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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 05:32pm
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NFHS Survey

Just got the e-mail that it had been posted. So I went over and took it really quick.

As always, I post the "Would you favor" questions, here they are this year. If you want to take the survey you've got to be a NFHS member and can do so by logging in at

Would you favor:

1. Playing the game in 16-minute halves by state association adoption.

2. Playing the game in 18-minute halves by state association adoption.

3. Permitting a shot clock by state association adoption.

4. During a free throw, moving all players up one space and leaving the two marked lane spaces closest to the end line vacant (currently spaces nearest the shooter are vacant).

5. After shooting the free throws for a technical foul, putting the ball in play at the point of interruption (currently the ball is awarded to the offended team at half court).

6. Changing to a 20-second interval for replacement of a disqualified player (currently 30-seconds).

7. Adding a fifth delay warning for a team huddling at the sideline during the disqualified player replacement interval.

8. Stopping the game clock after a successful goal when there is less than one minute remaining in the fourth quarter (or any overtime) and restarting the game clock when the ball is touched inbounds.

9. During state championship contests, permitting game officials to use courtside replay equipment to determine if a try for field goal at or near the expiration of time should be counted, and if counted, determine its value, by state association adoption.

No greys or side-panel shirt adoption questions. I was really banking on the side-panel shirt question since we had the grey question last year. Oh well...maybe next year, right M&M
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 05:39pm
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By the way, I answered "yes" to only one of these questions.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 05:42pm
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Don't the "side panel" shirts already meet the requirements?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 05:45pm
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Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes
Don't the "side panel" shirts already meet the requirements?
I seem to think so, but some states (including mine) don't think so.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 06:27pm
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Yes to #4, no to all the others.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 06:53pm
Aleve Titles to Others
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Where is it on the site? Can you post that link? I joined, but cannot seem to find the questionnaire. Thanks.
Never hit a piñata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 07:14pm
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Originally Posted by tjones1
Just got the e-mail that it had been posted. So I went over and took it really quick.

As always, I post the "Would you favor" questions, here they are this year. If you want to take the survey you've got to be a NFHS member and can do so by logging in at

Would you favor:

1. Playing the game in 16-minute halves by state association adoption.

2. Playing the game in 18-minute halves by state association adoption.

3. Permitting a shot clock by state association adoption.

4. During a free throw, moving all players up one space and leaving the two marked lane spaces closest to the end line vacant (currently spaces nearest the shooter are vacant).

5. After shooting the free throws for a technical foul, putting the ball in play at the point of interruption (currently the ball is awarded to the offended team at half court).

6. Changing to a 20-second interval for replacement of a disqualified player (currently 30-seconds).

7. Adding a fifth delay warning for a team huddling at the sideline during the disqualified player replacement interval.

8. Stopping the game clock after a successful goal when there is less than one minute remaining in the fourth quarter (or any overtime) and restarting the game clock when the ball is touched inbounds.

9. During state championship contests, permitting game officials to use courtside replay equipment to determine if a try for field goal at or near the expiration of time should be counted, and if counted, determine its value, by state association adoption.

No greys or side-panel shirt adoption questions. I was really banking on the side-panel shirt question since we had the grey question last year. Oh well...maybe next year, right M&M
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 07:24pm
Aleve Titles to Others
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Send a message via AIM to 26 Year Gap
Originally Posted by tjones1
Just got the e-mail that it had been posted. So I went over and took it really quick.

As always, I post the "Would you favor" questions, here they are this year. If you want to take the survey you've got to be a NFHS member and can do so by logging in at

Would you favor:

1. Playing the game in 16-minute halves by state association

2. Playing the game in 18-minute halves by state association

3. Permitting a shot clock by state association

4. During a free throw, moving all players up one space and leaving the two marked lane spaces closest to the end line vacant (currently spaces nearest the shooter are vacant).no

5. After shooting the free throws for a technical foul, putting the ball in play at the point of interruption (currently the ball is awarded to the offended team at half court).no

6. Changing to a 20-second interval for replacement of a disqualified player (currently 30-seconds).no

7. Adding a fifth delay warning for a team huddling at the sideline during the disqualified player replacement interval.yes

8. Stopping the game clock after a successful goal when there is less than one minute remaining in the fourth quarter (or any overtime) and restarting the game clock when the ball is touched

9. During state championship contests, permitting game officials to use courtside replay equipment to determine if a try for field goal at or near the expiration of time should be counted, and if counted, determine its value, by state association

No greys or side-panel shirt adoption questions. I was really banking on the side-panel shirt question since we had the grey question last year. Oh well...maybe next year, right M&M
If there were other questions....
Never hit a piñata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 07:28pm
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Residing in a state with a shot clock (for women)and having become accustomed to it, I have no problem with number three.

