Men's rec league game tonight - all ex-college players who play like the wind! Great close game all the way through to the very end. Team A down 2 points shooting front end of 1 and 1 free throws with 9 seconds left on the clock. I'm the lead with the ball, signal 1 and 1 in the paint, and throw the ball to the free throw shooter. As soon as the free throw shooter touches the ball, he shoots a flat, fast free throw shot directly at the front of the rim, as to get a quick rebound. (I'm still backing out of the paint when the rebound comes straight back at him.) A defensive player stuck his hand in and got the rebound - (the free throw shooter didn't get it).
I've always been taught -(right or wrong) - that the free throw shooter had to make an "attempt" for the basket or it was a violation. This shot was not a fake nor was it in my opionion an "attempt" to make a basket. It was clearly an "attempt" to shoot the free throw quickly, throw off the defensive players, and get a quick rebound for a putback basket to tie the game.
I can't find a rule reference or casebook situation anywhereon this situation. What would be the proper call in your opinion? Violation or play on?
I'm curious, you state that these are "all ex-college players". Why in the world would the shooter intentionally miss the front end of a 1 & 1 with his team down by 2 points.??????
Don't call 'em all, just the ones that matter.
Last edited by FishinRef; Fri Dec 08, 2006 at 03:39pm.