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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 04:06pm
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I don't understand what I said to get everybody all unglued anyway. My posts are my own views and opinions supported by my own knowledge and experience as an official. I think, as officials, we all get some kind of sickening enjoyment about being in debates or controversy. [/B][/QUOTE]

everything you've said and refused to say pretty much sums it up for me . you are not only expressing your own views and opinions but you're officiating using your own rules . If you do actually do any FB officiating , your nothing but a fan in stripes . This is not a good thing Derock .
And why woun't you answer the very simple and direct questions asked of you ?
I'm sure you can remember the first two if you try real hard . And you can look up the others in your rule book .
Come on Derock , you might actually learn something here . Isn't that why we come to this forum ?
  #62 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 05:58pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Let's get back to football officiating!

Hey folks,

Let's not waste so much time "one-upping" each other on who is calling who names. It's a waste of this Board.

White Hat and Shocker, why don't you guys exchange emails or better yet phone numbers and settle this thing off line. We would all sure appreciate it! Heck, I don't know how you guys work a Friday night if you can't turn a deaf ear to all of the noise! (Ha, ha)

Now, back to football officiating.
  #63 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 06:57pm
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JM youre so very right.

Shocker, Im sorry

Merry Christmas
  #64 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 08:47pm
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Originally posted by HighSchoolWhiteHat
JM youre so very right.

Shocker, Im sorry

Merry Christmas
What, no apology for me???

  #65 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 09:00pm
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You get your apology as soon as you get your memory back.
  #66 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 07:16am
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Originally posted by James Neil
And why woun't you answer the very simple and direct questions asked of you ?
I'm sure you can remember the first two if you try real hard . And you can look up the others in your rule book .
Come on Derock , you might actually learn something here . Isn't that why we come to this forum ?
Ok, here goes...
"Where was the Tournament?" In the state of Maryland.

"What's the name of your association?" Suburban Football Officials Association

"What's the all but one?" Not sure--I'll look it up when I find my rule book. If I don't know what this is after 7 years, its probably something that has little, if anything, to do with officiating a game.

"What's a loose ball play?" Is this a trick question? A live ball not in possession of a player?

"When does the clock start on a free-kick?" Clock starts when R touches the ball.

How did I do? Teach me, I don't know a football from a baseball.

Seriously fellas, I am a football official--believe it or not makes no difference to me. I am very good and well respected at what I do. You don't like my style of officiating--tough cookie--take a bite and swallow anyway.
  #67 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 08:19am
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It's not so much what you said, it was the way you said it. The attitude you have expressed here is that you're better than some, and you want to make sure they know it....

I've seen many officials with that kind of attitude on the field. They're in charge, and they'll continue to throw flags on fouls that have no bearing on the play, but they'll throw them anyway, "Because it's in the rulebook". I don't like to officiate that way.

I saw a great example of restraint several years ago.... I was watching an Arena Football game on TNN. There was a flag thrown for holding by the offense. When they showed the replay, the OLman obviously had the defender by the shirt, but the WhiteHat didn't throw his flag, until the OLman actually pulled the defender down, taking him out of the play. By rule, the flag could have been thrown as soon as the WH saw the hold, but because it had not yet influenced the play, he restrained until it did. That's the kind of officiating that is reasonable, because I think, even HSWH will admit, he could throw a flag on every play.
What is Real Football?????
  #68 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 09:26am
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I wonder if Jimmy Chick taught you that you did not need a rulebook? I doubt it. If you are one of his best than the other 99 guys must really have problems!!!!
  #69 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 10:11am
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'All but one' doesn't have a lot to do with officiating? (Big exhale) How about '3 and 1', that ring any bells? Some parts of the officiating world refer to it as that.

Maryland broken down into municipalities, or do you just describe your location anywhere in Maryland as 'Maryland'?
  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 10:20am
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Originally posted by TXMike
I wonder if Jimmy Chick taught you that you did not need a rulebook? I doubt it. If you are one of his best than the other 99 guys must really have problems!!!!
First of all, I never said I didn't need a rule book.
Second, Jimmy Chick never taught me anything.
Third, I never said I was one of "his" best.
Finally, what are you trying to do--make me the most hated official in the forum AND in my association??

