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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 27, 2021, 03:39pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 1,742
Rule Change Proposals

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
My vote on these items:

1. Stop the clock under a minute.
Yes...eliminates clock gamesmanship in the last critical seconds of a game.

2. Shot clock (a) nationally or (b) by state adoption
OK. I suggested (a), which was a mandatory change, only if the timeline were several years. (b) state adoption is good as each state can control the adoption.

3. Uniform color...dark must be dark
No. I didn't give you the full wording, but I see it as unnecessary.

4 & 5. religious head covering regulations without needing state approval
No. Is already allowed through state approval. As is, it prevents a player from suddenly becoming religious and wearing a spaghetti colander on his or her head.

6. 2 shots starting at 5th foul in each quarter
No. Unneeded. 1+1 has been around for decades and it works

7. 2 shots starting at 5th foul in each quarter (similar to #6 but different wording by different proponent)
No. Unneeded. 1+1 has been around for decades and it works

8. Bonus at 6th foul in a quarter, automatic bonus at 8th foul in a quarter
Big they want to clean up rough play or not...this more or less would make it open season to foul.

9. New definition of a simultaneous multiple foul...two fouls by same team against different opposing players

10. No jump ball in OT...continue AP.
No...the jump ball starts the OT more equitably, particularly if you have a team that is inclined to stall.

11. Remove coaches ability to be granted a timeout during a live ball...must be by a player.

12. On a double foul where one foul is of a greater severity than the other, possession to team offended by greater foul.

13. Eliminate player control signal...use only team control signal

Agree with all of Camron’s positions, except note that:

6-7, I’m indifferent. If adopted, states like MN and WI that play in halves would have some decisions to make.

9, Yes, but the term could be easily confused with other foul types, so I suggest a distinct term, such as “plural foul.” Also, would need to determine the penalty assessment for such a situation.

12. While we’re at at, let’s give FTs to the more offended team, just as is in the NCAA rule.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Last edited by crosscountry55; Sat Mar 27, 2021 at 03:41pm.
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