Technical-Overtime-Jump Ball
Was watching a varsity game Friday night, 2-5-2010. Score was 49-48 with .4 left. Team A was at the foul line for 2. Both shots were made putting Team A up by 1, 50-49. After the second free throw, Team A's bench celebrates prematurely and several players on the bench come running onto the floor. Game is still not over. The official nearest the play clearly sees the bench players and does nothing except ignore it. Team B inbounds the ball and their desperation shot misses. The coach of Team B comes onto the floor and tells the other ref that Team A's bench should get a technical. Now keep in mind, the buzzer has sounded and neither ref has signaled anything other than the game was over. It appears that Team has won. After the coach of Team B talks to the ref he waves his partner over who is on the baseline waiting for him. She believes the game is over and was waiting for him so they can go to the locker room. She goes over, they have a discussion and she issues a technical foul. Team B makes 1 of 2 free throws and games goes into overtime. The overtime started with a jump ball. Is this correct? Or should Team B had the ball to start the extra period with the possession arrow pointed towards Team A?
While the bench of Team A clearly were on the floor, the officials handled it wrong. A technical should've been called immediately. Team B should've shot 2 free throws and had the ball at half court with .4 left. The bench players came onto the floor before the ball was inbounded so no time should have elapsed (had the technical been called promptly)
The official closest to the play called nothing. She actually took her whistle off and was standing in the doorway on the baseline waiting for her partner to join her. In her mind, the game was over. The official at the other end of the floor let the coach talk him into getting his partner to call a technical. Again, Team A's bench was silly to do what they did. However, the handling of the situation was done very poorly. If the official closest to the play didn't call it, why would the other official who likely didn't see it then talk her into making the call.
Team B went on to win in double overtime.
Thoughts anyone?