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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 11, 2007, 10:50pm
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Originally Posted by mo99
Mike, I have been on this forum for a few years and have seen alot of posters back down and agree with you.Sorry,I am not one of them.
So now you are insulting the others posters? Good move.

I will argue my point with you with class,and wont resort to childish name calling.(ie "putz") My opinion is well founded based on my experiences as a player and umpire over 35 years.I do know the game without a shadow of a doubt and question exactly how much you know,not as an umpire,but athletically speaking.
If you insist on throwing around numbers, I started umpiring in 1964. I began playing softball in the summer of 1971, at the Phila Naval Base. As noted, I've played FP & SP. My umpiring includes a few high-level ASA nats and ISF World Cups, but that isn't what this discussion is about.

Unless playing at the elite levels of SP,there certainly isnt a high percentage of real athletes at the league and C+D levels. SP was originally designed,as I am sure you know,for older men to continue their playing days and stay active. It evloved into the game it is today as more and more young players took up the game.
Actually, both FP and SP began simultaneously and were played at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Presently there are approximately 20% more SP teams registered with ASA nationwide. PA is the only state in the Central Atlantic Region which goes against the grain with more FP teams than SP. In the rest of the region, there are approx. 55% more SP teams than FP.

I am assuming Delaware is the exception,as there is a whole lot of wanna-be,beer drinking teams playing in Southeast PA.
Actually, there are quite a few athletic young men which play SP in many states. If you don't believe me, take a trip to Salem, VA Labor Day weekend and see the physical condition of the players in the Men's D East NC. While there are some overweight players, it is usually just big men, not a group with beer bellies playing the game. Don't know what you see in SE Pa., but from your description, they must be really pathetic, though I don't believe it for a minute.

You have to admit that the high tech bats absolutely take any credibility of the game away.The "little guy" batting in the 9 and 10 holes can easily hit a ball out of the park.I know it is not all about dingers,but even ground balls shoot through the infield with ease do to the speed coming off those bats..I am sure you are not serious in believing the average SP player is a better athlete than a FP or BB player.
Do the bats make a difference? Only in league ball, not as much in Championship Play where the HR limits eliminate the threat of the the casual player emulating Bonds, Aaron or whomever. Even more so now that a ball over the fence in the D kills that team's half-inning.

That,my friend,is ludicrous!I am 49 years old and can guarantee you if I decided to join a SP team with today's bats,I would still be able to hit a ton,both for average and the long ball.So I will argue with you,with respect of course,to the cows come home,as I believe I have just as much experience and knowledge to discuss the game as you do.
Define athletic? Are you familiar with Crystl Bustos? Does she LOOK athletic? Hell, no, yet she's one of the best FP players in the country. Yeah, she hits the long ball, but she can run and field with some of the best.

I believe you have a predisposed belief that anyone who doesn't play your sport cannot meet your standards, and from my experiences at the high level of the game and local, I don't think you know what you're talking about. Now, that is an opinion.

And since you are not going to change the manner in which you view the SP game and the participants, there is no reason to continue the conversation.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 11, 2007, 11:40pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
there is no reason to continue the conversation.
Sure there is. I want to see the pi$$ing match continue with moron99 and JimPiano.
An ucking fidiot
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 01:36am
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Ladies and gentlemen, do not adjust your set. You have now entered

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 02:06am
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THAT was good, Tom.
An ucking fidiot
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 09:27am
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
Sure there is. I want to see the pi$$ing match continue with moron99 and JimPiano.
bkb"keep up with the" jones: That was a real intelligent contribution to this discussion.Do you have any comments on the topic itself to add?
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 09:37am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
So now you are insulting the others posters? Good move.

If you insist on throwing around numbers, I started umpiring in 1964. I began playing softball in the summer of 1971, at the Phila Naval Base. As noted, I've played FP & SP. My umpiring includes a few high-level ASA nats and ISF World Cups, but that isn't what this discussion is about.

