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Search: Posts Made By: Gold_Spark
Forum: Baseball Sat Aug 24, 2002, 01:20pm
Replies: 7
Views: 2,087
Posted By Gold_Spark
Thanks for the input fellas . . .

I kinda got what I expected. When I saw it in the major league game I ASSUMED that it had to do with an accepted practice.

In past games . . . I've always asked the coaches to wait until the...
Forum: Baseball Thu Aug 22, 2002, 01:56am
Replies: 7
Views: 2,087
Posted By Gold_Spark
R1 with no outs and a 3-0 count on B2. The next...

R1 with no outs and a 3-0 count on B2. The next pitch is a ball. The coach of the defensive team immediately requests time as he is walking out onto the field.

You guys see where I'm coming from?...
Forum: Baseball Sun Aug 18, 2002, 08:53am
Replies: 13
Views: 3,025
Posted By Gold_Spark
I think . . .

the ball would be live because it had already passed F3 before it hit the umpire.

If I'm not mistaken, the only time the ball becomes dead is if it hits the umpire before a fielder (excluding the...
Forum: Baseball Thu Aug 15, 2002, 04:41pm
Replies: 13
Views: 3,025
Posted By Gold_Spark
Now wait . . .

If the umpire is located in position B or C and is hit by a BATTED ball . . . the play becomes dead and the batter is awarded a hit.

Is that right?
Forum: Baseball Sun Aug 04, 2002, 10:45am
Replies: 10
Views: 1,670
Posted By Gold_Spark
I'm pretty sure . . .

You got the call right. A foul ball is a foul ball. And you said it yourself . . . "Infield Fly, If Fair".

The NFHS rule book reads it pretty easy, unless there is something I'm missing.
Forum: Baseball Sat Aug 03, 2002, 10:44am
Replies: 4
Views: 1,296
Posted By Gold_Spark
It was tough . . .

So it all boils down to this mainly.

If the catcher did not have the ball when the runner moved out of baseline . . . the runner isn't out?

And if he does have the ball as the runner moves...
Forum: Baseball Sat Aug 03, 2002, 01:14am
Replies: 4
Views: 1,296
Posted By Gold_Spark
Actually . . . just a confirmation from you guys....

Actually . . . just a confirmation from you guys.

This ruling concerns a runner running 3 feet off the baseline to avoid the tag.

The situation is so. The catcher is RECEIVING (ball is in...
Forum: Baseball Sat Aug 03, 2002, 01:04am
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
lol. Fellas . . . I'm not an aspiring umpire.

I call Youth League Games to help out the league and because I love baseball. I have no hopes of succeeding higher up the ladder of "ball/strike" success. I wanted to post here because I thought it...
Forum: Baseball Fri Aug 02, 2002, 02:32pm
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
I'll apologize . . .

for my "commentary". I just came into this forum and started GIVING my opinions.

It's obvious there are a lot more "experienced" umpires posting here then me that do not really need my input.
Forum: Baseball Fri Aug 02, 2002, 02:19pm
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
And by the way . . .

Thanks for pointing out my spelling errors.

THAT really makes you look smart.
Forum: Baseball Fri Aug 02, 2002, 02:06pm
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
Your questions GarthB . . .

Were asked to set me up. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm a moron. The only COPOUT is the way you tried to stick my own words against me and failed.

The point of the matter is...
Forum: Baseball Fri Aug 02, 2002, 04:50am
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
Bottom line . . .

You call it how you see it.

1.) I call a strike, if I think it's a strike.
2.) As perfect as humanly possible.
3.) Use my bst judgement from the position I am located.
4.) Runner establishes...
Forum: Baseball Thu Aug 01, 2002, 10:26pm
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
Sorry again . . .

I think that's total crap. If you don't call the game by the rules . . . you're a hipocrite if you ever site a rule.

Unwritten rules? That's bologna regardless of how high the level of...
Forum: Baseball Thu Aug 01, 2002, 03:33pm
Replies: 34
Views: 3,841
Posted By Gold_Spark
hhhmmm . . .

I guess I'm a stickler.

If I see that the fielder doesn't touch the bag . . . I call the runner safe.

If I see that the first baseman doesn't have his foot on the bag . . . I call the runner...
Forum: Baseball Tue Jul 30, 2002, 01:36pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,608
Posted By Gold_Spark
I agree . . .

With most of what you said. Bottom line with me is . . . if I feel I'm out of position or don't have enough "information" to make a call . . . I'll ALWAYS ask my partner if he saw the play. If he...
Forum: Baseball Tue Jul 30, 2002, 01:28pm
Replies: 4
Views: 5,058
Posted By Gold_Spark
Thanks fellas . . .

I appreciate the replies. I don't have a copy of the 2002 NFHS rule/case book so I wasn't for sure if they changed this rule or not.

The reason I ask is because I am currently calling in a 15-16...
Forum: Baseball Mon Jul 29, 2002, 10:34pm
Replies: 4
Views: 5,058
Posted By Gold_Spark
I need a little help here from those individuals...

I need a little help here from those individuals with FED knowledge.

Is a head first slide illegal? And if so . . . when was this rule implemented?
Forum: Baseball Mon Jul 29, 2002, 10:32pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,608
Posted By Gold_Spark
mmmmmmm Ok . . .

My mistake Bfair. I'll bite your logic and apologize for my general advice. However, I don't totally agree with you and I believe you picked my statement apart in the wrong way.

"First of all . ....
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 09:39pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,608
Posted By Gold_Spark
That's right . . .

First of all . . . if an umpire makes a call. He should never ask for help afterwards. If he was able to see the play good enough and make a call under his own judgement, that is the end of the...
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 06:01pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,608
Posted By Gold_Spark
I don't know . . .

It is a huge pet peve of mine for umpires to call "FOUL" before the ball is actually considered foul.

The fact of the matter is . . . I think they should have considered the ball foul at that...
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 12:34pm
Replies: 16
Views: 2,840
Posted By Gold_Spark
Wouldn't it be better . . .

If you just didn't make a strike 3 or ball 4 call immediately? Let the play at second happen and then make your ruling?
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 12:18pm
Replies: 6
Views: 1,331
Posted By Gold_Spark
No . . .

That's why I feel there is really no harm in allowing them to use the opposing team's on-deck circle.
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 12:17pm
Replies: 18
Views: 2,756
Posted By Gold_Spark
I kinda agree with Pete.

In that you don't have to eject a player in order to get a message across.

However, I don't believe you should intentionally call balls strikes. That's cheating in my mind.

If I was put into...
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 12:02pm
Replies: 6
Views: 1,331
Posted By Gold_Spark

That's the direction I was leaning too, Bob. Thanks for the input.
Forum: Baseball Sat Jul 27, 2002, 07:59am
Replies: 6
Views: 1,331
Posted By Gold_Spark
Fair enough . . .

So . . . do we just not let the next batter come out of the dugout until it is his time to bat?
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