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jimpiano Fri Jul 27, 2007 01:49pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Oh, I cannot help myself. This is pretty good since ASA doesn't have a Championship in a Class D anything for another month.

Guess you better check your schedules, then.

MD Longhorn Fri Jul 27, 2007 02:01pm


Originally Posted by jimpiano
Guess you better check your schedules, then.

If you are what you claim to be, I fear for the umpiring in your area. You consistently make erroneous rulings here, and then claim to be backed up by peers and your UIC. If everything you say is true, then we have an entire black hole of horrid umpiring out there somewhere. Now you're working the Calvinball Class D final (which apparently is held 3-5 weeks before the ASA one). Surely the fact that EVERYONE else (including a defacto National ASA rules interpreter) is telling you that you are wrong should lead you to believe you might actually be wrong, don't you think?

PS, PWL - before you make claims such as this one, you should probably see what kind of thing is verifyable on line, to make sure you're not caught in such a blatant lie. Time to change your moniker again, LLDan/Dumbdrum.

jimpiano Fri Jul 27, 2007 02:03pm


Originally Posted by Dakota
No, it doesn't. It is a clear reference to rule 8-3-B, which I even posted for you word for word. It might help if you actually read the rule before trying to apply the RS.

According to rule 8-3-B, is passing a base considered a legal touch or not?

Or you could invest your money in an ASA Case Book and read case play 8-8-32, but if you did that, you might find yourself in a dilemma... do you continue to believe the Calvin Ball interpretations by your fellow fist pumpers or do you actually start calling the game by the rules?

Bottom line, here, is you are wrong in your ruling, your friends are wrong if they agree with your ruling, and you are wrong in your understanding of RS 27. You can insist all you want. You can even hold your breath until you are blue, but that does not change the fact, plain and simple fact, that you are wrong.

RS#27 is a clear extension of rule 8-5-j since both refer to a fielder carrying a ball into dead ball territory. That was the subject of the OP

Rule 8-5-j uses the term "last base touched" in awarding the base(s) for the ball going into dead ball territory. RS#27 puts the word "legally' between last and base.

If you deny this then you must not have read the rule and the supplement.

jimpiano Fri Jul 27, 2007 02:05pm


Originally Posted by mbcrowder
If you are what you claim to be, I fear for the umpiring in your area. You consistently make erroneous rulings here, and then claim to be backed up by peers and your UIC. If everything you say is true, then we have an entire black hole of horrid umpiring out there somewhere. Now you're working the Calvinball Class D final (which apparently is held 3-5 weeks before the ASA one). Surely the fact that EVERYONE else (including a defacto National ASA rules interpreter) is telling you that you are wrong should lead you to believe you might actually be wrong, don't you think?

PS, PWL - before you make claims such as this one, you should probably see what kind of thing is verifyable on line, to make sure you're not caught in such a blatant lie. Time to change your moniker again, LLDan/Dumbdrum.

Nice response.

Ad hominems say more about you than anything else.

MD Longhorn Fri Jul 27, 2007 02:45pm


Originally Posted by jimpiano
Nice response.

Ad hominems say more about you than anything else.

What exactly was ad hominem about what I said. Don't you find yourself the SOLE voice expressing your opinion about a ruling about 90% of the time? Shouldn't that tell you SOMETHING? Sometimes the lone voice is the only one who is right ... but not ALL the time. You are arguing with people who have been in the freaking room when rule changes and interps are discussed. If this was me vs you, I could see you just chalking it up to assuming you are right and I was wrong. It's (as usual) you against EVERYONE here, many of whom have twice as much experience with the inticracies of the rules than the two of us combined.

And regarding the Class D final? You can look stuff like that up ... makes it pretty easy to document that you're making it up as you go.

Dakota Fri Jul 27, 2007 03:57pm


Originally Posted by jimpiano
RS#27 is a clear extension of rule 8-5-j since both refer to a fielder carrying a ball into dead ball territory. That was the subject of the OP

Rule 8-5-j uses the term "last base touched" in awarding the base(s) for the ball going into dead ball territory. RS#27 puts the word "legally' between last and base.

If you deny this then you must not have read the rule and the supplement.

You, sir, are exceedingly foolish in how you selectively read the book.

The rule book is a totality. Words are used within the rule book with meanings defined by the rule book. Rule 8-3-B defines what ASA means by "legally touched." If you refuse to understand and accept that, they you are just being hardheaded.

IRISHMAFIA Fri Jul 27, 2007 04:08pm


Originally Posted by jimpiano
Guess you better check your schedules, then.

There you go. Please indicate the Class D tournament being played prior to 8/30/07.

Skahtboi Fri Jul 27, 2007 04:09pm


Originally Posted by mbcrowder
It's (as usual) you against EVERYONE here....

Not "everyone." I have chosen to keep my dog outta this fight. (Sorry to any fans of M. Vick.) :D My momma taught me a long time ago not to cast pearls before swine.

Steve M Fri Jul 27, 2007 05:13pm


Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Not "everyone." I have chosen to keep my dog outta this fight. (Sorry to any fans of M. Vick.) :D My momma taught me a long time ago not to cast pearls before swine.

Yeah, me too. But I did ask who has the snorkel.:rolleyes:

Dakota Fri Jul 27, 2007 05:22pm


Originally Posted by Steve M
Yeah, me too. But I did ask who has the snorkel.:rolleyes:

bkbjones Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:24am


Originally Posted by jimpiano
I am not tipping anyone of anything.

Bullspit. Every time you post you tip us off more and more of how utterly stupid you are.

scottk_61 Sat Jul 28, 2007 03:38pm


Originally Posted by SRW
I wouldn't waste any more effort on jimpiano, guys.

Assume a hypothetical situation that jimpiano is at an ASA championship play tournament. Also assume the situation in the OP happens, and he awards 2B on his field. Then assume he allows the offensive coach's protest by double fist pumping for the UIC.

He'll lose his protest. He'll argue with the UIC over the rule interpretation. And he won't be working any Sunday games because of it.

All that means is that the rest of us working at said hypothetical championship play tournament will now have a better chance at working Sunday.

So don't worry about it. We know he's wrong, but he won't accept that he's wrong. It'll all pan out in the end.

More likely he will be sent home early in the hypothetical situation you describe.
I have seen people sent home on more than one occassion and others told to just stay at the hotel if travel arrangements are already booked.

scottk_61 Sat Jul 28, 2007 07:51pm


Originally Posted by jimpiano
Not to worry.

Saturday my assignment is the ASA Championship Tourney in Class D.

Hmm, not only is he really out of touch with the rules but he is REALLY out of touch with REALITY and the calender to boot.

You know, jimpiano is not even a good liar in spite of his efforts to intentionally confuse the rules for his own double pumping amusement.

bkbjones Sat Jul 28, 2007 08:09pm


Originally Posted by scottk_61
his own double pumping amusement.

Don't you have to have the EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION of the commissioner of major leage baseball for such things?

scottk_61 Sat Jul 28, 2007 08:13pm


Originally Posted by bkbjones
Don't you have to have the EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION of the commissioner of major leage baseball for such things?

the double entendre was intentional

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