Thu Feb 26, 2004, 04:20pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally posted by chuck chopper
I don't do school ball, & not sure if ASA National would like this
Are you concerned that ASA would attempt to punish you for calling school ball? They won't. Here is the text of a "Dual Participation Resolution" signed by several softball sanctioning organizations:
“Dual Participation Resolution”
The national softball organizations listed below do not have any national rules, nor will allow any of their state or metro associations to have any such rules, that deny or place any restrictions or penalties on teams, players, or umpires that become members of other softball organizations for the purpose of participating in programs of such other organizations.
The below listed organizations further agree that any such restrictions on participation contrary to the purpose of the Amateur Sports Act of 1978, and are contrary to the best interest of the public, players, umpires and the sport of softball.
Each listed organization agrees to support the intent and purpose of this resolution and promptly investigate for the purpose of correcting any such complaint that violates the spirit of this agreement.
Signed by:
Wayne Myers, President, ASA
Don Porter, Executive Director, ASA
Al Ramsey, Executive Director, USSSA
Don DeDonatis, Summit Chairman, USSSA National President
Milt Stark, Executive Director, ISC
Patrick Bucknell, NAFA
Hugh Cantrell, Executive Director, NSA
Dave Carrol, Executive Director, ISA
Since this document was agreed to (sorry, I don't know the date) several other organization have also signed on.