Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
You might want to inform your clinicians of this... as they (ASA) have not been teaching it this way.
"They" are not my anything
The funny thing is ... I've seen clinicians say you should take a sub on a batter that is sure to come up this inning (batting 1st, 2nd, 3rd at the beginning of a new half inning, for example) but not one that may or may not bat this inning (4th batter of a fresh inning ... or 2nd batter up with 1 out and a runner on, for example)... yet other clinicians simply say the sub must be the NEXT batter and the next batter only.
Just how hard is it for anyone with any experience to understand the coach isn't making a substitution for a batter, pitcher, catcher, etc., but making a substitution for a PLAYER? It cannot be any easier even for the NCAA.