Originally posted by whiskers_ump
That is a tough one. However, did BU have to go out on
the play. From your post, probably not. However, all
fly balls are the PU call. Since you had R1, BU in B
postiion, I realize he was right at the play, but was
fielder in front of him. If player was in front of him
you had the best view. I still would think it would be
PU call, unless he made an effort to out to ball.
I would like to know where the BU started if he had to "go out" on a line drive to F4.

I think it is obvious that this is not possible from the proper positioning of a BU and Glen was just running through the routine of the occasion the BU takes that call.
It is possible, depending on the location of the ball to the fielder, that the BU did get a good angle. Luckily, Andy wasn't in so much of a hurry he saw his partner and had time to back-off to avoid would have definitely become a serious "discussion".