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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 11:58am
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Posts: 190
I think the ridiculous rules the coaches come up with puts there place in a ballgame into the proper perspective.With all their ranting and raving that we all have to put up with,they also come up with the most stupid comments that you can do nothing else but laugh at them.This morning I umpired an ASA 18U tournament in which the following play occured.R1 on first attempting to steal on the pitch.The throw comes down to second ahead of the runner in which F4 had the ball and blocked the base with her foot.R1 slid into her foot and was tagged out by F4.R1 never made it to the bag.Here comes the great part,the coach called time and came out to question the call,telling me he realized R1 slid into F4's foot but THE FOOT IS PART OF THE BASE!!! You dont know how difficult it was not to just laugh at this idiot,but I took the time to politely explain that he was wrong.I guess this can be filed under the same catagory as another coaches favorite,THE HANDS ARE PART OF THE BAT!!!If only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!! Jeff
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 02:22pm
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I love the cry, "high tag". I called a runner out at 2B who was tagged on the shoulder while sliding, and got the "high tag" bit. "Coach, your runner is still three feet short of the base. And still out".

I had a HS varsity coach INSIST that the infield fly rule was to protect his infielders, NOT the runners.

"If only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!!"

"Rule book. We don't need no stinking rule book. We know all the rules already."

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 28, 2003, 11:13pm
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Another "Coachism"

Here's one for you.....Slight drizzle and when the pitcher releases the ball toward the plate it slips from her hand and hits the on deck batter, Ive got ball one. As F2 is returning the ball to F1 the offensive coach requests time saying she doesn't understand how I could call a ball on this pitch, the coach is beside herself with anger. I explained the ball crossed the foul line out of the strike zone and was a ball. Offensive coach asks me if I saw the ball hit her player and when I responded yes, she insists that I award the player 1st base. I finally get her back to the dugout and I get back behind the plate, as I'm about to put the ball in play, out comes the defensive coach wanting to know what's going on. I tell him that I've got ball one on the batter. Now the defensive coach goes nuts, he wants the player who got hit called out. His logic was that since F1 threw the pitch to the on deck batter, she was batting out of turn and should be called out. I finally get him back to the dugout and resume play.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 12:33am
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Location: Columbia, SC
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In a Little League district tournament baseball game (yes, I know it's a softball board) a defensive coach insisted that the rule book said all players had to wear hats, so he felt the offensive players had to have hats on under there helmets. The home plate umpire (a local) conferred with the 1st base umpire (a local) and agreed that was the proper ruling and made the players wear the hats under their batting helmets.

I was a visiting (3B) umpire filling in for a friend. No body asked me, I just stayed at third.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 02:16am
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Originally posted by SC Ump
In a Little League district tournament baseball game (yes, I know it's a softball board) a defensive coach insisted that the rule book said all players had to wear hats, so he felt the offensive players had to have hats on under there helmets. The home plate umpire (a local) conferred with the 1st base umpire (a local) and agreed that was the proper ruling and made the players wear the hats under their batting helmets.

I was a visiting (3B) umpire filling in for a friend. No body asked me, I just stayed at third.
Gee, 2/3 of the umps were as stupid as the coaches.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 01:40pm
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Re: Another

I love this one:
Originally posted by MichaelVA2000
... snip ... Now the defensive coach goes nuts, he wants the player who got hit called out. His logic was that since F1 threw the pitch to the on deck batter, she was batting out of turn and should be called out. ... snip ...
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 03:52pm
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Re: Another

Originally posted by MichaelVA2000
...she insists that I award the player 1st base. ... she was batting out of turn and should be called out.
These are priceless... dumb and dumber.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 09:51pm
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Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
"only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!! . . . . . . OR UMPIRE?

OK, my turn. 18U, U-trip Qualifying Tournament, first game Friday. F1 warming up, must be getting ready for NCAA ball for she has that big stride step sideways, drags the pivot foot behind her and pitches back into the batter. I thought that I better get this taken care of before we got into the game so I went out to talk with the pitcher. Said "you can't step outside the width of the plate." "What do you mean, Blue?" So I draw the line in the dirt and say "you can't land completely outside this line." She looks at me with those big blue eyes and says "I didn't know that!"

