Last night, as I was watching an ASA Womens FP game from behind the backstop (fans were seated on the sides), I, and another umpire, received a
behind-the-back, double-middle-fingered 1-1 count from the plate umpire, who happens to be that leagues UIC.
I had just finished an American Legion game and the other umpire had just finished an adult Baseball game, and we both separately decided that wed each go see the ASA umpire finish up.
The other umpire and I were sorta quietly talking (
sorta quietly

) about the dress code for ASA umpires and, in our conversation, we mentioned that we were wearing blue socks but the plate ump was wearing white. Well, the plate ump was trying to ignore our presence. About that time, a low pitch came in the dirt and the plate umpire very lightly lifted his left foot so it wouldnt get hit. I mentioned, (again sorta quietly) his Happy feet. That is when we got the count.
As it turns out, this good friend of ours had gotten to the double-header from 8 miles away and had somehow failed to pack his plate shoes. I suggested to him that blue socks are appropriate with plate shoes, but that there was a possibility that his white socks were ASA approved with the sandals he was wearing.
Glad I didnt miss that game !