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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 08:04am
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OK, these people are on freakin' national TV! It's ok for the commentators to blast them and talk about their inconsistancies but not those of us in the "brotherhood"? Hogwash! Our local HS board met this past Sunday and we discussed some of the faux pax's there too - was that wrong? We don't discuss errors to make them look bad as much as trying to learn ourselves. I love discussing the minutia of umpiring. Their names are a matter of public record - so be it! I acutally find it comforting to see someone say, "Hey, I know her and she's really a great umpire." It shows me that I'm not the only human doing this game.

I'll tell you what - IF I would ever make it that far, you have my express permission to rip me on this forum and use my name . . . of course that's a BIG "IF".
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 10:42am
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo
Even to the extent that just echoing her own words, made it sound like mud-slinging.
Which was, of course, why you posted it, IMO.

AFAIK, there is no requirment that says for an umpire's skill and quality to be such that she receives the assignment to the WCWS that she also be an ambassador of good will for 10U ASA.

The comment about her "attitude" toward JO ball, especially younger JO ball, means I would not want to work a 12U tournament with her, but it says absolutely nothing about her calls in the WCWS. It is merely an attempt to disparage her reputation. Both you and orangeump said as much in your followup comments. Whether or not she would wear such an attempt as a badge of honor is beside the more general point.

And, whether or not that is "fair game" for this board?... certainly that kind of stuff is common on the baseball board. But, at least be honest enough with yourselves to admit why you did it.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 02:14pm
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Posts: 78
repeating now

to repeat what I have said; everyone is quick to say "oh there are ten replays" or "oh come on, these are the best umpires in all the land!"

well, I am saying; oh come on, listen to her attitude, do you really care anymore if she boots ten calls in a row?

I for one couldnt care less if she blows a big call at a big moment. I dont know if she is working the finals (who is?) but if she misses a bunch of big calls, so be it. She doesnt deserve everyone's respect for simply working a WCWS, she is a scummy person who thinks she is above not only working that level of play, but apparently working with umpires who can learn from her and vice versa at that level of play.

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:44pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Which was, of course, why you posted it, IMO.

AFAIK, there is no requirment that says for an umpire's skill and quality to be such that she receives the assignment to the WCWS that she also be an ambassador of good will for 10U ASA.
She is proof of that.

Originally Posted by Dakota
The comment about her "attitude" toward JO ball, especially younger JO ball, means I would not want to work a 12U tournament with her, but it says absolutely nothing about her calls in the WCWS. It is merely an attempt to disparage her reputation. Both you and orangeump said as much in your followup comments. Whether or not she would wear such an attempt as a badge of honor is beside the more general point.
I am confused. You admit that you would not want to work with her because of her outrageous and outspoken opinions, but don't include yourself in the list of those who make disparaging and damaging comments to her reputation?

Originally Posted by Dakota
And, whether or not that is "fair game" for this board?... certainly that kind of stuff is common on the baseball board. But, at least be honest enough with yourselves to admit why you did it.
I would have to honestly say that my original post about her calls had to do with the fact that I do not know her, and did not know the rules of this board.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:52pm
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo
I am confused. You admit that you would not want to work with her because of her outrageous and outspoken opinions...
No, I didn't write that. I wrote that the comment made about her (if true). I made no comment one way or the other about her as a person, since I know nothing about that.

I've worked lower level tournaments before with umpires who did not want to be there. It makes for a long day at the ball park.

Is she such a person? Beats me.

Does the question have anything to do with her calling of the WCWS? No.

Why was it brought up? Jealousy? That would be my guess. Cheap shot artists abound on internet boards.

Did it affect my opinion? Sure it did... my opinion of the person who posted it.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2006, 07:45am
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Originally Posted by Dakota
No, I didn't write that. I wrote that the comment made about her (if true). I made no comment one way or the other about her as a person, since I know nothing about that.
Just goes to show how easily it is to misinterpret the written word.

Originally Posted by Dakota
Why was it brought up? Jealousy? That would be my guess. Cheap shot artists abound on internet boards.
Another case of easily written words that are easily misinterpreted.

One might think that you have just impuned the integrity and tarnished reputation of one or more people on this board, including me.

One might think that your last words are more damaging and more mean-spirited than what has been written in this and many other threads on this board.

One might think that there is a double standard where the "anointed few" have a permanent Get Out Of Jail card. The same sins are percieved differently based on who commits them.

If a rookie were to have made the mechanical mistakes or was quoted, I find it hard to believe that it would be just swept under the carpet. Think what you may about the purity of this board. My perception is that the majority of the posts on this board are critical of imperfections in the spirit of learning from other people's mistakes.

The only real sin is to criticize those who are above reproach. This includes on the field as well as on the message boards.

The effect is that the board is now clearly polarized. I have enough personal demons to deal with. I do not have the capacity to post messages under a black cloud.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 07, 2006, 09:01am
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo
Another case of easily written words that are easily misinterpreted.

One might think that you have just impuned the integrity and tarnished reputation of one or more people on this board, including me.
You are correct. I should not have written that. I apologize.
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