Officiating at your kids school
I enjoyed all the posts on this thread! Each offered an honest assessment of what can be expected.
The FIRST game I ever officiated was the season-opener for my son/daughter's parochial school. It was actually an "away" game (20 miles from our school). I was hired by the "Away" team's AD/coach; only 3 hours before game time.
This experience was a total EYE-OPENER. The coaches of my kid's school were horrible. Constantly chipping; "3 Sec., OTB, travel, etc..." I had yet to learn the "universal stop sign" and didn't know what was "acceptable" conduct by coaches. Even if I did I do not think I would have had enough intestinal fortitude to whack them. In hindsight, it is obvious they figured out I was a "greenie."
It was a painful learning experience, but I am pleased to say that because of my subsequent experience, diligent study of the rule book and official's manual, and this chat forum, I have come a long way baby! I now gladly accept all games and feel competent and confident and these games are enjoyable experiences.
As far as your situation Juulie, give it time... I think you will come to a decision that is right for you!
"Stay in the game!"