Originally Posted by mo99
 DeRef: I am trying to understand why you entered this discussion.According to your post yesterday 8/11/07 under the Proposed ASA Rule Changes forum, YOU posted this comment: "Whats more reasonable than to ban whining,crying,or basically players in general". Doesnt seem like you are a supporter of the game,now does it??
I entered this discussion to show how far off-topic you had taken this thread. This thread started in reference to the number of HRs hit in a D State tournament but changed in BB/FP vs SP over your comment regarding beer. Funny how someone can make a stupid comment and the entire topic of the thread changes. If we follow your accusation that all SP players are drunk, maybe we can also assume that all BB players use steroids.
As for your assertion that my previous comments indicate that I am not a supporter of the game, you could not be farther from the truth. I very much support the SP game at the Championship Level. What I dislike is some of the league play with players who feel that they are superstars and that they are bigger than the game (note: I did not differentiate between FP and SP). Funny thing is that most of the players that I dislike will provide almost the same biography as you did.
Originally Posted by mo99
I played H.S and College baseball back in the middle and late 1970's.After college,there wasnt a whole lot of opportunities to continue playing baseball at the recreational level,so I took up fastpitch softball.After much convincing by my buddies,I gave in and played tournaments with a Class B slowpitch team in the early 1980's.While a will agree playing defense can be challanging with the ball being put in play with every batter,but hitting the ball became quickly boring.I found no challenge in driving the ball over the fence,years before the high tech bat invasion which ruined todays game.
Originally Posted by mo99
"I am 49 years old and can guarantee you if I decided to join a SP team with today's bats,I would still be able to hit a ton,both for average and the long ball.")??
I just find it very amusing that you can take a league team that acts like a bunch of a_____ to championship play and they will act totally different. Why is that?
Please note that this is not meant to be a personal attack at you (I don't want you calling me names

). I just feel that when the players act as adults, it is a great game. If you feel that SP is beneath you, so be it. If not, come out and help make it even better.