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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 03:47pm
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Coach late in bringing team out for 2nd half

Had a couple of newer officials ask me how to handle this.

They had asked some other veteran officials in our association and had gotten different answers.

Boys JV

Team A has delayed coming back on the court, from the locker room, to start the 2nd half.
Game management sent someone to the locker room to advise Coach A that he needs to get his team on the floor....still no team A.

Officials use the resumption of play procedure and put the ball on the floor...since the arrow was Team A's.
Violation...officials give ball to Team B for throw-in...Team B goes in for an uncontested lay-up.

Officials decide not to put ball on floor again and issue a T on Team A.
Coach is now coming back from locker room as Team B is shooting the 2 FT's for the T.
Coach A says nothing...and later says he is fine with the procedure used.

Did the officials use the correct procedure?
What would you have done if you were the R?

10.1.9 COMMENT
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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Richland, WA
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 04:12pm
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Originally Posted by RookieDude
Team A has delayed coming back on the court, from the locker room, to start the 2nd half.
Game management sent someone to the locker room to advise Coach A that he needs to get his team on the floor....still no team A.

Officials use the resumption of play procedure and put the ball on the floor...since the arrow was Team A's.
Violation...officials give ball to Team B for throw-in...Team B goes in for an uncontested lay-up.

Officials decide not to put ball on floor again and issue a T on Team A.
Coach is now coming back from locker room as Team B is shooting the 2 FT's for the T.
Coach A says nothing...and later says he is fine with the procedure used.

1) Did the officials use the correct procedure?
2) What would you have done if you were the R?
Edited because of change-of-mind after reading case book play 10.1.9COMMENT.

Immediate technical foul as per rule cited above--10-1-5(a).

Last edited by Jurassic Referee; Sun Dec 24, 2006 at 04:22pm.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 04:27pm
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Yes...JR...that's what I told them...immediate T.

But, doesn't it seem the wording in 10.1.9COMMENT is kind of confusing?
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 04:51pm
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Shouldn't this be a T one minute after the clock expired for half time?

Originally Posted by Rulebook
10-1-5a. When the clock is not running, consume a full minute through not being ready when it is time to start either half.
I don't see the comment as confusing. It only says that you can use the RPP if both teams are on the court but one or both aren't breaking their huddle. If either team has not returned to the court yet, you give the T as proscribed in 10-1-5a.
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Last edited by Adam; Sun Dec 24, 2006 at 04:53pm.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 04:51pm
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Originally Posted by RookieDude
Did the officials use the correct procedure?
What would you have done if you were the R?
If the team is on the floor, but not ready to play, use the RPP.

If the team is not on the floor, it's an immediate T if they're missing for a full minute.

Last edited by bob jenkins; Sun Dec 24, 2006 at 09:14pm.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 05:15pm
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
If the team in son the floor, but not ready to play, use the RPP.

If the team is not on the floor, it's an immediate T if they're missing for a full minute.
Well stated.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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Richland, WA
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 07:56pm
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?? In summary, Team A has not returned to the floor by the time the game is set to resume - result is a Technical on Team A. Two FTs and Team B gets the ball at the division line.

At what point do you let Team B inbound? Do you wait for Team A. And if Team A at the possesion arrow they keep it?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 09:14pm
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Originally Posted by Johnny Ringo
At what point do you let Team B inbound? Do you wait for Team A. And if Team A at the possesion arrow they keep it?
Yes. Yes.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 10:38pm
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Originally Posted by RookieDude
Team A has delayed coming back on the court, from the locker room, to start the 2nd half. Game management sent someone to the locker room to advise Coach A that he needs to get his team on the floor....still no team A.

Officials use the resumption of play procedure and put the ball on the floor...since the arrow was Team A's.
Violation...officials give ball to Team B for throw-in...Team B goes in for an uncontested lay-up.
We have a couple things wrong here. I agree that a technical foul was warranted in this case. However, this is an excellent opportunity to show your game management, preventative officiating skills.

#1.) It is the referee responsibility to notify the teams 3 minutes before the half is to begin. Did you do this? With this in mind, we can now throw out any technical fouls or the RPP and attempt to find out why the team is not there. Something major could have happened like a player getting sick and needing hospitalization. Here you are on the court giving a team a technical, dumb, imo.

#2.) You can not put the ball in play and one of the teams is not present. The rules do not allow you to do that. That was wrong, imo.

What would you have done if you were the R?
I would have found out where they where, went to their locker room and notified them myself. Then when I get back to the court, they need to be right behind me, if not, now we can start the technical foul procedures.