By this time I've got a couple coaches coming on the field and yelling "what's going on? What's going on!" "He won't let me step over the line, coach." "THAT'S BS. THAT'S ONLY BEFORE THE PITCH THAT SHE HAS BE BE WITHIN THE PLATE. YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT. SHOW ME A RULE BOOK WHERE IT SAYS THAT!" I said that I didn't need a book, that I knew the pitching rules, and that I needed for them to move to the bench so I could get the game started. "WELL SHE CAN LAND ANYWHERE SHE WANTS, AND YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE." "Well, Coach, you are right; she can land anywhere. But if it's outside the 24" plate width I will have to call an illegal pitch." Now they are really going bonkers. They want to protest; they are calling for the UIC. "Sorry Coach, no protest, and that is in your tournament rules. I said that I was tired of listening to them, to git in the dugout right now or this game will be over before the first pitch.

"Play Ball." And that first step is fully 6" outside the 24" width. Arm out, illegal pitch. One side of field erupts in jeers and boos; snickers from the other side. I probably called 6 or 8 illegal pitches in that first half inning. And the noise was ugly.

Somebody must have got the word to the coaches because they calmed down, and were even nice to me. And F1 moved over a bit, still have the big sideways step, but was now landing on the line so no more illegal pitches.

Interesting sidenote; female (college) coach for other team approached me after the inning was over and said quietly "shouldn't my runners have advanced a base on those illegal pitches?" I replied "yes, but I forgot at the time and I didn't want to inflame the situation any further." She smiled and turned away. What a gem! She had every right to challenge during that first half inning, but chose to keep quiet.

"Now for the rest of the story." Umpires are using 2nd floor of concession stand as a changing area and we are looking out on a game today. Same team is playing, same pitcher, same illegal side stride. From above we are looking straight onto the pitcher's plate. I drew the attention of a fellow ump to the stride foot landing and asked if he would call that illegal. No, he said and then started to explain what things he would call illegal. "Would you not call that because you don't want to, or because you don't think that it is illegal?" I asked. "It's not illegal" he replied. "Her feet only have to be within 24" to start the pitch." (Now where have I heard that before?) When I said that it was illegal he replied "well, if I saw it in the book then I would call it illegal. But I've never seen it there."

BTW, this a a rising star in our association; 7 yrs experience, lots of H.S. ball including State Tournaments, summer JO tournaments, and men's FP leagues.


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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 10:02pm
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
"only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!! . . . . . . OR UMPIRE?

OK, my turn. 18U, U-trip Qualifying Tournament, first game Friday. F1 warming up, must be getting ready for NCAA ball for she has that big stride step sideways, drags the pivot foot behind her and pitches back into the batter. I thought that I better get this taken care of before we got into the game so I went out to talk with the pitcher. Said "you can't step outside the width of the plate." "What do you mean, Blue?" So I draw the line in the dirt and say "you can't land completely outside this line." She looks at me with those big blue eyes and says "I didn't know that!"

By this time I've got a couple coaches coming on the field and yelling "what's going on? What's going on!" "He won't let me step over the line, coach." "THAT'S BS. THAT'S ONLY BEFORE THE PITCH THAT SHE HAS BE BE WITHIN THE PLATE. YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT. SHOW ME A RULE BOOK WHERE IT SAYS THAT!" I said that I didn't need a book, that I knew the pitching rules, and that I needed for them to move to the bench so I could get the game started. "WELL SHE CAN LAND ANYWHERE SHE WANTS, AND YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE." "Well, Coach, you are right; she can land anywhere. But if it's outside the 24" plate width I will have to call an illegal pitch." Now they are really going bonkers. They want to protest; they are calling for the UIC. "Sorry Coach, no protest, and that is in your tournament rules. I said that I was tired of listening to them, to git in the dugout right now or this game will be over before the first pitch.

