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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 04:47pm
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A matter of taste

Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by BigUmp56

Seriously, Tim: On this site you've posted a photo of a male crotch and bare butt, another of one of the Village People posing in an open shirt, and the URL to a cartoon of a limp-wristed character. At another site you posted a photo of a drag queen party.

Is there something you're trying to say?

I found each and every picture Tim posted to be funny as hell. On the other hand, your boy posted a link to a picture of a dropped-dead John McSherry, which I think everyone would agree was in very poor taste.

Tim posted pictures to illustrate how ridiculous Tommy's subject matter was. Poking fun at dead legendary umpires is not appreciated.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 04:56pm
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Originally posted by thomaswhite
Here's the procedure.

Coach wants a discussion. Time is allowed, Ump approaches coach (if BU then he jogs over to foul line), adresses coach from at least an arms length, coach states whatever, answered, restates, answered and usually that will be it. Some leeway. When Ump breaks of to his position, it's over. Id Coach yells across diamond at anytime, he gets a warning (except to get Time of course). Secind warning pouts HC on bench, no third, HC gone.

Results in over 4,000 games, ejections reduced by 80%.

Cross the line, bring up a call in between innings, you can get tossed or warned. Discretion to our Umps. [/B]
sounds like u r a little league ump.
Coach wants to talk to me he is coming to me. If it is an assistant - well, managers have earned the right to speak to umpires, coaches are present to coach.
Alan Roper

Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 05:03pm
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Dear Tim and "me,too" Steve:

As I have posted at least three times, I have no horse in this race. What I have is appreciation for the show that you two, thomas and others have provided. I had hoped by now that you would have learned the lesson that even Windy finally figured out. If you don't want a dog yapping, stop poking him with a stick.

As far as your choice of graphics to display your distaste of certain posts (nude male butts and drag queens): "different strokes for different folks."

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 05:05 PM]
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 05:53pm
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Originally posted by GarthB
Dear Tim and "me,too" Steve:

As I have posted at least three times, I have no horse in this race. What I have is appreciation for the show that you two, thomas and others have provided. I had hoped by now that you would have learned the lesson that even Windy finally figured out. If you don't want a dog yapping, stop poking him with a stick.

As far as your choice of graphics to display your distaste of certain posts (nude male butts and drag queens): "different strokes for different folks."

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 05:05 PM]

Did you like the picture of the woman in the bikini though?

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 06:03pm
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Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by GarthB
Dear Tim and "me,too" Steve:

As I have posted at least three times, I have no horse in this race. What I have is appreciation for the show that you two, thomas and others have provided. I had hoped by now that you would have learned the lesson that even Windy finally figured out. If you don't want a dog yapping, stop poking him with a stick.

As far as your choice of graphics to display your distaste of certain posts (nude male butts and drag queens): "different strokes for different folks."

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 05:05 PM]

Did you like the picture of the woman in the bikini though?

Never saw it. But generally speaking I do appreciate a woman's beauty more than a man's. Some might find that strange, hey, it's just the way I am.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 06:53pm
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Originally posted by BigUmp56

Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?

I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.

For example, I buy a new cup every now and again. If there's a better mousetrap (okay -- poor choice of words), I'd consider it when making my decision. It will affect my life more than a discussion of whether the hands are part of the bat, or exactly when the batter is out if he heads straight to the dugout after hitting a pop fly that's not caught.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:08pm
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Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by GarthB
Dear Tim and "me,too" Steve:

As I have posted at least three times, I have no horse in this race. What I have is appreciation for the show that you two, thomas and others have provided. I had hoped by now that you would have learned the lesson that even Windy finally figured out. If you don't want a dog yapping, stop poking him with a stick.

As far as your choice of graphics to display your distaste of certain posts (nude male butts and drag queens): "different strokes for different folks."

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 05:05 PM]

Did you like the picture of the woman in the bikini though?

Never saw it. But generally speaking I do appreciate a woman's beauty more than a man's. Some might find that strange, hey, it's just the way I am.

Sure you saw it, Garth. How can you say that you didn't? You made a post immediately after it claiming it was your wife.

Someone made a post after your's saying it was their girlfriend. Then Bob decided to delete it. I still don't know why, but he did.

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:33pm
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Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by GarthB
Dear Tim and "me,too" Steve:

As I have posted at least three times, I have no horse in this race. What I have is appreciation for the show that you two, thomas and others have provided. I had hoped by now that you would have learned the lesson that even Windy finally figured out. If you don't want a dog yapping, stop poking him with a stick.

As far as your choice of graphics to display your distaste of certain posts (nude male butts and drag queens): "different strokes for different folks."

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 05:05 PM]

Did you like the picture of the woman in the bikini though?

Never saw it. But generally speaking I do appreciate a woman's beauty more than a man's. Some might find that strange, hey, it's just the way I am.

Sure you saw it, Garth. How can you say that you didn't? You made a post immediately after it claiming it was your wife.

Someone made a post after your's saying it was their girlfriend. Then Bob decided to delete it. I still don't know why, but he did.

I'm sorry, I thought you were referring to something more recent. If you meant the photo of my wife you should have said so. I always enjoy photos of her.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:37pm
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Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56

I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.

For example, I buy a new cup every now and again. If there's a better mousetrap (okay -- poor choice of words), I'd consider it when making my decision. It will affect my life more than a discussion of whether the hands are part of the bat, or exactly when the batter is out if he heads straight to the dugout after hitting a pop fly that's not caught.


