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Search: Posts Made By: BBall_Junkie
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 25, 2010, 02:54pm
Replies: 124
Views: 10,040
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Three periods in a row. You must have this...

Three periods in a row. You must have this confused with the hockey forum. We discuss basketball here. :D
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 04:29pm
Replies: 79
Views: 10,208
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Disagree completely with the bold text. UCLA,...

Disagree completely with the bold text. UCLA, Kentucky, Duke, UNC, Kansas and Indiana are the premier basketball programs and Bob Knight had his share of talent. IU has been down in talent lately...
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 04:13pm
Replies: 4
Views: 1,008
Posted By BBall_Junkie
He was the coach at Saint Mary's College when I...

He was the coach at Saint Mary's College when I was a student there. Was a great Ambassador for the school and was sorry to see him go... Especially the plummet downward that the program took after...
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 09:05am
Replies: 1
Views: 1,696
Posted By BBall_Junkie
already being discussed on the Herb Pope thread.

already being discussed on the Herb Pope thread.
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 09:05am
Replies: 38
Views: 4,136
Posted By BBall_Junkie
"Wow" is right. I don't care who you are or...

"Wow" is right.

I don't care who you are or how good you are. Sometimes shots like those are hard to catch.

Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 08:11am
Replies: 79
Views: 10,208
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Did Gonzalez surge past Pitino to garner a place...

Did Gonzalez surge past Pitino to garner a place in the JR Big 3 with his performance last night protesting the ejection of his player who was guilty of the punch to the balls?
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 17, 2010, 08:03am
Replies: 38
Views: 4,136
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Thank you for giving me your permission to...

Thank you for giving me your permission to disagree [sarcasm].


We all miss plays. And I think the lead may have been looking but could not see through the players. That is why they...
Forum: Basketball Tue Mar 16, 2010, 08:57pm
Replies: 38
Views: 4,136
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Agree 100% with this. And glad the monitor was...

Agree 100% with this. And glad the monitor was there so that the officials could "fix the problem"
Forum: Basketball Tue Mar 16, 2010, 08:56pm
Replies: 38
Views: 4,136
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Just saw the replay and the trail had ball...

Just saw the replay and the trail had ball coverage. The C had all kinds of players in his area and would not have been looking where the play transpired. The lead would have been the only one and...
Forum: Basketball Tue Mar 16, 2010, 08:48pm
Replies: 14
Views: 1,409
Posted By BBall_Junkie
but he did find out that the kid's parent is...

but he did find out that the kid's parent is serving our country, protecting your freedoms and getting the opportunity to watch his kid play a game from thousands of miles away while doing so......
Forum: Basketball Tue Mar 16, 2010, 08:08pm
Replies: 14
Views: 1,409
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Why were you talking to a fan. Hasn't anyone...

Why were you talking to a fan. Hasn't anyone ever told you not to do this because nothing ever good comes of it.

Kinda blows a hole into that theory doesn't it???
Forum: Basketball Fri Mar 12, 2010, 09:32am
Replies: 25
Views: 3,710
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Sorry Bubba, but we can't call games based on...

Sorry Bubba, but we can't call games based on what you think should be the rule. This one is cut and dry and no gray area. The ball by rule must clear the net. If the NCAA wanted it to be the...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:40pm
Replies: 35
Views: 4,356
Posted By BBall_Junkie
you are correct regarding determining a foul... I...

you are correct regarding determining a foul... I did not read it all the way through... I just read NFHS can't use video.... Then again there aren't any levels that I know of where you can consult...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:30pm
Replies: 35
Views: 4,356
Posted By BBall_Junkie
I don't think he was suggesting they could go to...

I don't think he was suggesting they could go to the video... I think he was saying, in games where there is a camera that can show you kicked the holy hell out of a play... you have to get it right....
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:27pm
Replies: 36
Views: 4,306
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Agree with most of what you said. However...

Agree with most of what you said. However Houston can name many big time D1 players and some NBA talent as well. And I am not so sure they wouldn't consistently hang a 100 on teams in your area...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:17pm
Replies: 35
Views: 4,356
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Mater Dei is the "Duke" of HS basketball... they...

Mater Dei is the "Duke" of HS basketball... they get all the call/no-calls! :D:D:D

Gary McKnight is not my favorite... But I did enjoy sending him home in the semi-finals of the 91 season of the...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:12pm
Replies: 18
Views: 2,628
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Let me tell you a little story about a blind...

Let me tell you a little story about a blind squirrel (insert chuck jokes here).... He was really hungry and he foraged and foraged.... days went by, weeks went by and a last he stumbled over a nut...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 11:06pm
Replies: 36
Views: 4,306
Posted By BBall_Junkie
somewhat true... but they have travelled around...

somewhat true... but they have travelled around the states and played in at least two and I think three tournaments around the country this year with many premier schools as invitees and destroyed...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 10:58pm
Replies: 36
Views: 4,306
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Basketball in Houston is extremely good and can...

Basketball in Houston is extremely good and can hang with anyplace in the country... I promise you. Yates is just that good. #1 in the nation for a very good reason.
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 11, 2010, 10:33pm
Replies: 18
Views: 2,628
Posted By BBall_Junkie
This Just In...

Knight is to critiquing officials as Stevie Wonder is to driving in NASCAR.
Forum: Basketball Tue Mar 09, 2010, 07:40am
Replies: 17
Views: 2,734
Posted By BBall_Junkie
fanboy Time!

Who cares about all of this?? The important thing is that SMC, my alma mater, throttled the hated Zags and is in the Dance. Now Sweating selection sunday and no Joe Lunardi bubble watch this week. GO...
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 04, 2010, 12:38pm
Replies: 24
Views: 3,023
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Rich...Opposite table (in this case it is the C)...

Rich...Opposite table (in this case it is the C) has the call around these parts just like the mechanics manual says.
Forum: Basketball Thu Mar 04, 2010, 12:25pm
Replies: 24
Views: 3,023
Posted By BBall_Junkie

Check out the third video down on this link (Oak Ridge vs. Cy-Woods) paying particular attention to the last play of the game. We talk about offering information to partners if we are 100% sure they...
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 03, 2010, 02:04pm
Replies: 66
Views: 6,408
Posted By BBall_Junkie
Of course they are not unimportant and I work in...

Of course they are not unimportant and I work in a major metro are for HS and all my college games have it so it is almost always available on the scoreboard. However, if its not I manage through it...
Forum: Basketball Wed Mar 03, 2010, 01:54pm
Replies: 25
Views: 2,878
Posted By BBall_Junkie
ummmmm.... why do you care? You have your...

ummmmm.... why do you care? You have your opinion they have theirs. Let it go, but my opinion is that you care what their opinion is way too much.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 374

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