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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 08:48am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Since ASA or NFHS insurance won't cover ASA umpires working NFHS games, those guys might want to consider NASO membership for their insurance, since theirs will cover any athletic event.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 12:03pm
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Originally posted by Ref Ump Welsch
Since ASA won't cover ASA umpires working NFHS games...
This is not true. First, it is Bolinger Insurance, working with ASA, not ASA insurance. But apart from that admitedly picayune comment, Bolinger does offer, through ASA Umpire Associations, coverage for all sports that an ASA registered umpire officiates, with some restrictions on non-ASA softball. But it does cover NFHS softball. Here's a link: (requires Adobe Acrobat) ... This is a presentation apparently made at ASA clinics in 2003. Scroll down to page 18 or so of the presentation.

Insurance Highlights
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 12:12pm
Posts: n/a
There is another option:

Enroll in the Sports Officials Insurance Plan for ASA Umpires. Bollinger Insurance started this in 2003. For $15 per year, per umpire, they can obtain this insurance plan. With this plan, an ASA umpire will also have coverage for High School, Junior College and College Softball. Plus, if all you do is ASA softball, this plan will give you game fee reimbursement coverage.

This plan is only offered to ASA Umpires Associations (can't be purchased individually).

IMHO, great deal for all ASA umpires. And cheaper than NASO (I think).

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 12:58pm
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Originally posted by VaASAump
There is another option:

Enroll in the Sports Officials Insurance Plan for ASA Umpires. Bollinger Insurance started this in 2003. For $15 per year, per umpire, they can obtain this insurance plan. With this plan, an ASA umpire will also have coverage for High School, Junior College and College Softball. Plus, if all you do is ASA softball, this plan will give you game fee reimbursement coverage.

This plan is only offered to ASA Umpires Associations (can't be purchased individually).

IMHO, great deal for all ASA umpires. And cheaper than NASO (I think).


Actually, I do believe there is a minimum (10 umpires or a $150 purchase) needed to reach the $15 fee. You can get the insurance with a group with a fewer number, but the rate will rise per individual.

Somewhat, but not totally contrary to what Dakota posted, it is a package for ASA Insurance Program administered by Bollinger.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 01:52pm
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by VaASAump
There is another option:

Enroll in the Sports Officials Insurance Plan for ASA Umpires. Bollinger Insurance started this in 2003. For $15 per year, per umpire, they can obtain this insurance plan. With this plan, an ASA umpire will also have coverage for High School, Junior College and College Softball. Plus, if all you do is ASA softball, this plan will give you game fee reimbursement coverage.

This plan is only offered to ASA Umpires Associations (can't be purchased individually).

IMHO, great deal for all ASA umpires. And cheaper than NASO (I think).


Actually, I do believe there is a minimum (10 umpires or a $150 purchase) needed to reach the $15 fee. You can get the insurance with a group with a fewer number, but the rate will rise per individual.

Somewhat, but not totally contrary to what Dakota posted, it is a package for ASA Insurance Program administered by Bollinger.


Yes, you are correct about the minimum. Still think it's a great deal, especially if you are in a state that contracts ASA umpires for their NFHS games.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 03:53pm
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Originally posted by Duke
I do not know the history on how this all came about but it has been this way as long as I can remember. I have umpired for 12 years and been involved in the game another 10 and ASA umps have always done HS games. I know the state HS's have contracted the ASA to do their games. How exactly that works or came about I do not know. As far as insurance goes, I am covered or at least I have been told that by state officials. I only know of one official that was involve in an accident and utilized the ASA insurance but he was on his way to a sanctioned ASA game at the time. I'd be interested to know if any other state out there has the same set up as we do.

Just a technical note, but I doubt they contract with "the ASA". They may contract with an umpire's association which is primary ASA, but not OKC.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a firm believer that NFHS should stick with the administration of HS sports, but get out of the rules business and allow the governing bodies to coordinate that effort, along with registration. I know Roger and I have touched on this before, but NFHS and the players could save $$ by allowing ASA take control of their softball games and I believe it is an e.....nevermind.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 05:16pm
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Post Insurance

Originally posted by Duke
I do not know the history on how this all came about but it has been this way as long as I can remember. I have umpired for 12 years and been involved in the game another 10 and ASA umps have always done HS games. I know the state HS's have contracted the ASA to do their games. How exactly that works or came about I do not know. As far as insurance goes, I am covered or at least I have been told that by state officials. I only know of one official that was involve in an accident and utilized the ASA insurance but he was on his way to a sanctioned ASA game at the time. I'd be interested to know if any other state out there has the same set up as we do.

In Connecticut, the association you belong to purchases insurance from a private company to cover the NFHS games. It used to be that if you belonged to NFOA for any sport, for example soccer, the NFHS would cover you for softball. That all changed last year.
Nature bats last!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 27, 2004, 08:58pm
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I buy the insuranced through the Gagliardi brothers. It is offered each year when you register PONY. It covers all sanctions softball, plus any other sport you officiate/participate in that involves a ball of any kind ie volleyball, basketball, football etc. I think it was $15.00 this year and covers liability, medical, all of it. Thankfully, I've never needed to find out if it is a good policy or not, but the policy reads good.
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