Questions asked by a newer umpire on rules, mechanics, etc..., are not interesting, right?

If that's the case, maybe you should convince the heirarcy at Right Sports to re-name this forum to " The Official Forum for all discussions about officiating baseball that we the Big Dogs deem worthy." That would leave several members here to discuss a few rules changes each year and new equipment coming out. Other than that, what else would you have to discuss other than the telling of war stories.

I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum. This forum is here for the sole purpose of generating additional revenues for the domain owners, by moving people to subscribe to the paid side of the Web Site. In order to accomplish that, they need to attract and welcome all comers to the board. Each new registration is a possible $50 subscription for the board's owners.

If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.

Regardless of what you thought about the abandonment ~vs~ desertion thread, it sparked some great dialog between some of the more prominent members of this board.

However, you are mistaken if you believe that umpires come here to read a discussion about what cup a new guy wears, or how big his vastis medialis are, and how his old cup rubbed them "raw."

What's next. New threads on bullet pencil prefferences, or stronger shoe laces?

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:49pm
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If that's the case, maybe you should convince the heirarcy at Right Sports to re-name this forum to " The Official Forum for all discussions about officiating baseball that we the Big Dogs deem worthy." That would leave several members here to discuss a few rules changes each year and new equipment coming out. Other than that, what else would you have to discuss other than the telling of war stories.

I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum. This forum is here for the sole purpose of generating additional revenues for the domain owners by moving people to subscribe to the paid side of the Web Site. In order to accomplish that, they need to attract and welcome all comers to the board. Each new registration is a possible $50 subscription for the board's owners.

If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.

Actually, this board didn't suffer before the LL and McGriff hordes found their way here and it won't suffer when they leave.

As far as Bob attempting to convince the owners to design the board to his conditions, unlike some others, he understands that those who own the board are free to run it, or allow it to be run, as they choose. I don't believe Bob would ever threaten a board owner to accept his conditions.

I've been visiting umpire sites since 1996. In that time I've seen a number of individuals pop in, try to setup a new agenda and later pop out. It runs in cycles. The only constant is T. Alan.

I understand there is a new board that "is a forum for baseball umpires from all youth baseball organizations to discuss the rules and regulations of baseball. We will discuss the mechanics involved in umpiring as well. Keep it clean. Remember, this is a public forum. It can be read by anyone, including children.

You should try it out. It appears to be designed for your level of ball. But since children may visit, the owner may not want the type of graphics you prefer. Better check with him first. You can find it at

[Edited by GarthB on Dec 11th, 2005 at 10:42 PM]
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:50pm
Do not give a damn!!
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I think you are mistaken if you believe that people come here because we subscribe or that we might subscribe. Many of us realize what this place is and come here anyway. So if you do not like the site and the rules, go find another place to spend your time. I have never subscribed to the paid portion for my own reasons. I do come here to talk officiating and read some other "off-topic" issues. This is a free place for anyone to come. It is not your right or an obligation for you to be here. You are not the first person to take issue with the rules and you will not be the last. Life will go on with you here and when you leave.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:57pm
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Originally posted by BigUmp56
I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum. This forum is here for the sole purpose of generating additional revenues for the domain owners, by moving people to subscribe to the paid side of the Web Site. In order to accomplish that, they need to attract and welcome all comers to the board. Each new registration is a possible $50 subscription for the board's owners.
I know Bob, get with it. Remember that time Rollie wrote that article about a play which happened to him durring a T-Ball game? was trying to appeal to all the T-Ball umpires on the forum, and no one should chase them away...

Originally posted by BigUmp56
If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.
There is a difference between quality and quanity, if this site turns into eteamz, many members wouls stop posting.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 08:10pm
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No, Jeff, I think it might be you who doesn't understand the economic aspects of maintaining a web site like this. This is not a philathropic enterprise, Jeff. They're here to make money.

I can understand that you don't subscribe to the paid side, but this forum is a huge piece of eye candy that enters into the equation that may convince others to subscribe.

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 08:35pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally posted by BigUmp56

No, Jeff, I think it might be you who doesn't understand the economic aspects of maintaining a web site like this. This is not a philathropic enterprise, Jeff. They're here to make money.

I can understand that you don't subscribe to the paid side, but this forum is a huge piece of eye candy that enters into the equation that may convince others to subscribe.
I have been on this site for almost 10 years as well (somewhere around 97 or 98 to be specific). My original
name or identity was deleted when the site went through a transformation. So I have been around almost as long as Garth stated.

I have seen many people come and go. The reason I have so many posts on this site is because I have been around and others have decided for whatever reason to leave. As I said before, people have come and gone that agree or disagree with the way this site if run. If you do not like what the moderators do, do not let the door hit you on the way out. Of course they are here to make money, but all of us here do not even want to subscribe. I have never subscribed and probably never will. If this place folds I am sure I will find another place to go. Life is too short to worry about what is done on a site that I am not paying a cent to come to.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 08:36pm
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Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56

Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?

I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.

You're missing the point big time, Timmie.

You don't get to decide what's ridiculous or not. The people that own this site and their moderators get to do that. The last time I looked the only persons here that you get to tell what to do are yourself and StevieSuperman.

Iow, quit trying to damnwell tell people here what to post or not post. Whointhehell do you think you are anyway? God?
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