Being a "states-right" advocate, I have no problem with allowing member associations deciding numbers 1 and 2.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 07:32pm
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Originally Posted by tjones1
Would you favor:

1. Playing the game in 16-minute halves by state association adoption. Yes

2. Playing the game in 18-minute halves by state association adoption.Yes

3. Permitting a shot clock by state association adoption. Yes

4. During a free throw, moving all players up one space and leaving the two marked lane spaces closest to the end line vacant (currently spaces nearest the shooter are vacant). NO

5. After shooting the free throws for a technical foul, putting the ball in play at the point of interruption (currently the ball is awarded to the offended team at half court). NO

6. Changing to a 20-second interval for replacement of a disqualified player (currently 30-seconds). NO

7. Adding a fifth delay warning for a team huddling at the sideline during the disqualified player replacement interval. NO

8. Stopping the game clock after a successful goal when there is less than one minute remaining in the fourth quarter (or any overtime) and restarting the game clock when the ball is touched inbounds. NO--I would like to see, but it would not work at HS level.

9. During state championship contests, permitting game officials to use courtside replay equipment to determine if a try for field goal at or near the expiration of time should be counted, and if counted, determine its value, by state association adoption. Yes
Originally Posted by tjones1
No greys or side-panel shirt adoption questions. I was really banking on the side-panel shirt question since we had the grey question last year. Oh well...maybe next year, right M&M
The side panel shirts should already fit the definition. I wish our state would allow us to wear them. I really do not see the big deal.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 08:22pm
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I can't see how any one of them is an improvement , taking into account the average HS players' skill level and the current HS game format. I guess I might favor a few of them if I could see some sound reasoning behind each, otherwise..."NO" to all of 'em.
Calling it both ways...since 1999

Last edited by Bad Zebra; Mon Feb 19, 2007 at 08:28pm.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 09:52pm
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I would have to give a yes to the team huddle on fifth fouls delay. I don't understand how having a player foul out gives a team an "extra" 30 sec. time out. A coach already knows a player had four fouls. They should be prepared to put in a sub at any time.

The state adoption rules - Ohio has done things by state rules only - coaching box for one - and it didn't subversely change the game.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 10:15pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Originally Posted by tjones1

Would you favor:

1. Playing the game in 16-minute halves by state association adoption. No, it was done in MN and things get very sloppy at the end of the half. One coach told me he has noticed players getting much more tired than with quarters.

2. Playing the game in 18-minute halves by state association adoption. No

3. Permitting a shot clock by state association adoption. Yes

4. During a free throw, moving all players up one space and leaving the two marked lane spaces closest to the end line vacant (currently spaces nearest the shooter are vacant). Yes

5. After shooting the free throws for a technical foul, putting the ball in play at the point of interruption (currently the ball is awarded to the offended team at half court). Yes

6. Changing to a 20-second interval for replacement of a disqualified player (currently 30-seconds). Yes

7. Adding a fifth delay warning for a team huddling at the sideline during the disqualified player replacement interval. No

8. Stopping the game clock after a successful goal when there is less than one minute remaining in the fourth quarter (or any overtime) and restarting the game clock when the ball is touched inbounds. No, hate to see the attemps at doing that at the lower level games with the variety of clock operators you get.

9. During state championship contests, permitting game officials to use courtside replay equipment to determine if a try for field goal at or near the expiration of time should be counted, and if counted, determine its value, by state association adoption. Yes
This is how I will vote.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 10:27pm
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1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. Yes
6. It wouldn't matter, since our NJCAA officials don't seem to recognize the change
7. No
8. Yes, but I doubt anyone is smart enough to do it correctly
9. Yes
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 10:59pm
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18 minute halves has been a great change in Minnesota. Coaches are learning to use their benches so that there is more participation which was one of the stated goals when they brought it in. Also it eliminates the holding of the ball at the end of the 1st and 3rd qtr. Games get into a great flow and play very smoothly.
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