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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 05, 2006, 06:29pm
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Not to hijack so new thread

Originally this was posted in another thread and thought it worthy of a new thread altogether.

Originally Posted by SRW
A certain member of the ASA NUS recommended that position at the Seattle NUSchool in February.

And, to me, this is becoming an issue in the past few years.

One of the benefits of ASA's training in the past was that three umpires who have never met could walk onto a field and work a game with little difficulty.

Recently, I am hearing/seeing personal preferences being added to schools and clinics that are not part of the umpire manual. I have no problem with sensible changes, but I believe the members of the Director's staff and NUS should all be on the same page teaching everyone the same preferred methods.

Mike Rowe
ASA Umpire

I too have had numerous times over the years suffered the wrath or disdain of an NUS member who wanted to change things at a clinic or National Championship because of their desires.
These changes often led to unneeded confusion and miscues by the umpires and generally caused trouble.
I had addressed this to Merle and Henry when they were stilll on the staff and have given it to Craig since then.
I see no end to it without severe input by our Commissioners demanding that the umpire staff return to a consistent teaching in a uniform manner.

How many of you have been at a tournament where the UIC or a crew leader decided to change the mechanics to suit "their ideas"?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 05, 2006, 10:04pm
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Originally Posted by scottk_61

How many of you have been at a tournament where the UIC or a crew leader decided to change the mechanics to suit "their ideas"?
I've worked for Dan Blair, Henry Pollard, Walt Sparks, Dave Epperson, Billy Peterson, Bob Savoie (twice) and Bernie Profato.

Only had one ever try to change anything prior to a tournament. Guess who?

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 08:27am
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Was his first initial "B"?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 08:32am
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Not being an innovator in the field of umpire mechanics, I just do what I am told / taught as best I can.

However, one of the long-standing criticisms of ASA umpire mechanics is the lack of individualism - "robots" is a term you hear from time to time.

Is it possible this trend toward individual preferences on the part of the NUS / national clinicians is a reaction to that criticism? Is it possible this move toward individualism is not reflective of a loss of control from national HQ but rather a purposeful national direction?

Just wondering...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 09:20am
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Not being an innovator in the field of umpire mechanics, I just do what I am told / taught as best I can.

However, one of the long-standing criticisms of ASA umpire mechanics is the lack of individualism - "robots" is a term you hear from time to time.

Is it possible this trend toward individual preferences on the part of the NUS / national clinicians is a reaction to that criticism? Is it possible this move toward individualism is not reflective of a loss of control from national HQ but rather a purposeful national direction?

Just wondering...
The lack of individualism in terms of being an umpire would be a good thing. If you are a coach and you see two "people in blue" walking on to the field and you could care less who they are or who has the plate because you know that their mechanics will be consistent, your job has just gotten easier because you can concentrate on coaching.

I am doing men's modified ball now (NSA) and there is no consistent mechanics for the BU and that is driving me nuts. "Whatever works for you" is a cruddy way to manage that aspect of the game. Some guys work inside, some outside. Some work on the left side of 2B with runners on 2B and 3B and others will work the right side. About the only thing that is consistent is that they absolutely don't want fed mechanics at "C position"

I guess if you want individualism, Look to Lt. Frank Drebin for your called 3K mechanics.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 10:51am
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In the last few years, I have worked at an ASA national tournament and attended an ASA national umpire school.

In both cases, we were asked to use or shown things mechanically different from what we have been taught at the local level. I put a lot of stock in our local area training, due to the fact that we have access to one of the premier FP softball umpires and trainers in the country.

It gets frustrating to work week after week on the things you are taught locally, then attend a national level event and be shown something radically different. I just try to grin and bear it!
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 11:49am
SRW SRW is offline
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Wow, didn't think that my statement/observation would cause such discussion.

Been to the last two NUSchools in this region, and worked the 16A for Jimmy Craig this year. The only inconsistancy I've seen is the certain NUStaff member in February (who hasn't been mentioned yet) professing his opinion about the position at the plate.

I think there's two things going on within this thread. Position, and Mechanics. The two are distinctly different things. I've seen the NUStaff teach consistant Positioning (with the exception noted above). However, IMO, the Mechanics have not been taught to be consistant.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 06, 2006, 12:08pm
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Originally Posted by tcblue13
I guess if you want individualism, Look to Lt. Frank Drebin for your called 3K mechanics.
That was pretty funny!

I wasn't advocating individualism in mechaincs; just making an observation / asking a question.
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