Actually, both FP and SP began simultaneously and were played at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Presently there are approximately 20% more SP teams registered with ASA nationwide. PA is the only state in the Central Atlantic Region which goes against the grain with more FP teams than SP. In the rest of the region, there are approx. 55% more SP teams than FP.

Actually, there are quite a few athletic young men which play SP in many states. If you don't believe me, take a trip to Salem, VA Labor Day weekend and see the physical condition of the players in the Men's D East NC. While there are some overweight players, it is usually just big men, not a group with beer bellies playing the game. Don't know what you see in SE Pa., but from your description, they must be really pathetic, though I don't believe it for a minute.

Do the bats make a difference? Only in league ball, not as much in Championship Play where the HR limits eliminate the threat of the the casual player emulating Bonds, Aaron or whomever. Even more so now that a ball over the fence in the D kills that team's half-inning.

Define athletic? Are you familiar with Crystl Bustos? Does she LOOK athletic? Hell, no, yet she's one of the best FP players in the country. Yeah, she hits the long ball, but she can run and field with some of the best.

I believe you have a predisposed belief that anyone who doesn't play your sport cannot meet your standards, and from my experiences at the high level of the game and local, I don't think you know what you're talking about. Now, that is an opinion.

And since you are not going to change the manner in which you view the SP game and the participants, there is no reason to continue the conversation.
We finally agree on one point,Mike.There isnt a reason to continue this conversation as we are both obviously believe our respective opinions are right and we are miles apart.We both obviously have been around the game of softball for many,many years both as umpires and players.I will stick to umpiring issues and hopefully you will do the same.If not,the discussion will continue.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 09:40am
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What Topic???

Originally Posted by mo99
bkb"keep up with the" jones: That was a real intelligent contribution to this discussion.Do you have any comments on the topic itself to add?
On the topic??? The OP was about the number of HR hit in a D State Tournament. I am still trying to figure out how your personal opinion (or lack thereof) of the SP game is now considered the "topic."
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 09:46am
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Originally Posted by DeRef
On the topic??? The OP was about the number of HR hit in a D State Tournament. I am still trying to figure out how your personal opinion (or lack thereof) of the SP game is now considered the "topic."
Do you have an opinion of the SP game to add,speaking with experience as a player or umpire?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 10:46am
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Originally Posted by DeRef
On the topic??? The OP was about the number of HR hit in a D State Tournament. I am still trying to figure out how your personal opinion (or lack thereof) of the SP game is now considered the "topic."
DeRef: I am trying to understand why you entered this discussion.According to your post yesterday 8/11/07 under the Proposed ASA Rule Changes forum, YOU posted this comment: "Whats more reasonable than to ban whining,crying,or basically players in general". Doesnt seem like you are a supporter of the game,now does it??
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 02:04pm
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Originally Posted by mo99
bkb"keep up with the" jones: That was a real intelligent contribution to this discussion.Do you have any comments on the topic itself to add?
Thank you for your kind words of praise.
Yes, on the topic itself: I think it should be one progressive.
An ucking fidiot
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 03:48pm
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Do all BB players use STEROIDS????

Originally Posted by mo99
DeRef: I am trying to understand why you entered this discussion.According to your post yesterday 8/11/07 under the Proposed ASA Rule Changes forum, YOU posted this comment: "Whats more reasonable than to ban whining,crying,or basically players in general". Doesnt seem like you are a supporter of the game,now does it??
I entered this discussion to show how far off-topic you had taken this thread. This thread started in reference to the number of HRs hit in a D State tournament but changed in BB/FP vs SP over your comment regarding beer. Funny how someone can make a stupid comment and the entire topic of the thread changes. If we follow your accusation that all SP players are drunk, maybe we can also assume that all BB players use steroids.

As for your assertion that my previous comments indicate that I am not a supporter of the game, you could not be farther from the truth. I very much support the SP game at the Championship Level. What I dislike is some of the league play with players who feel that they are superstars and that they are bigger than the game (note: I did not differentiate between FP and SP). Funny thing is that most of the players that I dislike will provide almost the same biography as you did.

