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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 04:53pm
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Originally posted by BushRef
OK, the game was called by Bob Trammell, Chuck Gonzalez, and Mary Day. We all no that a Ref named Mary wouldn't have the balls to make this call, so which one was it, Bob or Chuck?

[/B][/QUOTE]Maybe you'd like to add a smiley to that one. Some of our distaff officials might just take it seriously. Just to name a couple, I'd don't think that I'd like to say anything like this to officials like Rainmaker, or Oatmeal Queen, or other ladies that post on here. I might end up as being the one with no balls. And deservedly so, for questioning their courage.

You were just kidding, wern't you?
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 04:58pm
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Originally posted by JasonTX

Do you have the capablities of posting that play on the internet or have you seen it posted somewhere else.
ESPN is still showing that particular game-ending play in their sportscasts, I think. They did have it on video on the website. You might still be able to find it in their archives.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:00pm
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Re: Re: Re: to Jurrasic (sic)

Originally posted by JasonTX
I did record the game and if you want a copy of the tape send me a self adreessed stamped video tape envelope along w/a blank tape and I will record it for you.

Do you have the capablities of posting that play on the internet or have you seen it posted somewhere else.
No I don't the ability to download it and I have not seen it on the net anywhere
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:00pm
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or those of you who don't think it should have been called, what about with .6 seconds left? Clearly there would have been time for that player to catch the ball, collect herself, and release a shot. I demonstrate to my players how much time a second is so they learn not to rush a shot when time is running low.

If you would buy that .6 seconds would be sufficient time to have a shot, then you should clearly call the obvious foul on an offensive rebounder with 0.6 left. And no ref is going to know the difference between .2 and .6 when they blow the whistle. Once blown, the rulebook tells them to go to the monitor to confirm timing at the end of a game. The monitor shows foul before time ran out. The rule says it is now a foul. The refs have no options regarding this.

It might have been nice had the whistle not blown, because we could have seen an overtime rather than FTs being shot on what appears to have been an insignifcant foul. But it is incredibly harsh to criticize the official for blowing the whistle merely because the clock was running down. The official couldn't have know the time down to the last 1/10th of a second and had every right to blow the whistle. And once the whistle was blown, the rulebook had to be followed. There was no other option at that point.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:01pm
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Originally posted by BushRef
Of course, I was just kidding. We all know it was one of the men that made that call though as they keep saying "He shouldn't have made the call", or "He was the crew chief."
I thought so. You really don't want rainmaker and OMQ to track you down. Makes me shudder to think of it. Are you familiar with the medical procedure known as an "orchidectomy"? Picture that, but performed with a butter knife.
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:06pm
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Originally posted by iamaref

Are they not using the precision timing system ? If so, the whistle should stop the clock at the "EXACT" instant that the whistle is blown. Therefore, the clock had to have expired.. cuz the whistle would have stopped it.. before the horn and time had run off.
Actually, they're not using PT.

Credibility down 3/8 of a point . . . . .
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:09pm
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Originally posted by iamaref

IF we are putting time back on clock... because the foul happened "at that instant" then I contend that we should do that the ENTIRE game. BECAUSE.. as has been so stated throughout this thread.. a foul is the same at the 10 minute mark as it is at .2. IF SO.. then why are we putting time back on the clock for THIS particuliar foul ?????????

They actually do do this quite often. With college timers, though, it's rare for there to be a full second discrepancy between the whistle and the clock stopping, and you can only see whole seconds until the last minute.

As to why it matters more with 0.2 left on the clock in a tied regional semi-final game . . . figure that one out yourself.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 05:14pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Just to name a couple, I'd don't think that I'd like to say anything like this to officials like Rainmaker, or Oatmeal Queen, or other ladies that post on here. I might end up as being the one with no balls. And deservedly so, for questioning their courage.
You're right, Dino. I've got no balls (at least not by some definitions), but onions I've got plenty of!

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
I thought so. You really don't want rainmaker and OMQ to track you down. Makes me shudder to think of it.
BushRef doesn't need to worry. I've got better things to do than "orchidize" someone for questioning my courage. I need to go hunt down a mastodon so my kids can have dinner this evening!

[Edited by rainmaker on Mar 30th, 2004 at 04:21 PM]
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 11:09pm
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nothing could be more wrong because only the official calling the foul know where in the film that the foul occured. I was taught that the most important thing is blow the whistle hard and raise my arm that stops the clock Because if I go by when I think is the foul occured then time expired by almost a full second (overtime).

