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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 08:20am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BoBo
Class 3A District 8 has the AD at Harlan assign game the last two years i know. We usually do 2 games a year over in their district.

The headache in Iowa this time around is their is a strong rumor that the state is going to do the scheduling for all games both district and nondistrict. So schools will have no say so at all.

As far as the wild day after for us officials getting dates will be a nightmare. That is one reason why i like the assignors so i am locked in ahead of time.

Selfish i know but dont miss the 6 am calls from ADs trying to find crews
I was going to say, I do remember one assignor for an 8-man district calling me a couple years ago. I thought it was odd he was the AD at one school and he was calling me about a game involving two other schools. Then it occured to me that they had district meetings and he must have drew the short straw to get the assigning job (I would have to think it was the short straw...I wouldn't want that job!). But there were other AD's who called me directly about their own games.

Does that rumor "say" that the state association will schedule all the games AND assign the officials OR they will set the dates for specific games? The way I understand it, the district meetings were set up so that the schools could talk about which dates the games were played on, provided they followed the week schedule the state set up.

In Nebraska, the last cycle got screwed up because the state's computer inadvertantly released the schedules 12 hours ahead of schedule. As a result, the schools were screaming the state association should take over the assigning of officials. The board declined, saying they didn't want to be burdened with whining from the schools when they get assigned someone they don't want.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 09:31am
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Originally Posted by Ref Ump Welsch
I'll believe that. The other 4 on my football crew do baseball, and they all already have contracts in Iowa for Summer 2008, with "promises" from the same AD's that they'll have about the same number of games in 2009. The fellas commented that it's easier to get a high school game in Iowa than in Nebraska. I would assume it's because it's a summer sport in Iowa and a spring sport in Nebraska, where it would have to compete with track and whatever else is offered in the spring.
1 of the problems is having to compete with softball. The games are usually shorter and such. Personally I can't take all the chants and cheers so I stay with baseball.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 10:35am
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Posts: 323
I was watching the Southern Cal/Pleasantville game. The crew was primarily from Sioux City and they did a real good job. You can sure tell the difference between an experienced crew willing to put in a little extra effort, and the crew that shows up each Friday night.

One crucial play towards the game winning scoring drive included a running back who was in three point stance and hiccuped a little during the signal calls. He just jerked slightly, and of course everyone saw it, but he reset, the defense didn't come offside, so the officials let it go. It's very close to simulating the start of the snap, but i've seen more people let it go, than call it. Any thoughts? What if the D sees it and comes offside? Do you blame the back?
Be like a duck: cool and calm on the surface but paddling like the devil underneath....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 01:29pm
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Junker
1 of the problems is having to compete with softball. The games are usually shorter and such. Personally I can't take all the chants and cheers so I stay with baseball.
I forgot Iowa has softball during the summer too. We don't have that problem in Nebraska. Softball is a fall sport. I guess that would explain the difficulty in finding people to work the baseball games in the summer. Also, you have to remember, Nebraska has Legion baseball in the summer, so our guys do get spread thin with that as well.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 07:21pm
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Posts: 47
I was at the Bettendorf vs. Iowa City High game working the radio broadcast (yes I'm an official and a broadcaster...strange combination I know, but at least I know the rules on the air). The Des Moines area crew that worked the game did an excellent job. I don't have their names, but I wanted to say "great job".
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 08:40pm
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Location: Indianola, Ia
Posts: 319
Being in Boone you just wonder whose eyes are in the stands. We had a pretty good game i thought. Course the sidelines may have different view points but what can you do. Seems like every play one of them is searching for something.

All in all great atomosphere, coaches were great, kids great too bad somebody had to lose.

Checkout my first scrimmage play scenario on anothe topic on the board. Blew me away.
"Call what you see and see what you call!"
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 01, 2007, 09:21pm
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 923
Originally Posted by BoBo
Class 3A District 8 has the AD at Harlan assign game the last two years i know. We usually do 2 games a year over in their district.

The headache in Iowa this time around is their is a strong rumor that the state is going to do the scheduling for all games both district and nondistrict. So schools will have no say so at all.

As far as the wild day after for us officials getting dates will be a nightmare. That is one reason why i like the assignors so i am locked in ahead of time.

Selfish i know but dont miss the 6 am calls from ADs trying to find crews
In general, Indiana doesn't do any assigning at the varsity level. It is up to crews to network with ADs to schedule games. Our crew is prett full through 2011 already, half a 2012 schedule and 1 game in 2013. I've talked to crews and schools that are booked through 2013. It's a crazy system but at least we have some control over where we work. I wonder if it would be nicer to have an assigner process (we might get an opportunity to work some more interesting schools), but I'm sure that is full of politics. The playoffs are assigned by the state on a week to week basis.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 02, 2007, 07:38am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by bisonlj
In general, Indiana doesn't do any assigning at the varsity level. It is up to crews to network with ADs to schedule games. Our crew is prett full through 2011 already, half a 2012 schedule and 1 game in 2013. I've talked to crews and schools that are booked through 2013. It's a crazy system but at least we have some control over where we work. I wonder if it would be nicer to have an assigner process (we might get an opportunity to work some more interesting schools), but I'm sure that is full of politics. The playoffs are assigned by the state on a week to week basis.
How the heck does Indiana have games scheduled that far in advance? Nebraska and Iowa don't even have the games scheduled yet for 2008 and 2009, as they handle scheduling on a 2-year basis. Even before the states took over the scheduling process, I don't think any school in Nebraska and Iowa had games scheduled 6 years in advance. If they did, it was with some out-of-state school in which special arrangements were part of the deal.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 02, 2007, 08:05am
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Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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Originally Posted by buckrog64
...One crucial play towards the game winning scoring drive included a running back who was in three point stance and hiccuped a little during the signal calls. He just jerked slightly, and of course everyone saw it, but he reset, the defense didn't come offside, so the officials let it go. It's very close to simulating the start of the snap, but i've seen more people let it go, than call it. Any thoughts? What if the D sees it and comes offside? Do you blame the back?
REPLY: The problem is not so much the defense encroaching, but rather the possibility that the defense sees it and relaxes or straightens up out of a 'ready' stance believing that a flag will be thrown. Now A snaps the ball and B is already at a disadvantage in the play. That's why I believe that this false start (that's what it is) should most definitely be called. Too many officials give the backs and WRs a pass saying that they can reset. Too much bad stuff can happen when that's permitted. And there's absolutely no rule support for allowing them to reset. Flag it and shut the play down. You won't hear an argument from either side--except for the possible "They let us reset last week."
Bob M.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 02, 2007, 12:42pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,910
Originally Posted by BoBo
Being in Boone you just wonder whose eyes are in the stands. We had a pretty good game i thought. Course the sidelines may have different view points but what can you do. Seems like every play one of them is searching for something.

All in all great atomosphere, coaches were great, kids great too bad somebody had to lose.

Checkout my first scrimmage play scenario on anothe topic on the board. Blew me away.
I know exactly what you mean. I work baseball there every year and it always leads to a little "heightened awareness" from us. Last night I worked some women's hoops at DMACC and our scorer was at the game. He said it was a great game and mentioned that the officials did a great job. Just thought I'd pass that on.
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