I think the ridiculous rules the coaches come up with puts there place in a ballgame into the proper perspective.With all their ranting and raving that we all have to put up with,they also come up with the most stupid comments that you can do nothing else but laugh at them.This morning I umpired an ASA 18U tournament in which the following play occured.R1 on first attempting to steal on the pitch.The throw comes down to second ahead of the runner in which F4 had the ball and blocked the base with her foot.R1 slid into her foot and was tagged out by F4.R1 never made it to the bag.Here comes the great part,the coach called time and came out to question the call,telling me he realized R1 slid into F4's foot but THE FOOT IS PART OF THE BASE!!! You dont know how difficult it was not to just laugh at this idiot,but I took the time to politely explain that he was wrong.I guess this can be filed under the same catagory as another coaches favorite,THE HANDS ARE PART OF THE BAT!!!If only they would spend just a little time and open that rule book they are given each season and get a better understanding of the game they choose to coach!! Jeff