working for kid's school?
It is never a good idea to work at any school where a possible conflict of interest may occur. While it may have been your assignor giving you the games, you need to let him/her know that you can't work for the school under any circumstances. Nothing good can come fromm these situations.
Officials must maintain standards above reproach. While you had no intent to cheat, and did not do so, the perception will be there that favoritism will come into the game. If the other team finds out that your kid attends the school, do you think that they will suspect you of calling the game fairly? If the calls are going against "your" school, do you think that the fans will think that you are overcompensating to make sure that you are not intentionally favoring their team?
Stay away from these potential nightmares. Even if the assignor gives you grief, they will respect your integrity and it will pay off postively in the long run.