In the event, that someone from the table went to notify them. When the coach came out from the locker room, I would ask him if he was notified. If the team says no, I would do some quick investigating. Find out who the table person was, etc, etc. enforce from there. The reason I say this; I had a college game where the home team table personal did not notify the opposition that the halftime was about over, and it was a good little walk from the locker room to the floor. My guess is they did that to try and get the visiting team a technical. Rivalry schools....
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 24, 2006, 11:31pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
#1.) It is the referee responsibility to notify the teams 3 minutes before the half is to begin. Did you do this? With this in mind, we can now throw out any technical fouls or the RPP and attempt to find out why the team is not there. Something major could have happened like a player getting sick and needing hospitalization. Here you are on the court giving a team a technical, dumb, imo.
Wow, you came up with the right answer after reading everyone else give the right answer. Not sure if I should call you "Johnny-come-lately" or "Blister" (shows up after the work is done). Frankly, I'm guessing "Congressman" might be correct, also.

That said, the OP stated that game management had already notified the coach. If we find out something major had happened; I'm going to retract the T and suspend the game.
Originally Posted by Old School
#2.) You can not put the ball in play and one of the teams is not present. The rules do not allow you to do that. That was wrong, imo.
Not just IYO, but according to the rule as well. I'll give you credit for getting it right; even though everyone else who's posted on this has already said this.

Originally Posted by Old School
In the event, that someone from the table went to notify them. When the coach came out from the locker room, I would ask him if he was notified. If the team says no, I would do some quick investigating. Find out who the table person was, etc, etc. enforce from there.
Gotta hear this. How would you enforce this if the table says they notified the coach and the coach says they didn't. Who are you going to believe, Johnny?
Originally Posted by Old School
The reason I say this; I had a college game where the home team table personal did not notify the opposition that the halftime was about over, and it was a good little walk from the locker room to the floor. My guess is they did that to try and get the visiting team a technical. Rivalry schools....
First you tell us that you won't use RPP because of the results of a 5th grade game, and now you want us to believe you officiate college basketball? If anyone here is buying this; they really ought to p!$$ in a cup and send it in for testing.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 25, 2006, 01:17am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
If either team has not returned to the court yet, you give the T as proscribed in 10-1-5a.
The T which is forbidden?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 25, 2006, 10:07am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Wow, you came up with the right answer after reading everyone else give the right answer. Not sure if I should call you "Johnny-come-lately" or "Blister" (shows up after the work is done). Frankly, I'm guessing "Congressman" might be correct, also.Nobody said it was the referee's responsibility, there is a difference, a specific difference. That is why I stated it. You are trying too hard, and for what I don't know.
Not just IYO, but according to the rule as well. I'll give you credit for getting it right; even though everyone else who's posted on this has already said this. I don't need your credit, I can officiate very well with out it. Again, I do not understand why you are so affix with this, I'm better than you personality. Even on Christmas day you are on attack.
Gotta hear this. How would you enforce this if the table says they notified the coach and the coach says they didn't. Who are you going to believe, Johnny? If you read what I said instead of being so quick to judge, I said I would do a quick investigation. If I end up with he said she said, let's put the ball in play, no penalties. Next time I'm in this gym, I go and notify the coach myself. In no way am I going to take the table personal word over the coach. Also, since this does not happen that often, I'm going to lean towards the coach/team didn't get the message.
First you tell us that you won't use RPP because of the results of a 5th grade game, and now you want us to believe you officiate college basketball? If anyone here is buying this; they really ought to p!$$ in a cup and send it in for testing.
No, you can believe what you want to believe. I have no reason to lie or make up what I'm saying, and if I did, that would be quite an imagination. I'm merely sharing what I have experienced in hopes of just like most of you, I can help someone who is new, or even someone who is experienced do a better job.

A wise man once said, book knowledge is good but experience is the best teacher.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 25, 2006, 11:30am
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Originally Posted by Old School
A wise man once said, book knowledge is good but experience is the best teacher.
Or just read the manual first!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 25, 2006, 11:52am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
The T which is forbidden?
Dangit! And now, due to your diligence, my error is there for all to see for posterity.

Where's that smell coming from? I think it's elderberries.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 25, 2006, 12:00pm
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Quoteth Old School
Originally Posted by Old Scool
I said I would do a quick investigation. If I end up with he said she said, let's put the ball in play, no penalties. Next time I'm in this gym, I go and notify the coach myself. In no way am I going to take the table personal word over the coach. Also, since this does not happen that often, I'm going to lean towards the coach/team didn't get the message.
Funny, that's what I thought you meant; and you're still wrong. If game management says they told the team and the coach disputes it; I'm going with game management. Aside from that, I don't recall a rule provision that relieves the team of responsibility for this at any point for any reason.
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