"Play Ball." And that first step is fully 6" outside the 24" width. Arm out, illegal pitch. One side of field erupts in jeers and boos; snickers from the other side. I probably called 6 or 8 illegal pitches in that first half inning. And the noise was ugly.

Somebody must have got the word to the coaches because they calmed down, and were even nice to me. And F1 moved over a bit, still have the big sideways step, but was now landing on the line so no more illegal pitches.

Interesting sidenote; female (college) coach for other team approached me after the inning was over and said quietly "shouldn't my runners have advanced a base on those illegal pitches?" I replied "yes, but I forgot at the time and I didn't want to inflame the situation any further." She smiled and turned away. What a gem! She had every right to challenge during that first half inning, but chose to keep quiet.

"Now for the rest of the story." Umpires are using 2nd floor of concession stand as a changing area and we are looking out on a game today. Same team is playing, same pitcher, same illegal side stride. From above we are looking straight onto the pitcher's plate. I drew the attention of a fellow ump to the stride foot landing and asked if he would call that illegal. No, he said and then started to explain what things he would call illegal. "Would you not call that because you don't want to, or because you don't think that it is illegal?" I asked. "It's not illegal" he replied. "Her feet only have to be within 24" to start the pitch." (Now where have I heard that before?) When I said that it was illegal he replied "well, if I saw it in the book then I would call it illegal. But I've never seen it there."

BTW, this a a rising star in our association; 7 yrs experience, lots of H.S. ball including State Tournaments, summer JO tournaments, and men's FP leagues.


Since the only thing this "rising star" needed was to see it in print, did you ever show him page 84 of the 2003 ASA rule book?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 10:51pm
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Since the only thing this "rising star" needed was to see it in print, did you ever show him page 84 of the 2003 ASA rule book?

No, because the rule book was in the car. But anytime I have an issue in a game, or in a discussion, or on one of these internet boards, I will get out the book when I get home. (Or before I get out of the parking lot, if I am really concerned.)

I will see him this week (we both do Men's FP in the same league) or at a tournament next weekend - and we'll see if he took it upon himself to get educated.

And yes, I was on pg 84 earlier this evening. Just checking!

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 11:25pm
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No, because the rule book was in the car.
Oh the many times I wish I had it during a game! 12U ASA. Two outs. Batter steps on plate and hits a foul ball. I call the batter out for stepping on the plate. Coach (a good buddy of mine) argues that if she hits a foul ball, she can't POSSIBLY be out. I ask him if he has a rule book handy.

Me: "Before I open this to show you, I'll put a pop and a hot dog on the line after the game that I'm right."
Coach: "Double it and you got a deal."
Me: "I'm not that hungry. (Opened rule book: Rule 7, Section 4, can't remember other numbers because the rule book is in the car ) So..."
Coach: "An ump who reads the rule book... what a novel idea!"
"If you want something that is fair in life, hit a ball between first and third base."
John Palko
Pittsburgh, PA
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 11:59pm
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
"only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!! . . . . . . OR UMPIRE?

OK, my turn. 18U, U-trip Qualifying Tournament, first game Friday. F1 warming up, must be getting ready for NCAA ball for she has that big stride step sideways, drags the pivot foot behind her and pitches back into the batter. I thought that I better get this taken care of before we got into the game so I went out to talk with the pitcher. Said "you can't step outside the width of the plate." "What do you mean, Blue?" So I draw the line in the dirt and say "you can't land completely outside this line." She looks at me with those big blue eyes and says "I didn't know that!"

