My daughter attends a local Christian school; fortunately my association allows me to scratch these games. I know that the Head Master of the school stresses sportsmanship from the student-athletes as well as from the spectators. Nevertheless, there are still those games in which the emotions run high. BTW our girls have won the state championship twice and this year the boys have just won their divisional playoff game. It is a relatively small gym and we generally have a great turn out for the games. The crowd is so loud that Im sure it can be an intimidating gym to work in. Competition brings out the best and worst of ALL PEOPLE we shouldnt let the label of Christian Schools or Public School influence our expectations of the players or fans.
As a Christian I know that there are expectations regarding my behavior on and off the field of competition. In the heat of battle many times we may exhibit behavior that is not within those expectations. Having said that, give me someone that is a competitor every time. Give me someone that hates to loose and loves to win. I want to see a student, teacher, coach or pastor that has a passion to be the best at what they do.
When we put on the stripes we cease to be friends and we become part of the game. I would let comments or actions displayed on the court stay on the court. Personally, I concider it part of the game.