Again, TXMIKE you know my style of officiating from the posts I have made. I am good and well respected at what I do. Just because you have researched and found out who the commissioner of my association is does not change my views as expressed in this forum. My posts are my views supported from my experience and rule knowledge as a youth official. I still say a lot of you have a lot to learn about using game sense!

Furthermore, I find it very unprofessional and unnecessary for you to use individuals names in this forum. I'm not sure what your intent was to use someone's name here but I will ask you to not use it again. You never know who is reading these posts and it could unfairly cast a negative image about someone. It is apparent that I am considered the worst and most unliked official here and find it unnecessary for you to link someone's name to mine. He's not here so stick to the member's who post on this forum. If I wanted you to know my name and the names of the people I work with, I would have told you that already.
  #71 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 10:33am
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Originally posted by Derock1986
I'll simply say this, youth games pay less but you can work more. I worked 20 games this past weekend at $30 per game. Each game lasted a little over an hour. I am in an association with over 100 officials. Only 6 of us were invited. Why was I invited over the others? maybe the luck of the draw--maybe someone likes my style of officiating. Who knows. But I don't feel it necessary to provide you with any further details.
Sure seems like you implied you are one of "his" best, whomever "his" is.

The only thing a ref has that should be unwavering is his honesty/integrity. A guy can be lacking in rules knowledge (as you clearly are). A guy can be lacking in physical prowress (which you must not be since you were able to do 20 games in one weekend). A guy can be lacking in decision-making skills (the jury is still out on you). But a guy cannot be dishonest.

Don't confuse legitimate criticism for "hatred." I know I don't hate you and I doubt anyone else here does. And as for your own association, if they don't know you by now there is very little they are going to learn about you here.

[Edited by TXMike on Dec 21st, 2002 at 09:37 AM]
  #72 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 11:02am
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by TXMike
Originally posted by Derock1986
Sure seems like you implied you are one of "his" best, whomever "his" is.

The only thing a ref has that should be unwavering is his honesty/integrity. A guy can be lacking in rules knowledge (as you clearly are). A guy can be lacking in physical prowress (which you must not be since you were able to do 20 games in one weekend). A guy can be lacking in decision-making skills (the jury is still out on you). But a guy cannot be dishonest.

Don't confuse legitimate criticism for "hatred." I know I don't hate you and I doubt anyone else here does. And as for your own association, if they don't know you by now there is very little they are going to learn about you here.

[Edited by TXMike on Dec 21st, 2002 at 09:37 AM]
I can't control your perceptions or misperceptions of me or my posts. What I "implied" was I was unsure why I was invited--luck of the draw or maybe someone likes my style of officiating--who knows?

Most officials here tend to believe I'm severly lacking in rule knowledge and don't even believe I'm an official. If I were a young official, that would probably bother me and make me very insecure about officiating. Because I have over 7 years of experience doing this, you could be an NFL official or even the President of the United States--your criticism of me WILL NOT alter how I call my games!!!
  #73 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 11:13am
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I'm willing to say you may be an official, if "being an official" means nothing more than:
1. You have a uniform
2. You belong to an association
3. You get paid (or volunteer) to serve as an on-field official

But I think "being an official" should be more than that. That is why I still do not believe you are "an official" under my defintion.

You clearly are young since you think that 7 years of doing something makes you an expert and not needing advice from anyone else. There are likely guys on here who have officiated longer than you have been alive and who have officiated at levels far "higher" than youth league and flag football.

Maybe Santa will bring you a little humility this year.
  #74 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 11:27am
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Originally posted by ABoselli
'All but one' doesn't have a lot to do with officiating? (Big exhale) How about '3 and 1', that ring any bells? Some parts of the officiating world refer to it as that.

Maryland broken down into municipalities, or do you just describe your location anywhere in Maryland as 'Maryland'?
Aboselli, could you please just explain what the All but one is? I already said I don't know what it is. Are you trying to further insult me by breaking it down to the most basic terms in hopes that I would have a clue? Teach me but remember, I believe I am a more senior official than you so surely there is something I can teach you as well.
  #75 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 21, 2002, 11:41am
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How about '3 and 1', that ring any bells?

Apparently not.
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