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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 01:42am
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
2. Change 5-9-3 to read as follows: "Grants a player's oral or visual or a head coach's visual request for a time out..."
Hate this.

So, after a made free throw a coach turns to me and says, "Time out!" and I ignore his request because he is not signaling with his hands?

No... *I* wouldn't do it, but I bet some officials would! (We have officials that won't even grant a coach's "Time out on the make" request because they get so buried in the rule book they force him to request the TO again after the FT is made)

Are a lot of you having problems with coaches calling timeout? I generally have not -- and there have been times when the coach calls timeout when NONE of his players do in a certain game situation.

Now, with the coach being able to call timeout, they have to understand that we cannot always hear or see them during play... That is just part of the game. Also, they should stop naming plays "Five out", etc.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 01:43am
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[QUOTE=Texas Aggie]

4. Require a technical foul to start the game against the ACTUAL home team for all gyms that are not properly marked with a coaching box -- tournaments excluded./QUOTE]

This is something that is a state issue, not a FED issue
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 12:41pm
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
I like the NCAA FT.

TC on throw-ins.

Make failing to enter after legally being OOB a violation instead of a T.

One mechanic change would be making the fist the signal for all "offensive" control fouls...TC and PC.
Except for the NCAA FT item (which I have no opinion on), I agree 100% with the rest.....for that matter, merge TC and PC into one foul....a foul commited by a player on the team in control (which includes the player in control) or by an airborne shooter.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 12:41pm
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Originally Posted by Ref in PA

A player from the team not in control may legally jump from his/her frontcourt, secure the ball with both feet off the floor and return to the floor with one or both feet in the backcourt. The player may make a normal landing and it makes no difference whether the first foot down is in the frontcourt or backcourt.

Eliminated “(defensive player or during a jump ball or throw-in)” from rule. This would also change the questionable interpretations on the NFHS website (6 and 7).


Change interpretation 10 from NFHS website to be NOT a violation. Ruling, The Catch/Touch by A2 in the backcourt is valid since B1 was the last to touch the ball.

If NFHS allows this interpretation to remain unchanged, Then: A1 is dribbling in his backcourt 5 feet from the division line. B1 dives from A’s frontcourt and while airborne taps the ball off of A1’s leg. Ruling: Team A has committed a backcourt violation. Yuck!
Absolutely....makes the most sense. Cleans up some very odd corner cases in an already complicated rule.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 12:46pm
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
1. One of: either eliminate the 1 and 1 and go with 2 shots at 7 fouls and 2 shots plus the ball at 10 fouls, OR, allow an option to decline free throws and take the ball out of bounds for any (or non-shooting fouls) fouls where free throws are awarded.

2. Mandate that a coach must use a visual timeout signal and/or have the coach only call timeout during a stop in play.

3. 2 halves instead of 4 quarters.

4. Require a technical foul to start the game against the ACTUAL home team for all gyms that are not properly marked with a coaching box -- tournaments excluded.

5. Go back to allowing lane restrictions to end on a free throw on the release. Current rule is difficult to enforce and isn't being enforced uniformly. the "option" long do you give the coach/team time to decide?

#2...will not happen...coaches like the rule as it is

#3...Why? Not broke, don't fix what if it cuts 3 minutes out of a game (2 x 1 min./intermission + some slop time)...that only benefits the refs...and that's not a good enough reason to change.


#5...You think the current situation is hard to enforce and is not being enforced uniformly? That was exactly the reason they changed to what we have!!! Two parts....the ball hitting the backboard/rim is a very clear and obvious point in time....the player releasing the ball is not (each player's style is slightly different and timing the entry was irregular). Also, players were shoving and pushing each other around while the ball was in the air and officials were not enforcing it uniformly (if at all). They changed it to clean up rough play.
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Commissioner, Portland Basketball Officials Association

Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Jan 16, 2008 at 12:48pm.
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 12:57pm
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I think we should adopt the women's college mechanic for dealing with the dreaded "blarge". I didn't have an opinion on this until last night.

As far as uniform stuff, let's make it all legal, or all illegal. The way uniform regulations are written now and especially our state adapations are written aren't any fun. Let us officials have to worry about playing the game of basketball, not dressing kids.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 04:10pm
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Originally Posted by Junker
I think we should adopt the women's college mechanic for dealing with the dreaded "blarge". I didn't have an opinion on this until last night.

As far as uniform stuff, let's make it all legal, or all illegal. The way uniform regulations are written now and especially our state adapations are written aren't any fun. Let us officials have to worry about playing the game of basketball, not dressing kids.

