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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 20, 2006, 09:13am
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Illegal Pitch Mechanics-ASA

If an illegal pitch is a delayed dead ball why does p.221 of the rule book state "Do not call time until the pitch has reached the plate or the play on a batted ball has been completed." Sit: R2 caught stealing 3rd on IP. It was a very close play for what would have been the 3rd out of the inning late in a tie game. Off coach started barking as soon as I made the out call and while I was in the process of making the award. Def coach thinking I was intimidated into changing my call came out in a manner that resulted in him being sent to the showers. I did extend my arm and verbal "illegal pitch" at the time of the infraction. My partner referred to the above text an insisted that an IP is dead as soon as it is not hit. He said that the whole mess should have been avoided. I disagree. So which is it?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 20, 2006, 09:27am
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Originally Posted by miznj
If an illegal pitch is a delayed dead ball why does p.221 of the rule book state "Do not call time until the pitch has reached the plate or the play on a batted ball has been completed." Sit: R2 caught stealing 3rd on IP. It was a very close play for what would have been the 3rd out of the inning late in a tie game. Off coach started barking as soon as I made the out call and while I was in the process of making the award. Def coach thinking I was intimidated into changing my call came out in a manner that resulted in him being sent to the showers. I did extend my arm and verbal "illegal pitch" at the time of the infraction. My partner referred to the above text an insisted that an IP is dead as soon as it is not hit. He said that the whole mess should have been avoided. I disagree. So which is it?

I'm assuming the pitch was released and that "R2 caught stealing 3rd on IP" means R2 was running before the pitch reached the plate and that you were the BU and called the IP.
My guess is that your partner meant that the out call should not have been made, just "dead ball" as soon as the pitch reached, before or during the catcher's throw. OK, except that with a runner in motion who possibly could get more than one base; we can't kill it until the result of the play is known for coach's option.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 20, 2006, 09:37am
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Originally Posted by miznj
My partner referred to the above text an insisted that an IP is dead as soon as it is not hit. He said that the whole mess should have been avoided. I disagree. So which is it? Thanks!
DDB - the ball remains alive until the conclusion of the play!

You would have looked even worse if you killed the ball while R1 was still running and F2 threw the ball into LF, allowing R1 to score.

Let the play run out and, based on the ending positions of all runners, you can make a penalty decision. Because the batter did not reach a base and the runner did not advance one base, the coach gets option. In the play as stated, the coach is going to take the penalty (wipes out the out and sends R1 to 3B anyway). But in the scenareo I suggested, coach might want to take the play (R1 scoring, with whatever the pitch was called).

The point is that no once can make those decision until the play reaches a conclusion.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 22, 2006, 11:27pm
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Do not call time until the pitch has reached the plate or the play on a batted ball has been completed."

I gave multiple examples of plays to my partner but he continues to cite the above language. Why does this not simply say when all action has been completed? We had another game together and he told me that he would kill the play if faced with the same situation. grrrr.... I cant convince him that he is incorrect. Just to throw it out there, does anyone agree with his interpretation.?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 23, 2006, 07:00am
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Originally Posted by miznj
Do not call time until the pitch has reached the plate or the play on a batted ball has been completed."

I gave multiple examples of plays to my partner but he continues to cite the above language. Why does this not simply say when all action has been completed? We had another game together and he told me that he would kill the play if faced with the same situation. grrrr.... I cant convince him that he is incorrect. Just to throw it out there, does anyone agree with his interpretation.?

ASA POE 15 Delayed Dead Ball: "There are five situations when a violation of a rule occurs, it is recognized by an umpire and the ball remains live until the conslusion of the play. These situatioins are: A) Illegal pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . B) C) D) E) . . . Once the entire play is completed in each situation, the proper enforcement should be made."

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 23, 2006, 08:02am
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[QUOTE=miznj]... as soon as I made the out call and while I was in the process of making the award. Def coach thinking I was intimidated into changing my call came out in a manner that resulted in him being sent to the showers. I did extend my arm and verbal "illegal pitch" at the time of the infraction.

It appears that you made the IP call and when the runner was thrown out at third, you made the out call. Since you made the out call, you knew the runner would not be out because of the award, yet you still called the runner out.

I don't know if my assumption is correct here, but in this situation, would our mechanic be the same as the DDB on obstruction where the obstructed runner is played on and out. That is, do not make the out call, call a dead ball, announce the obstruction and the award.

I believe that the confusion in the OP could have been avoided had the BU, who called the IP and called the runner out, would not have called the runner out. Thoughts?

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 23, 2006, 09:35am
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Originally Posted by MNBlue
I believe that the confusion in the OP could have been avoided had the BU, who called the IP and called the runner out, would not have called the runner out. Thoughts?
If you do not call the runner out, you are adding to the confusion, since the OC will need to make a choice, persumably without knowing his runner is out. Further, this cannot be a general mechanic, since in general, there can be multiple attempts at getting outs, runners advancing, etc.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 23, 2006, 10:11am
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Originally Posted by Dakota
If you do not call the runner out, you are adding to the confusion, since the OC will need to make a choice, persumably without knowing his runner is out. Further, this cannot be a general mechanic, since in general, there can be multiple attempts at getting outs, runners advancing, etc.
I forgot that little, but important, part.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 24, 2006, 02:10pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
If you do not call the runner out, you are adding to the confusion, since the OC will need to make a choice, persumably without knowing his runner is out. Further, this cannot be a general mechanic, since in general, there can be multiple attempts at getting outs, runners advancing, etc.

If you do call the runner out she may just trot off to the dugout and never receivce the entitled award. DDB, Hold all runners make appropriate awards.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 24, 2006, 06:19pm
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Originally Posted by commteacher
If you do call the runner out she may just trot off to the dugout and never receivce the entitled award. DDB, Hold all runners make appropriate awards.
You always make the call you see unless you are the umpire who called OBS and then it's just "dead ball".

All is irrelevant as the ball is going to be ruled dead anyhow, so the runner can enter whatever area they choose.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 25, 2006, 07:54am
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Posts: 54
Is this slow pitch or fast? In slow pitch the ball is still alive for runners to try to steal a base if they want. Isn't this correct. What are you talking about awarding a base?
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