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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 23, 2008, 07:31pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
But only the FT shooter is allowed to replace a starter and enter. Subs from both teams can't freely come in at that time after the T. They are still required to wait by a rule. The T only grants an exception to the one sub who is attempting the first FT (and maybe the 2nd).
Show me ANYTHING that remotely supports that. Once the T is called, the game has already started...a foul is recorded in the book. The definition of a "starter" is no longer relevant.

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
The situation is similar here. There is a rule that places a restriction on all substitutes who don't report prior to the warning horn. They now cannot enter until the next substitution opportunity. The T would allow ONE player to be replaced by an exception and only if that entering sub is attempting that first FT.

The place where we lack clarity is what exactly constitutes the next substitution opportunity.

Once the timeout is over and another infraction is called, the ball is now dead not because of the timeout but because of the infraction. In this case, it is a violation. There is no violation that I know of where subs can't enter the game. Once the violation is "called", it will be as if the timeout never occured.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
PS It is silly to state that I am making stuff up because you don't have any clear rules support for your position that "every new infraction creates a new point for substitution" either.
Remeber the concept that if something is not detailed as illegal, that it is legal. I don't recall ever seeing anything saying a sub can't come in after a violation.

The substitution rule is obviously written assuming that there are no complicating situations....nothing unusual has occured.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 24, 2008, 08:44am
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Show me ANYTHING that remotely supports that. Once the T is called, the game has already started...a foul is recorded in the book. The definition of a "starter" is no longer relevant.
That is wrong, and I can prove it by quoting a rule for you as you have asked. The game begins when the ball first becomes live and that is required before either team can be granted a time-out.

Rule 6
ART. 1 . . .
The game and each extra period begins when the ball becomes live
as specified in 6-1-2 for a jump ball, throw-in or free throw.

5-12-4. . .
A time-out shall not be granted until after the ball has become live
to start the game.

Sorry, but a team cannot substitute freely prior to the first FT attempt awarded for a pregame technical, and the starting line-up definitely still matters. Otherwise rule 3-2-2a would not say " attempt a technical-foul free throw."

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Once the timeout is over and another infraction is called, the ball is now dead not because of the timeout but because of the infraction. In this case, it is a violation. There is no violation that I know of where subs can't enter the game. Once the violation is "called", it will be as if the timeout never occured.
The ball remains dead following the time-out until it becomes live. Anything that happens during that same dead ball period doesn't change it to another dead ball period. There are a couple of things which can happen that will cause another timed interval and reset the sub restrictions, and we've already mentioned those--another time-out, an injury situation, or an unusual delay. The bottom line is that the dead ball remains a dead ball until it becomes live. That's simple.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Remeber the concept that if something is not detailed as illegal, that it is legal. I don't recall ever seeing anything saying a sub can't come in after a violation.

The substitution rule is obviously written assuming that there are no complicating situations....nothing unusual has occured.
The concept is fine, but in this case we have a rule prohibiting entry. The sub failed to report prior to the warning horn during the time-out. I see nothing that lifts that restriction during this dead ball period. Furthermore, a team warning for delay isn't a violation. It's just an administrative procedure. Says so in the definition provided in 4-47. In fact, only one of the four reasons for such a warning is a violation.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 24, 2008, 05:20pm
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Join Date: Aug 1999
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
That is wrong, and I can prove it by quoting a rule for you as you have asked. The game begins when the ball first becomes live and that is required before either team can be granted a time-out.

Rule 6

ART. 1 . . .
The game and each extra period begins when the ball becomes live

as specified in 6-1-2 for a jump ball, throw-in or free throw.

5-12-4. . .

A time-out shall not be granted until after the ball has become live

to start the game.

Sorry, but a team cannot substitute freely prior to the first FT attempt awarded for a pregame technical, and the starting line-up definitely still matters. Otherwise rule 3-2-2a would not say " attempt a technical-foul free throw."
Concede the point about the game not "starting" by the literal reading of the rule. But, if that were really true, you couldn't have a foul before the game starts. So, there are really two points at which the game "starts". We may not technically call it a "start" but the contest has begun if penalties can be levied.

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post

The ball remains dead following the time-out until it becomes live. Anything that happens during that same dead ball period doesn't change it to another dead ball period. There are a couple of things which can happen that will cause another timed interval and reset the sub restrictions, and we've already mentioned those--another time-out, an injury situation, or an unusual delay. The bottom line is that the dead ball remains a dead ball until it becomes live. That's simple.
Its only about the last thing to occur...administering things in the order in which they occur. No one is saying a dead ball is a live ball in any form...not sure where you're going with that. An opportunity to sub never requires a live ball to have occurred. If there is an infraction after the timeout, the infraction and anything that goes with it is all that would if the timeout never happened.

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post

The concept is fine, but in this case we have a rule prohibiting entry. The sub failed to report prior to the warning horn during the time-out. I see nothing that lifts that restriction during this dead ball period. Furthermore, a team warning for delay isn't a violation. It's just an administrative procedure. Says so in the definition provided in 4-47. In fact, only one of the four reasons for such a warning is a violation.
We have a rule prohibiting entry if the report is during the last 15 seconds of a timeout. But that restriction ends at some point. And that point is when, after the timeout has ended, the next dead ball (after a live ball) or infraction occurs (even if the ball doesn't become live). It is no longer after a timeout...but after an infraction.

The delay warning is not just an administrative procedure, it is an infraction that is administered. If it were not an infraction, there would be nothing to adminster or record in the book.

It's pretty simple...what was the LAST event in the game. If it was the timeout, then the restriction still applies (but not all the time). If the last even in the game is not a timeout, then the restrictions are no longer in effect.
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Commissioner, Portland Basketball Officials Association

Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Dec 24, 2008 at 05:23pm.
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