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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 27, 2006, 01:43pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Rochester NY
Posts: 8
Double First Base situation


In a recent game on a bunt play F3 charged the bunt. F5 fielded the ball and threw to 1st base. On the play the F4 covering 1st base set up on the orange side. The throw came right to her as she was set up on orange. The batter runner as she approached the bag saw the fielder on the orange base and slowed down to avoid a crash. She was thrown out on the play and the official ruled that the defense can use either portion as the throw came to the orange base. The batter runner did not go to the white portion but tried to avoid the collision and slowed down.


Can F4 set up on either portion if the ball is coming from fair territory?

(Obviously, if the throw takes her to orange, she can use that portion)

Can we have obstruction on the defense (F4)?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 27, 2006, 02:00pm
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Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally Posted by Big_Mike
The batter runner as she approached the bag saw the fielder on the orange base and slowed down to avoid a crash.
Unless the fielder already had the ball, this is obstruction.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 27, 2006, 04:29pm
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Originally Posted by Big_Mike

In a recent game on a bunt play F3 charged the bunt. F5 fielded the ball and threw to 1st base. On the play the F4 covering 1st base set up on the orange side. The throw came right to her as she was set up on orange. The batter runner as she approached the bag saw the fielder on the orange base and slowed down to avoid a crash. She was thrown out on the play and the official ruled that the defense can use either portion as the throw came to the orange base. The batter runner did not go to the white portion but tried to avoid the collision and slowed down.


Can F4 set up on either portion if the ball is coming from fair territory?
She can, but can only get an out while touching the white portion.

(Obviously, if the throw takes her to orange, she can use that portion)
No, that would be incorrect.

Can we have obstruction on the defense (F4)?
If the umpire judged F4's action impeded the BR, yes. However, this is a HTBT situation for any of us to actually offer a decision.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 28, 2006, 07:25am
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Location: Rochester NY
Posts: 8
Using either portion...

Mike Rowe,

ASA Rule 8:2-M-5 states that on an errant throw pulling the defense into foul ground, the defense and the batter-runner can use either the white or colored portion.

I have always allowed this and if I'm doing something wrong, I want to correct it immediately!! Please Advise.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 28, 2006, 09:10am
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Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally Posted by Big_Mike
Mike Rowe,

ASA Rule 8:2-M-5 states that on an errant throw pulling the defense into foul ground, the defense and the batter-runner can use either the white or colored portion.

I have always allowed this and if I'm doing something wrong, I want to correct it immediately!! Please Advise.

What that means to say is... pulling the defense INTO foul ground so they are coming back toward the base for the play. IOW, an overthrow, or at least a throw bad enough that the fielder has to go after it in foul ground. It does not mean the defense can use the orange bag for extra stretch room.

Think of it the same as a D3K... the play to first is coming FROM foul territory.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 28, 2006, 09:50am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by Big_Mike
Mike Rowe,

ASA Rule 8:2-M-5 states that on an errant throw pulling the defense into foul ground, the defense and the batter-runner can use either the white or colored portion.

I have always allowed this and if I'm doing something wrong, I want to correct it immediately!! Please Advise.

An "errant throw" is a ball which cannot be caught by the player. This exception to the rule is, as Tom noted, NOT meant to give the defender covering first a wider range, but to a player retrieving a ball from foul ground to be able to tag a part of the base WITHOUT the need to cross the BR's path.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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