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Old Mon Feb 19, 2001, 02:31pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Thanks for all the replies. With regard to not working these games, I really tried to get out of them, but the way the whole situation stacked up, they were unavoidable. I'm quite sure I didn't favor my kids' school, and I don't think I went harder on them, either.

I guess there's just something about sports that can bring out the worst of us, and Christian or not, the worst can be very bad. In fairness, none of these peole came close to a T, and the second game wasn't as bad as the first. In the first game, I made a point of never calling the coaches by their names, but continued to say "Coach this" and "Coach that." They were both visibly surprised at first, but it may be that which made the second game better -- they felt more prefessional, maybe.

I may very well refuse to do their games next year. I'll see how I feel. I love doing this tournament, and would hate to pass on the whole thing. The advice here helps a lot. Thanks.
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