I used to do Little League, I was a league UIC, District Umpire, Assistant District Administrator, League Board Member, so my credentials speak for themselves. I had the 'privilege' to sit in on disciplinary meetings with managers/coaches/ players, as well as protest committee meetings.
My particular pet peeve was how poor behavior by so called 'adults' would be defended, tolerated and generally ignored. I can't tell you how many times I was the lone dissenting voice for discipline and holding these people accountable for their actions. Grown adults, abusing youth umpires, was my particular battle. The final straw was sitting in a meeting and being told, " you know Bob, your problem is that you think umpires are special". I calmly said, "you are right, I do think umpires are special, please accept my resignation" . I never worked another game for that league after that night.
So, this long story leads to my point. If you expect a board of directors to take responsible action, you will be sadly disappointed. If you expect anyone to back an umpire, you are delusional. We have our own backs. We enforce the rules, and not care about who supports us or not.
Rant over, carry on!
Bob P.
We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself.