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IRISHMAFIA Tue Oct 28, 2008 09:45pm

Proposed ASA Rule Changes #1
Strike Mat - A 19X34.5 mat to be placed over the plate. And ball which strikes the mat is a strike.

Bunt – A batted ball not swung at, but instead hit by the batter who holds the bat in the path of the ball and taps it slowly within the infield

Charged Conference – It is not a charged conference if the pitcher is removed from the pitching position during a conference.

(SP only) Base on Balls – Change a walk to 3 balls instead of 4 for a walk.

As usual, numerous changes of the FP pitching distance to 43’ for numerous levels of play.

Change SP dimensions of bases and PP to 70’ & 53’, respectively

Change the depth of the catcher’s box to 6’ from the back corners of the plate.

Add a second HP for Coed ball.

Require a bat to be on the list AND have a valid certification stamp.
Eliminates all the older bats.

Include dents with burrs and visible cracks as a reason to exclude a bat as legal.

A few proposals requiring the manner or material of which bats are constructed.

Eliminating the white ball by 2010

Eliminate the 11’ ball in the coed game.

Numerous proposals concerning metal spikes from adding them for different FP age levels to banning them for men’s adult SP.

Allow the EP to play defense placing 11 players on the field. The rule change specifically notes 5 infielders & 4 outfielders.

Eliminate disqualification for an unreported substitute violation.

Require coaches to be in proper dress. Eliminates any cut-offs or jeans.

“When the catcher requests time to speak to the pitcher, base runner may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference. Note: If either team is charged with a conference, runners are no longer restricted to the area near their base.

Set HR limits for the different classification of the women’s SP game.

More than a handful of proposals changing the HR allowance for different classes of the men’s and coed SP.

Change to eliminate the half-inning ending penalty for excess HR as too severe while there is also a change to add the penalty to the men’s C level.

Change FP run ahead to 15 after 3, 12/4 & 7/5, SP Men’s A 20/4, 15/5

Establish a pitcher’s box for SP

Change the maximum height for SP pitch to 10’

Changing the penalty for a pitcher’s 20 second violation to a ball on the batter, not an IP

Allow FP pitchers to use Gorilla Gold.

To allow 6 warm-ups in the co-ed game, 3 with each ball

Allow an unlimited batting order in Girl’s B FP and all FP pool play.

SP – batter assumes a 1-1 count when they enter the batter’s box.

Eliminate the requirement for the batter in the JO game to keep a foot in the box.

A few proposals to penalize players or coaches for wiping out, erasing or whatever to any lines on the field.

In SP under “The batter is out” After a second strike, excluding a foul ball that is hit after one strike”.

A handful of proposals eliminating stealing from SP

Make an allowance in the rules to address a deflected ball from leaving the field in fair territory.

Change in the assisting the runner violation to allow for assisting during a dead ball

Change the wording of the “crash rule” to eliminate the requirement of the fielder to have the ball at the time of the collision.

Allow the JO courtesy runner rule to apply to ALL fastpitch.

To include “Guidelines to Lightning Safety” in Rule 10

NCASAUmp Tue Oct 28, 2008 09:54pm

90% of those got a "yikes" reaction from me.

AtlUmpSteve Tue Oct 28, 2008 09:56pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate the requirement for the batter in the JO game to keep a foot in the box.

This proposed rule includes replacing that requirement with the 10 second requirement to return to the box.

IRISHMAFIA Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:08pm


Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve (Post 546747)
This proposed rule includes replacing that requirement with the 10 second requirement to return to the box.

There is nothing to replace. That requirement was never removed and always in effect.

Stat-Man Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:26pm

Strike Mat - A 19X34.5 mat to be placed over the plate. And ball which strikes the mat is a strike. Is this for all SP?

(SP only) Base on Balls – Change a walk to 3 balls instead of 4 for a walk.
Change SP dimensions of bases and PP to 70’ & 53’, respectively
Add a second HP for Coed ball.

for all 3 of the above: Why? :confused::p

Establish a pitcher’s box for SP Is this like the new NCAA FP box? If so, I don't like that idea.

Change the maximum height for SP pitch to 10’ *shrugs* No real opinion either way.

SP – batter assumes a 1-1 count when they enter the batter’s box. Why not just change to a 3-2 count? :confused:

In SP under “The batter is out” After a second strike, excluding a foul ball that is hit after one strike”. So much for speeding up games. :p

topper Wed Oct 29, 2008 06:51am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate disqualification for an unreported substitute violation.

The best proposal of the bunch. Punishing a player for doing what they're told never made much sense.

IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 29, 2008 07:17am


Originally Posted by Stat-Man (Post 546769)
Strike Mat - A 19X34.5 mat to be placed over the plate. And ball which strikes the mat is a strike. Is this for all SP?

No, for "all games". Yeah, I know. :D But remember, this is only a definition, not a rule change.

Change SP dimensions of bases and PP to 70’ & 53’, respectively

To bring some sort of defense back in the game. Infielders are already playing deep and the standard double play has almost disappeared at some levels of the game. It isn't that big a deal, it is barely more than a runner's stride.


Add a second HP for Coed ball.



Establish a pitcher’s box for SP

Is this like the new NCAA FP box? If so, I don't like that idea.
I doubt the NCAA has a SP pitching box. This is a rectangle that is 6' deep from the front of the PP and 24" wide. The pitcher may start their pitch with a foot anywhere in that box.


SP – batter assumes a 1-1 count when they enter the batter’s box. Why not just change to a 3-2 count? :confused:
Too much confusion and would need to create an entire set of rules just for SP and the count. In previous efforts, this has been shown as the most acceptable wording understood by the council members.

IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 29, 2008 07:18am


Originally Posted by topper (Post 546794)
The best proposal of the bunch. Punishing a player for doing what they're told never made much sense.

How is this punishing the player? To me, it punishes the team and the manager's strategy. Do you suggest you just ignore it?

NCASAUmp Wed Oct 29, 2008 07:33am


Originally Posted by Stat-Man
Establish a pitcher’s box for SP Is this like the new NCAA FP box? If so, I don't like that idea.

This is a rule that has been implemented in senior play. As Mike said, it's a 2'x6' area from which the pitcher may deliver a pitch. Just picture a big pitcher's plate, and apply all of the regular rules we'd normally apply to a 24"x6" plate: must come to a stop for 1 second, must have one foot on the plate (well, box), if a step is taken... blah blah blah.

It gives the pitchers an extra 6' if they so desire, and I actually support this idea. Teams always complain about the hot bats, and every little bit of reaction time can be helpful.

At the Senior Men's Nationals, we used this rule for the first time, and it was never an issue. Since there are no physical lines, judging whether a pitcher is in "the box" is left to umpire's judgment, and field crews don't have to do anything different to prep the fields.

Most of the time, if a pitcher starts to get behind after pitching from the back of the box, they almost always go back to the actual plate and pitch from there.

I personally think this is a great idea, one of the few rule changes I support.

whiskers_ump Wed Oct 29, 2008 08:34am


Originally Posted by topper (Post 546794)
The best proposal of the bunch. Punishing a player for doing what they're told never made much sense.

Always, I have thought, the COACH should go.

Skahtboi Wed Oct 29, 2008 08:46am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Charged Conference – It is not a charged conference if the pitcher is removed from the pitching position during a conference.

Good change, IMO.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
(SP only) Base on Balls – Change a walk to 3 balls instead of 4 for a walk.

Sounds like ASA must be losing business in the SP area to USSSA. This has been a rule of theirs, probably since their inception. I know going back to the 70's at least.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
As usual, numerous changes of the FP pitching distance to 43’ for numerous levels of play.

Personally, I feel as though they have changed it where it really needed to be changed.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change SP dimensions of bases and PP to 70’ & 53’, respectively

Another good change, IMO.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Add a second HP for Coed ball.

No need, is there? I have never seen this as a real problem in the safety arena. If you do it for co-ed, why not for all of SP?


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminating the white ball by 2010

Unnecessary and OO.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate the 11’ ball in the coed game.

I've wondered why it made it this long.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Numerous proposals concerning metal spikes from adding them for different FP age levels to banning them for men’s adult SP.

Another non-issue being made into one. Again, MO.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate disqualification for an unreported substitute violation.

Why not warn on first offense, and toss the coach on the second offense? This is a rule that would make more sense than to punish the player or entirely ignore the offense altogether.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Require coaches to be in proper dress. Eliminates any cut-offs or jeans.

This will be real popular in Bubbaville!


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
“When the catcher requests time to speak to the pitcher, base runner may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference. Note: If either team is charged with a conference, runners are no longer restricted to the area near their base.



Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change FP run ahead to 15 after 3, 12/4 & 7/5, SP Men’s A 20/4, 15/5

There must be some folk with too much time on their hands.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change the maximum height for SP pitch to 10’

Another USSSA based adjustment. Will they eventually term the height requirement "from the point of release" as USSSA does?


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Changing the penalty for a pitcher’s 20 second violation to a ball on the batter, not an IP

This one makes sense.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Allow FP pitchers to use Gorilla Gold.

Why would they want to??? That totally defeats the logic of pitching in FP. This rule change is about as dumb as any pitcher or pitching coach who would want to use GG in the first place.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
SP – batter assumes a 1-1 count when they enter the batter’s box.

Yup. Another USSSA based idea.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
A few proposals to penalize players or coaches for wiping out, erasing or whatever to any lines on the field.



Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change the wording of the “crash rule” to eliminate the requirement of the fielder to have the ball at the time of the collision.

Now this one I actually like.

topper Wed Oct 29, 2008 09:57am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546799)
How is this punishing the player? To me, it punishes the team and the manager's strategy.

It punishes the player by not allowing him/her to participate in the game based on a violation committed by the coach. The team can be punished by nullifying a defensive play made by the unreported sub or getting an out when discovered on offense. Afterwards the player is placed in the lineup. We don't disqualify players for BOO, which is a similar violation.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546799)
Do you suggest you just ignore it?

What an inane question.

AtlUmpSteve Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:15am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546750)
There is nothing to replace. That requirement was never removed and always in effect.

Not exactly, Mike. The current ASA 10 second rule is based on when the umpire directs a batter into the batter's box. The 10 second requirement I am referencing is more in line with what NFHS and NCAA already have; the time starts when the pitcher receives the ball, or when the umpire directs, whichever applies first. This more specifically places a time limit to coaches giving unneeded and redundantly long strings of signals, guarantees the pitcher 10 seconds to pitch (to meet the 20 second rule).

If batters choose to use part of their 10 seconds to walk from and back to the box, no problem; it's their 10 seconds. But they must be in batting position; to me that means in the box, ready to hit, I don't care if they are holding up their hand asking for more time to perform rituals. If they say they aren't ready when the pitcher pitches, then they violated the 10 second rule anyway.

Much more effective, IMO, than the current rule.

IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:11am


Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve (Post 546841)
Not exactly, Mike. The current ASA 10 second rule is based on when the umpire directs a batter into the batter's box. The 10 second requirement I am referencing is more in line with what NFHS and NCAA already have; the time starts when the pitcher receives the ball, or when the umpire directs, whichever applies first. This more specifically places a time limit to coaches giving unneeded and redundantly long strings of signals, guarantees the pitcher 10 seconds to pitch (to meet the 20 second rule).

If batters choose to use part of their 10 seconds to walk from and back to the box, no problem; it's their 10 seconds. But they must be in batting position; to me that means in the box, ready to hit, I don't care if they are holding up their hand asking for more time to perform rituals. If they say they aren't ready when the pitcher pitches, then they violated the 10 second rule anyway.

Much more effective, IMO, than the current rule.

A simple technicallity which can be rectified with a wording change next year. Nonetheless, the 10 second rule was never removed or different from as it was prior to the rule addition which required the player to keep a foot in the BB.

Personally, I believe this rule was added more along the lines of the batter getting directions from the coach by wondering down the line. And yes, it is the umpire's fault for not monitoring those situations better and using the existing rules to control the situation.

Remind me next year and we can try to get the rule amended.

Dakota Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:57am

Proposals I like (ref: JO fastpitch game only):

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Charged Conference – It is not a charged conference if the pitcher is removed from the pitching position during a conference.

Good. Eliminates the silly (IMO) prior notification requirement.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate disqualification for an unreported substitute violation.

In the JO game, players enter the game when told to. This is a coaching brain cramp usually, and around here is brought on because 90% of the games played are under local bat the roster, unlimited sub rules, so the coach pays a high price for the learning curve in championship play.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change FP run ahead to 15 after 3, 12/4...

I like adding the 12/4 rule to the book. (The 7/5... why???? Sounds suspiciously based on a single situation / game...)


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Changing the penalty for a pitcher’s 20 second violation to a ball on the batter, not an IP

Good, penalty was way too harsh for a delay violation.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminate the requirement for the batter in the JO game to keep a foot in the box.

The keep the foot in is unnecessary. The 10 second time is sufficient for controlling wandering players.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change the wording of the “crash rule” to eliminate the requirement of the fielder to have the ball at the time of the collision.

Good change for handling clueless / malicious baserunning. But, unless umpires actually call OBS for runners avoiding a fielder without the ball, this is a significant disadvantage to the offense.

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