Ejected coach mad
So I will spare you the details of the ejection (unless requested) but basically I had a coach that was upset with me over enforcing the rulebook, then there was a safe out judgement call. He continued to argue the judgement call so he was ejected.
After being ejected he pulls his team into the dugout and states he is not playing if I continue to umpire. The league president is called and comes over. I explain the situation to him and he says ok. The coach now wants to tell his side of the story. He starts by saying I had an attitude all night long and that he wants to show him a video of me staring him down (I in fact did do this. After enforcing two rules that he had never followed up to this point he started smarting off. I shot him the shut up this is your warning glance, but his reply was merely what are you looking at.) The president decides since the opposing coach does not want to win by forfeit that he will merely reschedule the game. Now my issue is I feel like my partner and I were not backed by the president. The manager only has to sit their next game played (so he either will get to coach when this game is continued, or he will not have to sit his one game suspension).
So, what does everyone think of the outcome of this? First, what do you all think of the coaches recording comment (I have not seen the video personally) and rather I should have shot him a look? Next, I am debating writing a letter with my complaints and hoping that someone reads it. I have also thought of just telling the league that I shall not be back as an official. Thoughts?