Home players must wear white Chuck Taylors. Visitors must wear black Chuck Taylors.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 04:34pm
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Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
Home players must wear white Chuck Taylors. Visitors must wear black Chuck Taylors.
Good old Chuck Taylors.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 07:45pm
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My Opinion

ChuckElias: Sorry, I'm not going to rewrite the rule book for your committee, but I will give you my opinion on some rule changes:

1) Go back to when coaches couldn't request time outs.
2) Add team control during a throwin, with some back court exceptions.
3) Coin toss to start game. Since they did away with all the jump balls many, many years ago, I know that I, and I'm sure some of my colleagues, don't spend as much time understanding the jump ball rules as we use to, and don't practice the the mechanics of how to toss a ggood jump ball.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 16, 2008, 10:35pm
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Rules I'd like to see

1. Instead of coaches getting the seatbelt for a T, they should have their feet shackled together. Sideline privileges are retained.
2. After 5 personal fouls, players may remain in the game but must wear their underwear outside their uniforms.
3. All assistant coaches, regardless of number, must hold hands on the bench. When one stands, they all must stand. When he/she sits, they all must sit.
4. All players must wear wrestling singlets so we don't have to remind them to tuck in anything.
5. On free throws, just let all non shooters start in the lane and allow full contact.
6. Refs are allowed to flip off any fans that mouth off.
7. Refs are allowed to reply to a coaches comment of, "you suck!" with, "No, you suck!"

These are just a few that I'd personally like to see.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:36am
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
3) Coin toss to start game.
Ugh! Only if the host school supplies the coin.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:44am
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust the "option" long do you give the coach/team time to decide?
Immediately comes to mind.

#2...will not happen...coaches like the rule as it is
I'm not sure that's accurate. I have heard a lot of coaches ask me for how best to call a timeout and when I suggest a visual signal be added to the rules, the response has ranged from nothing to "yeah, that might work better." Some coaches haven't received timeouts they asked for and were charged timeouts when they actually said things like "five out."

#3...Why? Not broke, don't fix what if it cuts 3 minutes out of a game (2 x 1 min./intermission + some slop time)...that only benefits the refs...and that's not a good enough reason to change.
The "if its not broke" mentality would lead us back to the days of no three point shot and no team control fouls. We would only have 2 potential last second shots and with each team being given a timeout to use at their discretion, they can take it when it benefits them, and not on a specific schedule. Plus, the game flows better. We use 16 minutes halves in most summer leagues and camps around here, so I speak from some experience.

#5...You think the current situation is hard to enforce and is not being enforced uniformly? That was exactly the reason they changed to what we have!!! Two parts....the ball hitting the backboard/rim is a very clear and obvious point in time....the player releasing the ball is not (each player's style is slightly different and timing the entry was irregular). Also, players were shoving and pushing each other around while the ball was in the air and officials were not enforcing it uniformly (if at all). They changed it to clean up rough play.
I've officiated under both systems (in high school), and I like the former system MUCH better. I never had any problem with releases and it is much easier for the lead official in particular to call. Its easier for both the trail and lead (or C and lead) to enforce the release as its all at eye level. Can you really tell me that you are good enough to see both the rim and the players from a reasonable distance? I'm not and I've been doing this a long time. Plus, I have EXTRAORDINARY ranges of vision -- both top to bottom and peripheral. A lot of that is from past training and I'm quite sure it isn't unique to me by any stretch. I add it only for reference.

You talk about not being broke. The former lane restrictions weren't broke. I was amazed when they changed the rule. I can't remember ever getting more than a quick comment from a coach about a possible lane violation. Now I hear such protests a dozen times a year, at minimum. As far as shoving, are you seriously suggesting there's little or no contact NOW? It just comes at a different time. Plus, that's why we have the rules on fouls and in my view, these are fairly easy calls to make.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:47am
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Are a lot of you having problems with coaches calling timeout?
Yes, particularly in games with only 2 officials. I still have some of those.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:48am
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Originally Posted by lmeadski
1. Instead of coaches getting the seatbelt for a T, they should have their feet shackled together. Sideline privileges are retained.
2. After 5 personal fouls, players may remain in the game but must wear their underwear outside their uniforms.
3. All assistant coaches, regardless of number, must hold hands on the bench. When one stands, they all must stand. When he/she sits, they all must sit.
4. All players must wear wrestling singlets so we don't have to remind them to tuck in anything.
5. On free throws, just let all non shooters start in the lane and allow full contact.
6. Refs are allowed to flip off any fans that mouth off.
7. Refs are allowed to reply to a coaches comment of, "you suck!" with, "No, you suck!"

These are just a few that I'd personally like to see.
Hee, hee, heee....
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 17, 2008, 12:57am
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Originally Posted by Brad
Are a lot of you having problems with coaches calling timeout? I generally have not -- and there have been times when the coach calls timeout when NONE of his players do in a certain game situation.
Had a coach last night get a bit frustrated. Then again, I'd just tuned him out since he seemed to have a comment or question on about 75% of the plays. He had to yell it at me, and by the time I heard him the ball was closer to the base line; he didn't check on the throwin spot before setting up his play, and had a sideline play ready for the kids.
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