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Old Mon Feb 19, 2001, 12:25pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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The bottom line is when you're working you need to
put your game face on. If you recognize a fan treat
them like any other fan and ignore them because you never
can predict how they will behave. If you know the coach
outside of basketball treat him professionally, don't
talk about next month's block party or discuss the latest
movies you've seen. If a fan says hello then return the
greeting politely and move on, even if it's your favorite
Uncle Bob. And understand that they are not yelling at you
they are yelling at the uniform (well, in almost all cases!). Tony gave some great advice, use this experience
to understand how *you* react to this type of behavior, it will help you in the future. If possible learn how to
not take these comments personally, remember it's only a
game but people become very emotional at these games, even
your favorite Uncle Bob!
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