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Old Sat Jul 15, 2006, 06:15pm
Al Al is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 207
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Worth Repeating...Excellent Post!!!

Let me just add a thought process. I conduct a lot of coaches clinics, and train youth umpires as well. I have used (and its seems to get through, especially to teens) a similarity to drivers training, and who has the "right of way".

Consider that you are driving in the middle lane of a super highway at 65 mph, with no cars in front of you. You have the right to continue to drive at your chosen speed, and if a car from another lane cuts in front of you, and forces you to change, hit your brakes, whatever, you were obstructed; no collision is necessary. Cars cannot just pull out and stay in the way because they may later want to be in that lane (straddling the bag or staying in the base path waiting for the ball); you have the right of way, and should be allowed to even speed up to 75 mph, if you choose. If there was a collision, it is the legal fault of the other car, because you have the right of way. The only exceptions are a police or emergency vehicle (fielder fielding a batted ball) who always have the right of way, and whom you must avoid at all costs (stop or go around), or cars already driving in your lane (fielders who already possess the ball).

Coach, it really is that basic and simple; the fielders have to stay out of the way completely, unless they possess the ball, or are fielding a batted ball. Anything else may be obstruction; and the calls won't cost you the win, the obstructions will cost you the win. The calls simply acknowledge what your players did; they will win or lose the game.

Is that illustration great or what!!!???

I would love to attend Steve's clinics and Umpire instruction classes. ...Al
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