[Edited by aucella on Mar 31st, 2004 at 04:53 AM]
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 04:31pm
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I do not understand any official who can justify supporting the call at the end of the baylor game. That foul if indeed it was a foul, (no one was knocked to the floor and the teen player was moving towards the ball also)should have never been called. You should always call fouls disavange advantage gained, and in this case the so called fouling player did not gain an advantage because the rebound was meaningless. I never call a foul at the end of a game unless it affects a scoring play or gives someone an advantage that puts them in position to score. If you want to be picky then the Tenn player fouled the baylor on the tip off the missed layup, she came over the back and made some contact. This play defenitely could have been deemed to be an advantage gained. It was passed on but the play at the end was not. Extrememly inconsistent. they also misapplied the monitor rule. the ncca should be ashamed they were not using precision timing also. I always take up for officials sionc ei have been doing this for 24 yearsbut this game was not well officiated. There were many missed calls, the pricinple of vertically was missed twice when they called fouls on Tenn post players, Dionne Brown took a shot and the ball never made it halfway to the basket and it was not blocked, thus a late whistle with a foul should have happened. I could on and on missed block charge and soem blocks that were clean that were called fouls. I would not want referee with this crew. Most referee's I know have too big of an ego to admit to a mistake and this is being clearly bourne out by the reaction of the ncaa. Guys this was the worst call in the history of womens college basketball.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 04:43pm
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Originally posted by Judge
I Guys this was the worst call in the history of womens college basketball.
You mean other than NOT playing in high heels and fishnet stockings!

Juulie, you're not the only one who can have all the fun!

Seriously, you mean to tell me this call, which was made in a split second, was the WORST EVER?!? How about a few years ago, when they let the injured player come out and score a uncontested basket then leave the floor? Uh oh, I just opened another can o' worms...
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 05:16pm
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The worst? I think you're the best

That may not have been the worst call in women's basketball history, but if you keep typing, we may award you the most ridiculous hyperbole ever used on this board. And you would have beaten out some strong contenders, so you should be very proud!
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 05:20pm
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Originally posted by Judge
I do not understand any official who can justify supporting the call at the end of the baylor game. That foul if indeed it was a foul, (no one was knocked to the floor and the teen player was moving towards the ball also)should have never been called.

So no fouls unless someone goes to ground? I'd hate to see your games. Even worse - I'd hate to see your courtroom.


You should always call fouls disavange advantage gained, and in this case the so called fouling player did not gain an advantage because the rebound was meaningless.

And how do you know this? Ball could still be tipped in with this time on the clock.


I never call a foul at the end of a game unless it affects a scoring play or gives someone an advantage that puts them in position to score.

Three seconds left in a game, defense plows into a legal screen, knocks the kid to the floor, and it's contact worthy of a foul. Do you not call that? What if the last second shot misses, and the team that was fouled lost by one, when they were in the double bonus?

they also misapplied the monitor rule.

How so, oh wise one? I hate to think of how you made it through law school.

the ncca should be ashamed they were not using precision timing also.

I tend to agree on this, but college level timers are pretty damn good. Also, you can still go to the monitor to see if the contact was before the horn.

I always take up for officials

Take up? Is that like taking in their slacks? If you meant stand up for, you're not doing such a great job on this forum.

I always take up for officials sionc ei have been doing this for 24 yearsbut this game was not well officiated.

Let me get a tissue - I'm about to cry over the poor officiating.

There were many missed calls

And what was the last date and time of your last perfect game? Send us a tape - please.

the pricinple of vertically was missed twice



(a) Reference my above comment.
(b) I live in Washington, D.C. I'll head on up to Capitol Hill tomorrow and demand hearings on this issue!
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 05:25pm
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Re: The worst? I think you're the best

Originally posted by Hawks Coach
That may not have been the worst call in women's basketball history, but if you keep typing, we may award you the most ridiculous hyperbole ever used on this board. And you would have beaten out some strong contenders, so you should be very proud!
Hmmmm..this gets me thinking...maybe we need to institute a FOS in The Judge FOS Award. As you say there are a number of good folks we can name it for and I'm certainly not saying this judge guy is the most FOS poster of the year.

Any name suggestions? And of course nominations for the first award!

BTW, maybe THE least good call in woman's history happened at Tenessee vs UCLA (as I recall) in a NCAA qtr finals game (I think qtr finals) 4 or 5 yrs ag.

Remember it?
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 05:26pm
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Originally posted by Judge
I always take up for officials sionc ei have been doing this for 24 yearsbut this game was not well officiated...I would not want referee with this crew.
Just a guess, but I think the feeling is probably mutual.
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