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I'm having a real hard time believing you are as old as you claim, based on how absolutely juvenile you act.
4,000 games in 40 years of umpiring? Bullsh*t!
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
I'll take this one.
PWL, The pitcher set up on the mound with his pivot foot on the rubber and his free foot right on the imaginary 45 degree line between home and first. Then the pitcher, without stepping, rotated his hips toward first and threw the ball to first. An obvious balk. Did that help?
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
Thanks Steve for the assist!
I'm still having trouble with how Thomas is describing this situation. It seems almost contrived for our benefit. I can't believe that someone actually thought up this nonsense. Am I alone in this? If I am, I'll just go back to my corner and be quiet. Bob
Bob P. ----------------------- We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself. |
Yes, his free foot. That is the baseball term for "not his pivot foot." It was self-explanatory. No, you're reading too much into it. He got on the rubber. He set up with his free (yes, left) foot at the 45 degree line. He then threw to first with no other movement, including no step. That is a balk. The coach argued that it was not a balk. The pitcher did not step toward first base, he merely lined up toward first base. Not the same thing. Did that help?
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
Not so much the funniest, but the way he got ejected, and how it ended up. Wish I could say this was an original, but borrowed it from the legendary So Cal umpire Dave Davies, who lurks on here frequently, who posts on here occasionally.
Coach came out to argue a call at the plate. Standing about 15 feet up the first base line. Was being a jerk, but nothing over the line. The ones that know just when to pull it back a little. He had been doing some chirping during the game, so this looked like it was going to be one of them accumulative ejections. It had reached the point, I was going to toss him, so I pulled this one out of the bag. And you got to understand, it was the "right" moment, with the "right" coach.....have to pick your spot... I said...."Coach, we're done, if I turn around and your still here, YOUR done." I turn around and start walking toward the plate, which by coincidence (shocking) is toward his dugout. He has to walk this way to get to his dugout.I take about 5 steps, turn around , and there he is walking right behind me. I gave him the look,like "what are you still doing here"...and said "Coach, I told ya, your gone." He looked at me, mouth wide open, started to say...."but I was going to my........" Paused for about a second, realized what happenned. Gave me kinda a mischevious, yet respectful grin. Priceless. We havnt had any problems since. One of the best coaches Ive encountered, in running his teams, and dealing with umpires. Something Ill never forget. |
Funny how I can picture exactly what Bob was saying, but you are having a hard time with it. Is it any clearer now? I feel like an optometrist, better, worse, or about the same? ![]()
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
Let's talk about the balk call on this, and not worry so much about the EJ.
The key to this balk call is NOT whether the pitcher disengaged or not. The balk was for failure to gain distance and direction toward the base the pitcher was throwing to. To be a legal pick off move, the free foot (non pivot, the one not on the rubber) must not end up in the same place it started. The pitcher cannot pick the free foot up and place it back down. Thats a balk. In my situation, the foot was'nt even picked up and placed down. Hope that helps. The confusion between FED and OBR has been lessened greatly since the "shoulder turn" rule in FED has been changed. I still get in trouble by killing the ball in OBR games though. In my experience, most common balks are failure to come to a complete stop, failure to step to the base, and failure to disengage on the fake to first. I still get a few right handers on the knee break, and a few lefties on the free foot crossing the plane of the rubber. And for Carl, I called a balk on a pick at second, when the pitcher's initial move was toward the plate. He moved his glove and free foot forward toward the plate, prior to his turn toward second. Bob
Bob P. ----------------------- We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PWL
Kryptonite, what is kryptonite a piece of green glowing rock. Looks likes ordinary piece nueclear waste. I thought I might comment on this just for fun. It's a common misconception that radio active material has a green glow. Too many cartoons and comic books continue to support this myth. The fact of the matter is that highly radio active material such as a spent fuel rod, taken from a nuclear reactor for example, has a purple hue to it. The color used when describing a radio active particulate is Magenta. Every time we go into a re-fueling outage at the plant, I have to go into the containment building and watch the crew pull up the spent fuel rod bundles. I have to ensure that proper safety procedures are being used around the reactor cavity. Prior to the reactor head being pulled, the surrounding cavity is flooded with water to provide a shield around the fuel bundles. When these bundles come up out of the reactor core into the surrounding cavity, they have the most incredible purple glow to them. It is one of the most facinating thing's I've witnessed, other than watching my wife give birth to our three sons. Tim. ![]() [Edited by BigUmp56 on Dec 10th, 2005 at 03:07 AM] |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BigUmp56
Thanks for the nuclear power lesson. Say hi to Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie for me. Doh! Flanders
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
Why do insist on posting on this thread when you have absolutely zero credibility on the subject? You don't have a funny ejection. You don't have a serious ejection. You don't have an unusual ejection. You don't have a routine ejection. Quit posting in threads concerning ejections.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 |
I merged two trains of thought into one post. I was referring to your associations method of interacting with coaches, not the balk discussion. Perhaps the merged trains caused a derailment? Bob
Bob P. ----------------------- We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself. |
Is there something you're trying to say? ![]()
GB |
Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish? If you want to know how I found those pictures, I'll tell you. It's not that hard to figure out. On the stupid supporter picture, I simply entered "protective equipment" into a Google images search. For the shirt photo, I entered "white shirt" into the same images search engine. I found the cartoon charicature this morning by entering "jerk." Now, the horse you tied your saddle to is copying post's from some of the boards members and re-posting them here. What do you suppose that's all about? He's acting like a child. This time I'm absolutely in agreement with Windy and others. This "man" claims to have 40 years experience and does not know the difference between interference and obstruction. If he is an umpire, he's a rookie at best. I envision him sitting at his computer looking exactly like the cartoon charicature I posted a link to as he makes his post's. Right now, he's reading this and laughing at both of us, Garth. I'm surprised you don't see the humor in the picture of the umpire dressed in female madrigal attire at this time of year. I thought it was funny as hell. Tim ![]() |
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