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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 02:12pm
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2 hand reporting

So will 2 hand reporting of fouls to table be accepted in NFHS next season?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 02:40pm
NFHS Official
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
Comments on the Rules

Change to the coaching box rule (1-13-2): This rule change allows for state associations to alter the length and placement of the 28 foot (maximum) coaching box. The area shall be bounded by a line drawn 28 feet from the end line towards the Division line. The head coach must still be seated within the designated coaching box.

Officials to use two hands when reporting fouls (2-9-1): Officials will now use two hands to indicate to the scorer the number of the offender. The right hand of the official will give the tens and the left hand of the official will give the ones. If the number is 32 the right hand would show the scorer the three and left hand would show the scorer the two while verbalizing 32. Both hands of the official are shown to the scorer at the same time.

New sentence (3-4-1d): There are restrictions on what identifying names may be placed on the team jersey from the imaginary line at the base of the neckline to the top of the shoulder and in the corresponding area on the back of the jersey. (see Article 3-4-4).

Change to allowable identifying names (3-4-4a): This rule stipulates what is permissible to put on to the team jersey in the allowable areas. i.e. School name, school’s nickname, school logo, player’s name and/or abbreviation of the official team name. 3-4-4 has a new letter b. This now states that the panel in the shoulder area of the jersey on the back may be used for placing an identifying name as well.

New rule for officials to issue a warning (4-48-1 and 2): Officials may now issue a warning to the coach or the team bench. These warnings can be for conduct that is described in 10-5 or 10-6. If the offense is deemed to be major, the official may assess a technical foul in either situation. A warning is not required prior to assessing a technical foul. These warnings will be recorded in the scorebook by the scorer and reported to the head coach.


(3-5-2C NOTE): This was moved from 3-5-3d to better align with where braces are addressed in the rule book.

(4-4-7b): Changed the word player to thrower or free thrower.

(9-12 Penalty 1): Changes the rule reference from 10-3-9 to 10-4-9.

Technical-Foul Penalty Summary-Head Coach: Changed 20 seconds to 15 seconds.

Points of Emphasis

1. Equipment worn on head for medical or religious reason. Specific procedures have been established for allowing a head covering to be worn for medical or religious reasons. A player who is required to wear a head covering for medical or religious reasons must provide a physician statement or appropriate documented evidence to the state association for approval. If approved, the state association shall provide written authorization to the school to be made available to officials.

2. Team control, throw-in. The relevance of team control during a throw-in only applies when a member of the throw- in team fouls. Such fouls shall be ruled team control fouls. Team control during a throw-in is NOT intended to be the same as player control/team control inbounds. Team control inbounds is established when a player from either team who has inbound status gains control of the ball. During the throw-in, 10-seconds, 3-seconds, frontcourt status, backcourt status, closely guarded, etc., are NOT factors as there has yet to be player control/team control obtained inbounds.

With specific regard to the backcourt violation; a team may not be the last to touch a live ball in the front court and then be the first to touch a live ball in the backcourt, provided that team has establish player control/team control on the playing court (either in the backcourt or frontcourt). BY RULE EXCEPTION, during a throw-in a team may leave the front court, establish player control/team control while airborne and land in the backcourt. This is a legal play and ONLY applies to the first player of the offense who touches the ball PRIOR to the end of the throw-in.

3. Intentional Fouls. The committee is concerned about the lack of enforcement for intentional fouls during any part of the game but especially at the end of a game. The intentional foul rule has evolved into misapplication and personal interpretations. An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul that may or may not be premeditated and is not based solely on the severity of the act, it is contact that:

Neutralizes an opponent’s obvious advantageous position.
Contact on an opponent who is clearly not in the play.
May be excessive contact.
Contact that is not necessarily premeditated or based solely on the severity of the act.

This type of foul may be strategic to stop the clock or create a situation that may be tactically done for the team taking action. This foul may be innocent in severity, but without any playing of the ball, it becomes an intentional act such as a player wrapping their arms around an opponent. The act may be excessive in its intensity and force of the action. These actions are all intentional fouls and are to be called as such.
Officials must be aware of the game situations as the probability of fouling late in the game is an accepted coaching strategy and is utilized by many coaches in some form. Officials must have the courage to enforce the intentional foul rule properly.

4. Guarding. The addition of rule 10.7.12, has been successful in its intent to clean up illegal contact on the ballhandler/dribbler and post players. Players are attempting to
replace this illegal contact with contact observed as “body bumping”. Illegal contact with the body must be ruled a foul however, officials must accurately identify if the defense or offense causes the contact and penalize the player causing the illegal contact. Once a defensive player obtains legal guarding position by facing an opponent with both feet of the floor inbounds, he/she may move to maintain that position in any direction except toward the offensive player being guarded when contact occurs. The defense is not required to keep both feet on the playing court and may jump vertically or laterally to maintain the legal position. If contact occurs prior to the offensive player getting head and shoulders passed the defender the responsibility is on the offensive player.
Originally Posted by onetime1 View Post
So will 2 hand reporting of fouls to table be accepted in NFHS next season?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 02:45pm
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Originally Posted by onetime1 View Post
So will 2 hand reporting of fouls to table be accepted in NFHS next season?
What makes you ask?
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 03:38pm
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NFHS Two-Hand Foul Reporting ...