Originally Posted by mo99
I played H.S and College baseball back in the middle and late 1970's.After college,there wasnt a whole lot of opportunities to continue playing baseball at the recreational level,so I took up fastpitch softball.After much convincing by my buddies,I gave in and played tournaments with a Class B slowpitch team in the early 1980's.While a will agree playing defense can be challanging with the ball being put in play with every batter,but hitting the ball became quickly boring.I found no challenge in driving the ball over the fence,years before the high tech bat invasion which ruined todays game.
Originally Posted by mo99
"I am 49 years old and can guarantee you if I decided to join a SP team with today's bats,I would still be able to hit a ton,both for average and the long ball.")??
I just find it very amusing that you can take a league team that acts like a bunch of a_____ to championship play and they will act totally different. Why is that?

Please note that this is not meant to be a personal attack at you (I don't want you calling me names ). I just feel that when the players act as adults, it is a great game. If you feel that SP is beneath you, so be it. If not, come out and help make it even better.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 05:03pm
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DeRef: This entire topic did get out of hand because I made a comment to Mike's original thread depicting all the "home runs" that were outs.It was meant to be humorous,as it is the common assumption,even among non players,that SP is known as "beer leagues".Like previously stated,I did play baseball in H.S and college,but also played FP and SP into the early 1990's until I started umpiring and coaching my son who went on to play college ball as well.I realize not all SP is played by drunks and non-athletes and some good ball is played at the higher levels.The design of the game is meant for everyone to be able to hit the ball as its name implies.On my original post,it was directed on topic in an off hand way.What would cause these players to continuously hit the ball over the fence,knowing its an out? My thought was beer,high tech bats,and/or unintelligent play.While I am far from a SP supporter,you tend to go on the offensive when attacked on this forum for having a view point other than the majority.I was always a respectful,non-cocky player in which I instilled my values into the L.L teams I coached and I umpire with the same integrity,so dont get the wrong perception of me beacuse I disagree with you.
One last thought on SP which I dont believe will offer a lot of resistance.A few years back,a young lady who was a senior catcher on a local H.S. team was drowned during her spring vacation in Georgia.Every year in August,there is a SP tournament in her memory in which I umpire.All the local H.S. umpires donate their time,umpiring 3 games pro-bono.My point being is this tournament is played with 3 bats per team which were bought for 20.00 each at Walmart.The games are played on 2 fields with 275' fences and very few balls are hit out.They use a resticted ball and decent games are played.Hig tech bats are probably the biggest issue that is ruinning the SP game today as well as FP and H.S. baseball.When it comes to whiners and major league wanna-bes,SP,FP,and BB all have their fair share.Peace.

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 12, 2007, 11:48pm
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My point being is this tournament is played with 3 bats per team which were bought for 20.00 each at Walmart.

Sounds like a game you could handle, what with you being in such great shape and all.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 13, 2007, 03:56pm
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Originally Posted by jimpiano
My point being is this tournament is played with 3 bats per team which were bought for 20.00 each at Walmart.

Sounds like a game you could handle, what with you being in such great shape and all.
My intention is not to keep this thread going,but a direct question to "jimpiano" who seems to want to continue it.I have asked you twice to state your experience and knowledge of this subject as you chose to enter the conversation.Mike and I had a disagreement,in which I am sure we are both miles apart on the subject,but we brought it to conclusion.I felt based on my playing and umpiring experiences,I have a basis for my opinion.Am I proud of my physical condition at age 49 that you continue to comment on,of course I am jimpiano.Am I cocky,or state things I am unbale to do,absolutely not.I have the first rule of umpiring covered when I enter the field prior to a game.I am physically fit,look like I played or still play the game and have my uniform in excellent conditionto give a good first impression.I do not sit behind a computer and pretend I am someone I am not.Anything I write here,I would say face to face.I am not sure you are the same.So may I ask you one last time sir,what is your experience to justify entering this discussion? Sorry,other forum members,I made my point,and find no other reason to continue this thread.
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