with .4 seconds remaining.

2. The farther official should have gotten his butt off the court when the horn sounded.

3. The farther official should have simply ignored the coach's request for a retroactive T.

4. This is what it boils down to, though, A should not have come off their bench; they deserved what they got.

5. B coach now has the impression that he can work these two officials, and he's right.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 01:06pm
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Originally Posted by steppe22 View Post
Was watching a varsity game Friday night, 2-5-2010. Score was 49-48 with .4 left. Team A was at the foul line for 2. Both shots were made putting Team A up by 1, 50-49. After the second free throw, Team A's bench celebrates prematurely and several players on the bench come running onto the floor. Game is still not over. The official nearest the play clearly sees the bench players and does nothing except ignore it. Team B inbounds the ball and their desperation shot misses. The coach of Team B comes onto the floor and tells the other ref that Team A's bench should get a technical. Now keep in mind, the buzzer has sounded and neither ref has signaled anything other than the game was over. It appears that Team has won. After the coach of Team B talks to the ref he waves his partner over who is on the baseline waiting for him. She believes the game is over and was waiting for him so they can go to the locker room. She goes over, they have a discussion and she issues a technical foul. Team B makes 1 of 2 free throws and games goes into overtime. The overtime started with a jump ball. Is this correct? Or should Team B had the ball to start the extra period with the possession arrow pointed towards Team A?
While the bench of Team A clearly were on the floor, the officials handled it wrong. A technical should've been called immediately. Team B should've shot 2 free throws and had the ball at half court with .4 left. The bench players came onto the floor before the ball was inbounded so no time should have elapsed (had the technical been called promptly)
The official closest to the play called nothing. She actually took her whistle off and was standing in the doorway on the baseline waiting for her partner to join her. In her mind, the game was over. The official at the other end of the floor let the coach talk him into getting his partner to call a technical. Again, Team A's bench was silly to do what they did. However, the handling of the situation was done very poorly. If the official closest to the play didn't call it, why would the other official who likely didn't see it then talk her into making the call.
Team B went on to win in double overtime.
Thoughts anyone?
along a similar

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 01:35pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Other than that, they got it right. Jump ball to start the OT.

How far did they come onto the court? Here are the mistakes I see here.

1. The nearer official should have probably called this when she saw it, giving B two shots and the ball at half court with .4 seconds remaining.
Or, get the A team off the court and resume play. Especially if they were only on a couple of feet.

Or, be pro-active and remind an assistant to keep his team off the court until after B has inbounded the ball (and the clock expires)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 02:38pm
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They were more than a few feet on the floor. Half the bench and one of the assistant coaches came off the bench. I read the link that SAJ provided about a similar situation. Some refs agreed in calling the technical and others didn't. I believe in using common sense, however, what Team A did was a technical according to the rulebook. I have no problem that it was called but in which the manner that it happened. You call it right after it happened not as one person said earlier "retroactively." It was a hard pill to swallow for Team A but it was their own fault.
There is video of the entire game. Here is the link:
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Lake Oswego | Lakeridge High School Videos |

the incident occurs at 1:31:43

watch the video and decide for yourself.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 04:54pm
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Originally Posted by steppe22 View Post
watch the video and decide for yourself.
Why? Is there something you left out of the situation? I'm not going to watch 90 minutes of video just so I can second guess the officials on the court.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 07, 2010, 05:05pm
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I watched the part in question, and I think the officials got the right call, but they really reached it in a roundabout way. .4 left, and half the bench ran out in the middle of the floor immediately after the last free throw. They have no complaint.

But, apparently the coach prompted one official, who in turn, questioned/prompted the other before the call was reached.

Apparently the first official somehow didn't see the extra players on the floor?
If this was the case, it is questionable how he was drawn into enough of a conversation after the horn to even know what she was complaining about.
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