To give the short version of the ejection, field has a double first base. F3 fields a grounder and stumbles going to first. He falls onto the white portion, but his glove with the ball inside is over the orange. This is an easy out call. Coach starts arguing that F3 was on the wrong bag and that the rule states he must be on the white. I start to explain the call to him and he says no thanks I want to talk to the head umpire and starts to walk to my partner. My partner quickly directs him away as it is not his call. Coach continues to argue that the call was wrong, ignores my warning that we are not going to argue it anymore, then tells me that the rulebook says white and the player was on orange and that I need to learn the rules. Easy ejection.
I have been a local umpire, assistant league UIC, league UIC, and assistant district UIC in various areas. I have found in strong districts and leagues that enforce the rules things go smoothly. In this particular league, they seem to not enforce the rules apppropritely and that the board is controlled by local politics that think they rule with an iron fist.