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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 08, 2015, 09:30pm
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Join Date: May 2005
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Reminds me when I was about 5 years in and I met an official with about 20+ years experience who was saying how much coaches loved him. I asked him why that was and we were talking about T's given etc. He told me that in the last 5 years he probably one gave out about 3 T's.

I told him that coaches loved him because they could walk all over him. I then walked away. Ran into him a few years later and he didn't have much to say except that he thought I was an @#$@#. I told him I wish he applied that same logic to the games he worked.

If as an official you don't want to ruffle feathers then you shouldn't ref.
in OS I trust
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 09, 2015, 02:33am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by ODog View Post
The scenario was exactly the opposite, wasn't it?
Fixed, thanks!

Originally Posted by ODog View Post
Regardless of how it turned out, can you imagine just how out of hand the losing coach (Stone) was to even warrant this impromptu stoppage and summit? Sounds like he was ranting, raving, generally acting a fool and making a mockery of things with his behavior to the point the winning coach finally said, "So I guess I can walk all over the court and raise hell every trip too?"
Yeah I agree this is likely what happened. Obviously if the coach starts in on the officials then they gotta take care of business but if he's going nuts on his team then it's a more delicate situation.

Either way, I'm not letting the other coach appeal for punishment for the other guy. A quick "I'll take care of it" usually works for me.

Originally Posted by deecee View Post
Reminds me when I was about 5 years in and I met an official with about 20+ years experience who was saying how much coaches loved him. I asked him why that was and we were talking about T's given etc. He told me that in the last 5 years he probably one gave out about 3 T's.

I told him that coaches loved him because they could walk all over him. I then walked away. Ran into him a few years later and he didn't have much to say except that he thought I was an @#$@#. I told him I wish he applied that same logic to the games he worked.

If as an official you don't want to ruffle feathers then you shouldn't ref.
That's a great story. Refs hold grudges like no other.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 09, 2015, 07:38am
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Originally Posted by JetMetFan View Post
I'd be curious to know what the official's status is for this year or whether he received any more games following that one last season. If I was his assignor I'd find it tough to put him on the court again.
He did receive disciplinary action, I'll see if I can get the details. A large issue with the assigning Association & the MHSAA was he talked to the press and provided quotes for publication. He basically compounded his first bad decision with another.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 09, 2015, 08:10am
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post
If I saw his name on my schedule next season, that would be a game I would decline or call the assignor and asked to be switched.
My buddy, Kev, had never reffed with either of them. To make matters even more uncomfortable, Strong Sr. was reffing with his son and those two had driven there together. When Kev and Strong Jr. walk into the officials room after the game, Sr. is sitting there because he needed his ride home. Kev told me nothing was said and he got out of there fast. He'll never forget that game for all the wrong reasons.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 09, 2015, 09:12am
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Originally Posted by ODog View Post
The scenario was exactly the opposite, wasn't it?

Not saying either scenario should result in a T, just want to make sure I'm understanding the real scenario properly.

Regardless of how it turned out, can you imagine just how out of hand the losing coach (Stone) was to even warrant this impromptu stoppage and summit? Sounds like he was ranting, raving, generally acting a fool and making a mockery of things with his behavior to the point the winning coach finally said, "So I guess I can walk all over the court and raise hell every trip too?"

Nothing, however, justifies one member of a crew walking out on his partner(s) and leaving him/them holding the bag.
It was the losing coach who was out of the coaching box and making a arse of himself. The officials (all of them) screwed up by not penalizing the coach for repeatedly being out of the coaching box. They obviously let too much go for too long in this game before this issue came up.

This official really screwed up though in more ways than one.

In addition to his on court actions he was in clear violation of the MHSAA's media policy by commenting to a reporter about the incident. That is very clearly frowned on by the MHSAA and can (should) result in sanctions from the MHSAA.

This official may be a great official on the court (questionable by what I read about the game), but he certainly needs to do a better job with his handling of people.

I agree with the rest of the commenters that I would not be working with him and would decline assignments if he was listed as a partner, or I would ask to be switched off the game.
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