By this time I've got a couple coaches coming on the field and yelling "what's going on? What's going on!" "He won't let me step over the line, coach." "THAT'S BS. THAT'S ONLY BEFORE THE PITCH THAT SHE HAS BE BE WITHIN THE PLATE. YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT. SHOW ME A RULE BOOK WHERE IT SAYS THAT!" I said that I didn't need a book, that I knew the pitching rules, and that I needed for them to move to the bench so I could get the game started. "WELL SHE CAN LAND ANYWHERE SHE WANTS, AND YOU CAN'T PROVE OTHERWISE." "Well, Coach, you are right; she can land anywhere. But if it's outside the 24" plate width I will have to call an illegal pitch." Now they are really going bonkers. They want to protest; they are calling for the UIC. "Sorry Coach, no protest, and that is in your tournament rules. I said that I was tired of listening to them, to git in the dugout right now or this game will be over before the first pitch.

"Play Ball." And that first step is fully 6" outside the 24" width. Arm out, illegal pitch. One side of field erupts in jeers and boos; snickers from the other side. I probably called 6 or 8 illegal pitches in that first half inning. And the noise was ugly.

Somebody must have got the word to the coaches because they calmed down, and were even nice to me. And F1 moved over a bit, still have the big sideways step, but was now landing on the line so no more illegal pitches.

Interesting sidenote; female (college) coach for other team approached me after the inning was over and said quietly "shouldn't my runners have advanced a base on those illegal pitches?" I replied "yes, but I forgot at the time and I didn't want to inflame the situation any further." She smiled and turned away. What a gem! She had every right to challenge during that first half inning, but chose to keep quiet.

"Now for the rest of the story." Umpires are using 2nd floor of concession stand as a changing area and we are looking out on a game today. Same team is playing, same pitcher, same illegal side stride. From above we are looking straight onto the pitcher's plate. I drew the attention of a fellow ump to the stride foot landing and asked if he would call that illegal. No, he said and then started to explain what things he would call illegal. "Would you not call that because you don't want to, or because you don't think that it is illegal?" I asked. "It's not illegal" he replied. "Her feet only have to be within 24" to start the pitch." (Now where have I heard that before?) When I said that it was illegal he replied "well, if I saw it in the book then I would call it illegal. But I've never seen it there."

BTW, this a a rising star in our association; 7 yrs experience, lots of H.S. ball including State Tournaments, summer JO tournaments, and men's FP leagues.


"Rising star"? Seems to me that he flamed out a long time ago. "

"well, if I saw it in the book then I would call it illegal. But I've never seen it there." Maybe he should try freading the rule book.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 07:10am
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OK, my turn!

Dixie girls Belles (16U).
Pitch hits the dirt in front of plate and then hits the batter on the leg.
PU calls dead ball and does not award first base. I discuss the situation. He tells me if the ball hits the ground first, it's a dead ball and batter does not get first base????
BU comes in and he agrees with the PU. I shake my head and return to the dugout.
If this had been late innings and game was on the line, I probably would have wound up in the parking lot.
Got a lot of laughs and disbelief from other umpires when I told the story afterwards.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 07:39am
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 07:45am
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1) Batter hit roller down 1st base line and follows it to 1st. I'm following him, F3 and F4 collide at the bag. Ball disappears in the crowd or the dust and reappears in foul ground where it hits F3, so I call foul ball. The 1st base coach and others yell that it hit the base. I say couldn't see it and they of course ignore that I'm 20 - 25 feet from the base and say "you need to get down there". Next batter hits a squib to F4, runs 1/3 of the way to 1st, slings his bat across the infield before being putout. I tell him we don't allow bat throwing and his teammates say "don't follow him so close and you won't get hit"

2) Batter swings, fouls ball over the backstop, then loses control of the bat on his follow through. It hits the catcher and the batter wants catcher "interference".

3) Of course, neither team thought they needed to give me a lineup, much less with numbers and last names. One team takes a player out of the game and reports to me that Rick is in for Ken. With only one Ken on the lineup, I write Rick next to his name. Neither bats that inning. Next inning, they say "Billy for Ken". I say Ken is already out, replaced by Rick. The say "no, Rick is catching, but Ken moved to EP". I give up, move Rick to Chris's spot (the original EP), replace Ken with Billy and go on. Not by the rules, but allowing for ........
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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