NFHS Basketball Rules Changes - 2017-18
Two-Hand Foul Reporting
(Rule 2-9-1 Signals)
•The Official will move to the designated reporting area on the floor.
•Make sure that you have the attention of the scorer prior to giving the numbers.
•Indicate the color of the jersey for the player who fouled.
•The Official shall report fouls to the scorer by using two hands to display the jersey number of the person who committed the foul.
•The official’s right hand will indicate the first digit of the number or the tens and the left hand will indicate the second digit of the number or the ones.
•The official shall extend the arms shoulder high towards the table to display the numbers.
•The digits of the number should be displayed at the same time.
•When reporting, the official shall verbalize the number as twenty-four not two-four.
•The scorer will view the number in a left-to-right sequence.
•Indicate the type of foul using the proper signal.
•If one, two or three free throws are to be attempted, indicate the number of free throws by using one hand.
•If the team is in the bonus for the seventh, eight of ninth foul, indicate the bonus situation raising both hands and display a raised index finger on each hand.
•If the foul is a team control foul, after the official signals the specific type of foul, the official will turn and signal such with an extended arm, closed fist parallel to the table and side line, indicating no free throws will be attempted.
•After reporting and if no free throws are to be attempted, the official will turn from the table and indicate the throw-in spot to resume play.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)

Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Jun 07, 2017 at 03:50pm.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 03:42pm
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IAABO Mechanics ???

Originally Posted by onetime1 View Post
So will 2 hand reporting of fouls to table be accepted in NFHS next season?
The real question for me, and for a few other Forum members, is will IAABO incorporate the new NFHS two-hand foul reporting rule into their proprietary IAABO mechanics?
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 03:48pm
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If your state chooses to follow NFHS rules exclusively, it's not just acceptable–it's required.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 08:08am
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
If your state chooses to follow NFHS rules exclusively, it's not just acceptable–it's required.
No it is not. Rules and mechanics are not seen in the same light by the National Federation. And there are already states that do many little things that are even specific to those places when it comes to rules.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 09:36am
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I have already seen this a few times in camp and it is clear we are going to have more problems with tables than we had before. Again when you cannot do the basic thing right, you will not be able to add other aspects to reporting process and assume that it will be better.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 09:46am
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What problems?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:13am
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Originally Posted by SNIPERBBB View Post
What problems?
The same issues we had before. And they will be highlighted because officials that did not have a grasp on basic reporting and now we have added something that will be more confusing. Half the time when I see official report, they are confusing enough with one hand. Now I have no idea what they are reporting with two hands. If I do not hear their voice, I likely have no idea what number is being reported.

Again, sometimes I think we have officials that are exposed to higher levels and assume that everyone is capable of doing it just as well. Well it is clear to me this is going to be for awhile an issue in many aspects of the game. We have brand new officials that cannot get the idea of what they want to present at the table and now they have to think more about something they are struggling with in the first place.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:28am
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Rut, you are wrong and you know it, and so does everyone else on here. They already released the wording of how the RULE is going to read, and you are still denying that this is a RULE change, not just a mechanics change. I don't give a rat's ass what your state or any other state chooses to do. It's still in the rule book.

It is right there in front of you yet you keep denying it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:35am
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
Rut, you are wrong and you know it, and so does everyone else on here. They already released the wording of how the RULE is going to read, and you are still denying that this is a RULE change, not just a mechanics change. I don't give a rat's ass what your state or any other state chooses to do. It's still in the rule book.

It is right there in front of you yet you keep denying it.
So the rule that requires a black and white shirt is always used by states that use NF rules? Interesting, because I can name many states that for some time do not use black and white shirts during their games. So again, when you show me why states that are members are using things outside of the stated rules (and I could get into things like shot clocks) and now this is a "mandated" unlike any other application of this policy. Interesting. Again, your penis is too hard for this change.

I will say this again. I have worked a tournament or two that used shirts that were no where near the black and white shirts. I worked a tournament that every year used a different color shirt and jacket. It was one of the appealing parts of working the tournament as we would get more gear. I worked a tournament that on the first day they celebrated veterans and we were given a camouflage style shirt to work those games. So just like the shirts we wear, states, associations and even individuals use all kinds of things that do not fit the rules. We have those conversations every day on this site, if you are paying attention.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Thu Jun 08, 2017 at 10:40am.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:40am
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Who the hell said any state was "mandated" to use two hand reporting? I sure didn't. Stop pulling words out of your ass and putting them in my mouth.

States can do whatever they want. It doesn't change what the rule book says. However, you seem insistent on just flat out denying that this is in fact a rule change despite evidence to the contrary. You probably just think lowly high school officials shouldn't have the right to use two hands like holy college officials like yourself.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:45am
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
Who the hell said any state was "mandated" to use two hand reporting? I sure didn't. Stop pulling words out of your ass and putting them in my mouth.

States can do whatever they want. It doesn't change what the rule book says. However, you seem insistent on just flat out denying that this is in fact a rule change despite evidence to the contrary. You probably just think lowly high school officials shouldn't have the right to use two hands like holy college officials like yourself.
But you said it was required. In other words they have no choice. In other words they cannot choose to not follow such rules. So I guess when members of the NF choose to do something different, they must not be required to follow what you state is so important.

Oh I forgot, my state does not follow the uniform rules to the letter. We modified those rules because it was becoming a big problem and Illinois is a member of the NF. They are not a full member because they do not pay into the insurance or fees for the officials. Our state takes care of that separate from the NF, but they choose to modify or ignore the NF rule on uniforms. So much for requirements.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 08, 2017, 10:48am
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I said it was required if your state follows strict NFHS rules; you conveniently (but not surprisingly) ignored that part of my statement. In other words (since you can't seem to comprehend what that means), most states will require it because it's in the NFHS rule and mechanics book. Since apparently Illinois is one of the leaders in making modifications to NFHS rules, that must be why it's so hard for you to understand that.
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