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Old Thu Jul 10, 2003, 12:47pm
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
In that this thread has gone on for awhile, it's time to add my story.

Last weekend, 14U tournament. Thur/Fri pool play, everyone (fans, players, umpires, coaches) having a good time; getting along great. Sat is Championship day and the mood changes. Fans are yelling on every call, coaches are complaining about strike zones ("Same zone I had Friday, Coach!").

R1 gets too far off 1B and F2 fires shot to F3. R1 starts for 2B, F3 throws to F4, R1 heads back and F4 throws past F3 into DBT. I call DB, move R1 to 3B. Def. coach is screaming "why is that dead ball?" "Cuz I called it dead, Coach!"

Then he wants to see where F3 retrieved ball from and I say OK. (I am really trying to pacify people and get through this day.) F3 walks him to fence and points to spot. Then he cames back to me and says runner should be on 2B. "One plus One" he says. "Base she was going to (1B), plus one."

And then "you don't know the rules; we have played a lot of games this year and that is always the way it it called."

He's not buying my version of the rules, so finally I say "OK, Coach, let's play by your rules. She was going back to 1B so she gets that base, and the next one back." I pointed to home and waved R1 to come in.

Coach turned purple! "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" "You're right, Coach. I don't like your rules, let's play by ASA rules. Two bases from time of throw; she is on third - and you are in the dugout. Right now!"

Of course that runner scored on a wild pitch. Team made many mistakes: F3 threw too quick on the run-down, F4 threw wild back to F3, and F1 threw wild pitch. But it's my fault they lost the game!

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