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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 09:45pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Proposed ASA Rule Changes #1

Strike Mat - A 19X34.5 mat to be placed over the plate. And ball which strikes the mat is a strike.

Bunt – A batted ball not swung at, but instead hit by the batter who holds the bat in the path of the ball and taps it slowly within the infield

Charged Conference – It is not a charged conference if the pitcher is removed from the pitching position during a conference.

(SP only) Base on Balls – Change a walk to 3 balls instead of 4 for a walk.

As usual, numerous changes of the FP pitching distance to 43’ for numerous levels of play.

Change SP dimensions of bases and PP to 70’ & 53’, respectively

Change the depth of the catcher’s box to 6’ from the back corners of the plate.

Add a second HP for Coed ball.

Require a bat to be on the list AND have a valid certification stamp.
Eliminates all the older bats.

Include dents with burrs and visible cracks as a reason to exclude a bat as legal.

A few proposals requiring the manner or material of which bats are constructed.

Eliminating the white ball by 2010

Eliminate the 11’ ball in the coed game.

Numerous proposals concerning metal spikes from adding them for different FP age levels to banning them for men’s adult SP.

Allow the EP to play defense placing 11 players on the field. The rule change specifically notes 5 infielders & 4 outfielders.

Eliminate disqualification for an unreported substitute violation.

Require coaches to be in proper dress. Eliminates any cut-offs or jeans.

“When the catcher requests time to speak to the pitcher, base runner may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference. Note: If either team is charged with a conference, runners are no longer restricted to the area near their base.

Set HR limits for the different classification of the women’s SP game.

More than a handful of proposals changing the HR allowance for different classes of the men’s and coed SP.

Change to eliminate the half-inning ending penalty for excess HR as too severe while there is also a change to add the penalty to the men’s C level.

Change FP run ahead to 15 after 3, 12/4 & 7/5, SP Men’s A 20/4, 15/5

Establish a pitcher’s box for SP

Change the maximum height for SP pitch to 10’

Changing the penalty for a pitcher’s 20 second violation to a ball on the batter, not an IP

Allow FP pitchers to use Gorilla Gold.

To allow 6 warm-ups in the co-ed game, 3 with each ball

Allow an unlimited batting order in Girl’s B FP and all FP pool play.

SP – batter assumes a 1-1 count when they enter the batter’s box.

Eliminate the requirement for the batter in the JO game to keep a foot in the box.

A few proposals to penalize players or coaches for wiping out, erasing or whatever to any lines on the field.

In SP under “The batter is out” After a second strike, excluding a foul ball that is hit after one strike”.

A handful of proposals eliminating stealing from SP

Make an allowance in the rules to address a deflected ball from leaving the field in fair territory.

Change in the assisting the runner violation to allow for assisting during a dead ball

Change the wording of the “crash rule” to eliminate the requirement of the fielder to have the ball at the time of the collision.

Allow the JO courtesy runner rule to apply to ALL fastpitch.

To include “Guidelines to Lightning Safety” in Rule 10
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